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Modeling TypeScript's Subtyping in OCaml

TypeScript uses structural subtyping.

In OCaml, we have row polymorphism, which is very close to structural subtyping in TypeScript. But TypeScript objects can have overloaded methods, which is impossible to represent in OCaml classes without giving them different names, and therefore will easily break the intended subtyping relations.

However, most TypeScript developers tend to use extends and implements to explicitly define subtyping relations. So in most cases, we can regard it as nominal subtyping. fable-compiler/ts2fable, which this project is inspired by, has been successful in simulating TypeScript's subtyping using F# interfaces.

Simulating nominal subtyping in OCaml

In OCaml, there are several ways to simulate nominal subtyping.


Uses OCaml classes to model JS objects.

Note that this does not try to model structural subtyping, but this actually relies on row polymorphism on methods and fields (which is very similar to structural subtyping).

class virtual foo =
    method virtual meth: float -> unit

class virtual bar =
    inherit foo
    method virtual meth': float -> float -> unit


  • Easy to use.
    • JS methods are just OCaml methods.
  • Good support for recursive types.
    class virtual foo =
        method virtual meth: float -> bar
    and virtual bar =
        inherit foo
        method virtual meth': float * float -> foo
  • Can model diamond inheritances in most cases.
    • The only exception is when a type inherits two different instantiation of the same generic type (Bar extends Foo<T>, Foo<U>).
  • Can model F-bounded polymorphism.
    • val f: (< meth: float -> unit; ..> as 'this) -> float -> 'this
  • Can cast an object to its super class with :>.


  • Overloaded methods from parent classes should be renamed.
    • It adds extra complexity when writing a tool to generate bindings.
    • You would now have to check all the methods in all the super classes.
  • Treating OCaml objects as JS objects requires special runtime support.
  • Bad editor experiences in Merlin.
    • In Merlin, if we have a value val x: bar, the x will show as having the type < meth : float -> unit; meth' : float * float -> unit >, not bar.
      • JS objects can have many methods and fields, which would make it hard to read the type.
    • In ReScript, it will show as bar.

Private Type Abbreviations

Uses private type abbreviations to inherit a type.

module Foo : sig
  type t

  val meth: t -> float -> unit

module Bar : sig
  type t = private Foo.t

  val meth: t -> float -> float -> unit


  • Good editor experiences in Merlin.
    • If we have a value val x: Bar.t, the x will show as having the type Bar.t.
  • Can cast an object to its super class with :>.
  • Overloaded methods from parent classes don't have to be renamed.
    • Because they live in a different module.
  • Does not require special runtime support.
    • Because every type is abstract.


  • Can't model diamond inheritances.
    • It's not very sure what to do when a type inherits two or more types.
  • Can't model F-bounded polymorphism.
  • A bit awkward to use.
    • You would have to write Foo.meth (x :> Foo.t) 42.0 if x has the type Bar.t.
  • Poor support for recursive types.
    • JS classes can be defined recursively, so you would have to use recursive modules to model it.
    • But recursive module signatures in OCaml doesn't support include module type of...

Cast functions

Creates cast functions to cast an object to its parent classes.

module Foo : sig
  type t

  val meth: t -> float -> unit

module Bar : sig
  type t

  val meth: t -> float -> float -> unit

  val cast_to_foo: t -> Foo.t


  • Good editor experiences in Merlin.
  • Overloaded methods from parent classes don't have to be renamed.
  • Can model diamond inheritances.
    • Even when Bar extends Foo<T>, Foo<U>.
  • Does not require special runtime support.


  • Can't cast an object to its super class with :>.
    • You would have to call cast functions to cast objects.
    • When A :> B :> C, you would have to write B.cast_to_A (C.cast_to_B c).
  • Can't model F-bounded polymorphism.
  • A bit awkward to use.
  • Poor support for recursive types.

Phantom Types with Row Polymorphism (Polymorphic Variants)

Create a wrapper type with a phantom type -'tags, then put a polymorphic variant to the -'tags.

In this way, we use row polymorphism on class names to model nominal subtyping.

type -'tags intf

module Foo : sig
  type t = [`Foo] intf

  val meth: t -> float -> unit

module Bar : sig
  type t = [`Bar | `Foo] intf

  val meth: t -> float -> float -> unit


  • Overloaded methods from parent classes don't have to be renamed.
  • Can cast an object to its super class with :>.
  • Can model diamond inheritances in most cases.
    • The only exception is when a type inherits two different instantiation of the same generic type (Bar extends Foo<T>, Foo<U>).
  • Can model F-bounded polymorphism.
    • val f: ([> `Foo] as 'this) -> float -> 'this
    • The syntax is cleaner than when using classes.
  • Does not require special runtime support.


  • Mediocre editor experiences in Merlin.
    • If we have a value val x: Bar.t, the x will show as having the type [ `Foo | `Bar ] intf.
    • Not as bad as classes; the 'tags type can be viewed as the list of classes the object inherits.
  • A bit awkward to use.
  • Poor support for recursive types.

Give up modeling subtyping relations

type obj

module Foo : sig
  type t = obj

  val meth: t -> float -> unit

module Bar : sig
  type t = obj

  val meth: t -> float -> float -> unit


  • Overloaded methods from parent classes don't have to be renamed.
  • No need to cast objects.
  • Can handle diamond inheritances.
    • Because we don't try to simulate it.
  • Can handle F-bounded polymorphism.
    • Because we don't try to simulate it.
  • Does not require special runtime support.


  • No type safety.
    • Every JS type is the same type obj.
  • Worst editor experiences in Merlin.
    • Every JS type now shows up as obj.
  • A bit awkward to use.
  • Poor support for recursive types.

Failed attempts

Here I list other approaches which ended up being failure when I'm trying to simulate nominal subtyping in OCaml.

Use include to inherit methods and property from super class

Assume we have the following input:

interface A { methA(a: number): number; }

interface B extends A { methB(a: number, b: number): number; }

interface C extends A { methC(a: number, b: number, c: number): number; }

interface D extends B, C { methD(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number; }

It seems we could beautifully model it with module inclusion (include):

module A : sig
  type t
  val methA: t -> a:float -> float

module B : sig
  type t
  include module type of A with type t := t
  val methB: t -> a:float -> b:float -> float

module C : sig
  type t
  include module type of A with type t := t
  val methC: t -> a:float -> b:float -> c:float -> float

module D : sig
  type t
  include module type of B with type t := t
  include module type of C with type t := t
  val methD: t -> a:float -> b:float -> c:float -> d:float -> float

But this approach starts to fall apart once we encounter a bit more complex cases.

Can't include mutually-recursive module

Consider A has some method which takes B as an argument.

interface A {
  methA(a: number): number;
  doSomethingWithB(b: B): unit;

interface B extends A {
  methB(a: number, b: number): number;

Then we would have to define A and B as mutually recursive modules.

module rec A : sig
  type t
  val methA: t -> a:float -> float
  val doSomethingWithB: t -> b:B.t -> unit

and B : sig
  type t
  include module type of A with type t := t
  val methB: t -> a:float -> b:float -> float

But this does not compile: it fails with Illegal recursive module reference error. OCaml's module system simply don't support this.

We could remove the recursion by moving the types to the outside of its modules, but then with type t := t does not work anymore:

type _A
type _B

module A : sig
  type t = _A
  val methA: t -> a:float -> float
  val doSomethingWithB: t -> b:_B -> unit

module B : sig
  type t = _B
  include module type of A with type t := t
  val methB: t -> a:float -> b:float -> float

This now fails with a different error:

In this `with' constraint, the new definition of t
does not match its original definition in the constrained signature:
Type declarations do not match: type t = _B is not included in type t = A.t

Functions from the parent class with the same name are problematic

In the above example, each interface (conveniently) has a distinct name. But this is not the case in real-world examples.

If they share the same name meth, the above example now looks like this:

module A : sig
  type t
  val meth: t -> a:float -> float

module B : sig
  type t
  include module type of A with type t := t
  val meth: t -> a:float -> b:float -> float

Here, in the module B, the meth from A is hidden by B's own meth.

What we have to do here is

  1. List all the methods from the parent classes A, then
  2. If there are any name collisions, rename the one from the child class B (in this case, to meth').

But this means we are always forced to have the complete list of methods of the child class.

So using include module type does not make the implementation any easier than just dumping everything to B like this:

module A : sig
  type t
  val meth: t -> a:float -> float

module B : sig
  type t
  val meth: t -> a:float -> float
  val meth': t -> a:float -> b:float -> float

Can't include the parent class if it has fewer type parameter than the child

Suppose B has a type parameter T:

interface B<T> extends A {
  methB(a: number, b: number): T;

We would want to translate it to something like this:

module B : sig
  type 'T t
  include module type of A with type t := 'T t
  val methB: 'T t -> a:float -> b:float -> 'T

But this fails with the error The type variable 'T is unbound in this type declaration. You can't introduce a new type variable in a destructive substitutions (with .. := ..).

Yes, first-class module supports introducing additional type parameters:

module type A_Type = sig
  type t
  val methA: t -> a:float -> float

module B : sig
  type 'T t
  type 'T b = (module A with type t = 'T t)

Then 'T b is the type of the first-class module. But it has several problems:

  1. first-class modules in JS require special runtime support,
  2. it's difficult to inherit multiple classes into a single 'T b,
  3. it's also difficult to add B's own methods to 'T b, and
  4. we can't extract the module type back from 'T b, so we can't inherit B by include anymore.

The only real workaround

The root of these problems is, in fact, that we have a distinct type t for each type A .. D, and so we have to do with type t := t to replace them.

So the only workaround for this to work is making everything untyped:

type obj

module A : sig
  val methA: obj -> a:float -> float
  val doSomethingWithB: obj -> b:obj -> unit

module B : sig
  include module type of A
  val methB: obj -> a:float -> b:float -> float

However, I think being able to use include for shorter and cleaner output does not really justify losing the type safety entirely...