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File metadata and controls

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PnP Controls

This guide demonstrates how to use PnP reusable controls, property pane controls and PnPJS library on SPFx solutions. It was created for demonstration purposes only. If creating a solution to be used on production, you need to also account for other scenarios (like using data services and mock data, tests, error handling, etc)

Before the demo

Ensure you start from the "start" folder under the PnP Controls directory.

The start folder already contains a React web part with the required additional modules installed

  • PnPJS
  • PnP reusable controls
  • PnP reusable property-pane controls

All you have to do is run "npm install" to install the required node modules.

Steps if starting from an empty project

  1. Install PnPJS
npm install @pnp/logging @pnp/common @pnp/odata @pnp/sp @pnp/graph --save

Import library and setup on web part init (as per PnPJS documentation)

  1. Install PnP reusable controls
npm install @pnp/spfx-controls-react --save --save-exact
  1. Install PnP reusable property-pane controls
npm install @pnp/spfx-property-controls --save --save-exact


Start by checking the imported references to property pane controls and PnPJS into your web part

// PnP imports
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import { PropertyFieldListPicker, PropertyFieldListPickerOrderBy } from '@pnp/spfx-property-controls/lib/PropertyFieldListPicker';
import { PropertyFieldTermPicker, IPickerTerms } from '@pnp/spfx-property-controls/lib/PropertyFieldTermPicker';

Next, check that the web part properties include the options we need

  • the web part title
  • a reference to the source list
  • a reference to the selected term
export interface IPnPControlsWebPartProps {
  title: string;
  list: string;
  term: IPickerTerms;

Check that the React component properties include

  • a reference to the web part context
  • a reference to the web part display mode
  • properties to handle the title update
  • a reference to the source list
  • a reference to the selected term
import { WebPartContext } from "@microsoft/sp-webpart-base";
import { DisplayMode } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';
import { IPickerTerms } from "@pnp/spfx-property-controls/lib/PropertyFieldTermPicker";

export interface IPnPControlsProps {
  context: WebPartContext;
  displayMode: DisplayMode;
  title: string;
  updateTitle: (value: string) => void;
  list: string;
  term: IPickerTerms;

And finally, check that web part render function passes the correct properties to the React component

context: this.context,
displayMode: this.displayMode,
updateTitle: (value: string) => { = value;

Update property pane fields to include a list and term picker. Test the web part and validate that the property values are logged to the browser console

PropertyFieldListPicker('list', {
  label: 'Select a list',
  includeHidden: false,
  orderBy: PropertyFieldListPickerOrderBy.Title,
  disabled: false,
  baseTemplate: 101, // filtering for document libraries
  onPropertyChange: this.onPropertyPaneFieldChanged.bind(this),
  context: this.context,
  onGetErrorMessage: null,
  deferredValidationTime: 0,
  key: 'listPickerFieldId'
PropertyFieldTermPicker('term', {
  label: 'Select a term',
  panelTitle: 'Select a term',
  allowMultipleSelections: false,
  excludeSystemGroup: false,
  limitByTermsetNameOrID: "Department",
  onPropertyChange: this.onPropertyPaneFieldChanged.bind(this),
  context: this.context,
  onGetErrorMessage: null,
  deferredValidationTime: 0,
  key: 'termSetsPickerFieldId'

Check the required import statements in the React component

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import { Placeholder } from '@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/Placeholder';
import { WebPartTitle } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/WebPartTitle";
import { ListView, IViewField } from '@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/ListView';

Check the interface with an items property to be used as the state interface For simplicity, it can be created next to the properties interface

export interface IPnPControlsState {
  items?: any[];
  noItemsPlaceholder?: boolean;

Check that the new interface is imported and added to our class declaration

import { IPnPControlsProps, IPnPControlsState } from './IPnPControlsProps';

export default class PnPControls extends React.Component<IPnPControlsProps, IPnPControlsState> {

Check that the class constructor is used to set the initial state

constructor(props: IPnPControlsProps) {

  this.state = {
    items: [],
    noItemsPlaceholder: false

Update render method to return the Placeholder if no list is selected (Add the code below as the first block of the render function and keep the existing code below)

if (this.props.list === null || this.props.list === "" || this.props.list === undefined) {
  return (
      iconText="Configure your web part"
      description="Please configure the web part."
      onConfigure={this._onConfigure.bind(this)} />

Implement _configureWebPart function to open the web part property pane and test the changes

private _onConfigure() {;

Next, add a function to retrieve list items using PnPJS The function should also filter items by the selected term

private async _getItems() {
  let select = '*';
  let expand = 'File';
  let filter = '';

  // filter by selected term if required
  if (this.props.term !== undefined && this.props.term !== null && this.props.term.length > 0) {
    const term = this.props.term[0];

    select = `${select},TaxCatchAll/Term`;
    expand = `${expand},TaxCatchAll`;
    filter = `TaxCatchAll/Term eq '${}'`;

  const items = await sp.web.lists.getById(this.props.list).items

  // update state
    items: items ? items : [],
    noItemsPlaceholder: items.length === 0
  console.log('List Items:', this.state.items);

Call the _getItems function during the React component lifecycle and test the changes

public componentDidMount() {
  if (this.props.list !== null && this.props.list !== "" && this.props.list !== undefined) {

public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IPnPControlsProps, prevState: IPnPControlsState) {
  if (this.props.list !== prevProps.list || this.props.term !== prevProps.term) {
    if (this.props.list !== null && this.props.list !== "" && this.props.list !== undefined) {

Add the WebPartTitle component to the main block of the render method (replace default content generated by default)

  updateProperty={this.props.updateTitle} />

Next we are going to display the items as a list. Create an object that uses the IViewField[] interface. This object will define the columns to be rendered.

private _viewFields: IViewField[] = [
    name: "Id",
    displayName: "ID",
    maxWidth: 25,
    minWidth: 25,
    sorting: true
    name: "File.Name",
    linkPropertyName: "File.ServerRelativeUrl",
    displayName: "Name",
    sorting: true

Add the ListView to the render method. We are also dynamically displaying a different Placeholder for when no items are available.

Replace the render function as below

public render(): React.ReactElement<IPnPControlsProps> {
  if (this.props.list === null || this.props.list === "" || this.props.list === undefined) {
    return (
        iconText="Configure your web part"
        description="Please configure the web part."
        onConfigure={this._onConfigure.bind(this)} />
  return (
    this.state.noItemsPlaceholder ?
          iconText="No items found"
          description="No items to display" />
      ) : (
          <WebPartTitle displayMode={this.props.displayMode}
            updateProperty={this.props.updateTitle} />
          <ListView items={this.state.items}
            iconFieldName="File.ServerRelativeUrl" />

Finally, add a new function to log the List items selected by the user

private _getSelection(items: any[]) {
  console.log('Selected List items:', items);