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The quality/ability/extent of being provable.

Provability is a system quality attribute that refers to the ability of a system to provide evidence or proof that certain properties or behaviors hold or do not hold within the system. This attribute is closely related to other quality attributes such as correctness, reliability, and security.

As a non-functional requirement, provability specifies that the system must be able to demonstrate its correctness or accuracy in terms of its functionality, data processing, or algorithmic behavior. This requirement often involves the use of formal verification techniques, testing methodologies, or statistical analysis to provide evidence of the system's correctness.

As a cross-functional constraint, provability affects multiple aspects of the system development process, from design to implementation to testing and maintenance. It requires collaboration between different stakeholders, such as developers, testers, and auditors, to establish and verify the system's properties and assumptions.

Define provable: Provable in the context of computers and software refers to being able to demonstrate or verify that a program or system will perform as intended under specified conditions, using mathematical principles and formal methods of analysis. This involves using rigorous mathematical techniques to establish the correctness and reliability of software systems, ensuring that they meet specific functional requirements and behave predictably under all circumstances. Provable software is critical for safety-critical systems, such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and military applications, as well as for ensuring data privacy and security in various domains.

See Also

  • Wikipedia: provability

  • Dictionary: prove: Prove. to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument. to subject to a test, experiment, comparison, analysis, or the like, to determine quality, amount, acceptability, characteristics, etc.