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File metadata and controls

158 lines (88 loc) · 2.77 KB

Contribute to npshell

List of commands, configuration and other usage of np.


np daemon [--stop]

Play sounds in queue as soon as there are any.

  • --stop
    • Stop daemon playback.


# Start the daemon, let it run in the background.
# Could be done at system startup.
np daemon &

np, np now.

Shows the sound currently playing, or first in queue if the player isn't started.

np list

See sounds currently in the queue.

np next

Advance to the next sound in the queue.

np add [limit] [order] [path ...]

Add some sounds to the queue.

  • Limit

    • Default is 3.
    • You can also use "all".
  • Order

    • Default is "shuffle".
  • You can also use "in-order".

  • Path

    • Default is $PWD.
    • You can use paths
      • to sounds
      • to folders
      • or "-" to read null-delimited paths from stdin.


# Add the default number of shuffled sounds from the current folder.
np add

# Add a single sound to the queue.
np add path/to/sound.mp3

# Add 25 shuffled sounds from the current folder.
np add 25

# Add the first 2 sounds from the current folder.
np add 2 in-order

# Add shuffled sounds from a folder, hierarchically.
np add path/to/folder/with/sounds/

# Add an album.
np add all in-order "Jazz/My Favorite Album/"

# Add sounds by null-delimited paths from stdin.
find . -iname '*best of*.mp3' -print0 | np add -

# Add 10 shuffled sounds from the combined list of a single sound, stdin and a folder.
find . -iname '*best of*.mp3' -print0 | np add 10 path/to/sound.mp3 - path/to/folder/with/sounds/

More commands

np start [limit]

Start consuming queue by playing back in the current terminal.

  • Limit
    • Default is -1, meaning no limit.

np clear

Empty the queue.

np clean

Remove non-existant files from queue.

np history

Show the 999 most recently played sounds.

np index [--force|--clean[ --recursive]]

Create a file with a cached list of all sounds in the current folder, including subfolders.

  • --force
    • Recreate the index file even if it already exists.
  • --clean
    • Remove index files.
  • --recursive
    • Perform the action in subfolders.

np doctor

Display configuration, runtime and status values.


Settings are read from ~/.np/ The format is one setting=value per line.


  • Default is 3.
  • Set the number of sounds np add adds unless overridden.


  • Default is "shuffle".
  • The order np add adds files in.
  • Can also be "in-order".


  • Default is "false".
  • Enable debug output.


  • Default is "true".
  • Automatically generate index files per folder sounds are loaded from. See np index.