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joelpx edited this page Nov 27, 2016 · 6 revisions

Python API

WARNING: the API should be changed in the future.

The variable api is accessible from the python interactive console.

$ plasma -i tests/server.bin
>> py

You can also run scripts with the command py.

Save this script to :

ep = api.entry_point()
print("analyze entry point:", api.get_symbol(ep))

ad = api.get_addr_from_symbol("main")

for x in api.xrefsto(ad):
    print("xref to main(0x%x):" % ad, hex(x))

insn = api.disasm(ad)
print("first instruction of main:", insn.mnemonic, insn.op_str)

Now run the script. Note: here we don't run the auto-analyzer with the option -na just to test the function api.set_code.

$ plasma -i -na tests/server.bin
>> py
analyze entry point: _start
xref to main(0x4009c6): 0x4008ed
first instruction of main: push rbp