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Stand-alone example

In this section, an event sourced application is developed that has minimal dependencies on the library.

A stand-alone domain model is developed without library classes, which shows how event sourcing in Python can work. The stand-alone code examples here are simplified versions of the library classes. Infrastructure classes from the library are used explicitly to show the different components involved, so you can understand how to make variations.

Let's start with the domain model. If the state of an event sourced application is determined by a sequence of events, then we need to define some events.

You may wish to use a technique such as "event storming" to identify or decide what happens in your domain. In this example, for the sake of general familiarity let's assume we have a domain in which things can be "created", "changed", and "discarded". With that in mind, we can begin to write some domain event classes.

In the example below, there are three domain event classes: Created, AttributeChanged, and Discarded. The common aspects of the domain event classes have been pulled up to a layer supertype DomainEvent.

import time

class DomainEvent(object):
    Supertype for domain event objects.
    def __init__(self, originator_id, originator_version, **kwargs):
        self.originator_id = originator_id
        self.originator_version = originator_version

class Created(DomainEvent):
    Published when an entity is created.
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Created, self).__init__(originator_version=0, **kwargs)

class AttributeChanged(DomainEvent):
    Published when an attribute value is changed.
    def __init__(self, name, value, **kwargs):
        super(AttributeChanged, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
        self.value = value

class Discarded(DomainEvent):
    Published when an entity is discarded.

Please note, the domain event classes above do not depend on the library. The library does however contain a collection of different kinds of domain event classes that you can use in your models, for example see :class:``, :class:``, and :class:``.

Since we are dealing with events, let's define a simple publish-subscribe mechanism for them.

subscribers = []

def publish(event):
    for subscriber in subscribers:

def subscribe(subscriber):

def unsubscribe(subscriber):

Now, let's define a domain entity that publishes the event classes defined above.

The entity class Example below has an ID and a version number. It also has a property foo with a "setter" method, and a method __discard__() to use when the entity is no longer needed.

The entity methods follow a similar pattern. At some point, each constructs an event that represents the result of the operation. Then each uses a "mutator function" mutate() (see below) to apply the event to the entity. Finally, each publishes the event for the benefit of any subscribers, by using the function publish().

import uuid

class Example(object):
    Example domain entity.
    def __init__(self, originator_id, originator_version=0, foo=''):
        self._id = originator_id
        self.___version__ = originator_version
        self._is_discarded = False
        self._foo = foo

    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def __version__(self):
        return self.___version__

    def foo(self):
        return self._foo

    def foo(self, value):
        assert not self._is_discarded

        # Construct an 'AttributeChanged' event object.
        event = AttributeChanged(

        # Apply the event to self.
        mutate(self, event)

        # Publish the event for others.

    def discard(self):
        assert not self._is_discarded

        # Construct a 'Discarded' event object.
        event = Discarded(

        # Apply the event to self.
        mutate(self, event)

        # Publish the event for others.

A factory can be used to create new "example" entities. The function create_new_example() below works in a similar way to the entity methods, creating new entities by firstly constructing a Created event, then using the function mutate() (see below) to construct the entity object, and finally publishing the event for others before returning the new entity object to the caller.

def create_new_example(foo):
    Factory for Example entities.
    # Construct an entity ID.
    entity_id = uuid.uuid4()

    # Construct a 'Created' event object.
    event = Created(

    # Use the mutator function to construct the entity object.
    entity = mutate(None, event)

    # Publish the event for others.

    # Return the new entity.
    return entity

The example entity class does not depend on the library. In particular, it doesn't inherit from a "magical" entity base class that makes everything work. The example here just publishes events that it has applied to itself. The library does however contain domain entity classes that you can use to build your domain model, for example the class :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate.AggregateRoot`. The library classes are more developed than the examples here.

The mutator function mutate() below handles Created events by constructing an object. It handles AttributeChanged events by setting an attribute value, and it handles Discarded events by marking the entity as discarded. Each handler increases the version of the entity, so that the version of the entity is always one plus the the originator version of the last event that was applied.

When replaying a sequence of events, for example when reconstructing an entity from its domain events, the mutator function is called many times in order to apply each event in the sequence to an evolving initial state.

def mutate(entity, event):
    Mutator function for Example entities.
    # Handle "created" events by constructing the entity object.
    if isinstance(event, Created):
        entity = Example(**event.__dict__)
        entity.___version__ += 1
        return entity

    # Handle "value changed" events by setting the named value.
    elif isinstance(event, AttributeChanged):
        assert not entity._is_discarded
        setattr(entity, '_' +, event.value)
        entity.___version__ += 1
        return entity

    # Handle "discarded" events by returning 'None'.
    elif isinstance(event, Discarded):
        assert not entity._is_discarded
        entity.___version__ += 1
        entity._is_discarded = True
        return None
        raise NotImplementedError(type(event))

For the sake of simplicity in this example, an if-else block is used to structure the mutator function. The library has a function decorator :func:`~eventsourcing.domain.model.decorators.mutator` that allows a default mutator function to register handlers for different types of event, much like singledispatch.

Let's firstly subscribe to receive the events that will be published, so we can see what happened.

# A list of received events.
received_events = []

# Subscribe to receive published events.
subscribe(lambda e: received_events.append(e))

With this stand-alone code, we can create a new example entity object. We can update its property foo, and we can discard the entity using the discard() method.

# Create a new entity using the factory.
entity = create_new_example(foo='bar')

# Check the entity has an ID.

# Check the entity has a version number.
assert entity.__version__ == 1

# Check the received events.
assert len(received_events) == 1, received_events
assert isinstance(received_events[0], Created)
assert received_events[0].originator_id ==
assert received_events[0].originator_version == 0
assert received_events[0].foo == 'bar'

# Check the value of property 'foo'.
assert == 'bar'

# Update property 'foo'. = 'baz'

# Check the new value of 'foo'.
assert == 'baz'

# Check the version number has increased.
assert entity.__version__ == 2

# Check the received events.
assert len(received_events) == 2, received_events
assert isinstance(received_events[1], AttributeChanged)
assert received_events[1].originator_version == 1
assert received_events[1].name == 'foo'
assert received_events[1].value == 'baz'

Since the application state is determined by a sequence of events, the application must somehow be able both to persist the events, and then recover the entities.

Please note, storing and replaying events to persist and to reconstruct the state of an application is the primary capability of this library. The domain and application and interface capabilities are offered as a supplement to the infrastructural capabilities, and have been added to the library partly as a way of shaping and validating the infrastructure, partly to demonstrate how the core capabilities may be applied, but also as a convenient way of reusing foundational code so that attention can remain on the problem domain (framework).

To run the code in this section, please install the library with the 'sqlalchemy' option.

$ pip install eventsourcing[sqlalchemy]

Let's start by setting up a simple database table that can store sequences of items. We can use SQLAlchemy directly to define a database table that stores items in sequences, with a single identity for each sequence, and with each item positioned in its sequence by an integer index number.

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column, Sequence, Index
from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import BigInteger, Integer, String, Text
from sqlalchemy_utils import UUIDType

Base = declarative_base()

class IntegerSequencedRecord(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'integer_sequenced_items'

    id = Column(BigInteger().with_variant(Integer, "sqlite"), primary_key=True)

    # Sequence ID (e.g. an entity or aggregate ID).
    sequence_id = Column(UUIDType(), nullable=False)

    # Position (index) of item in sequence.
    position = Column(BigInteger(), nullable=False)

    # Topic of the item (e.g. path to domain event class).
    topic = Column(String(255))

    # State of the item (serialized dict, possibly encrypted).
    state = Column(Text())

    __table_args__ = Index('index', 'sequence_id', 'position', unique=True),

The library has a class :class:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.models.IntegerSequencedRecord` which is very similar to the above.

Next, create the database table. For convenience, the SQLAlchemy objects can be adapted with the class :class:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.datastore.SQLAlchemyDatastore`, which provides a simple interface for the two operations we require: setup_connection() and setup_tables().

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.datastore import SQLAlchemySettings, SQLAlchemyDatastore

datastore = SQLAlchemyDatastore(


As you can see from the uri argument above, this example is using SQLite to manage an in memory relational database. You can change uri to any valid connection string. Here are some example connection strings: for an SQLite file; for a PostgreSQL database; and for a MySQL database. See SQLAlchemy's create_engine() documentation for details. You may need to install drivers for your database management system.




To support different kinds of sequences in the domain model, and to allow for different database schemas, the library has an event store class :class:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventstore.EventStore` that uses a "sequenced item mapper" for mapping domain events to "sequenced items" - this library's archetype persistence model for storing events. The sequenced item mapper derives the values of sequenced item fields from the attributes of domain events.

The event store then uses a record manager to persist the sequenced items into a particular database management system. The record manager uses an record class to manipulate records in a particular database table.

Hence you can use a different database table by substituting an alternative record class. You can use a different database management system by substituting an alternative record manager.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventstore import EventStore
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sqlalchemy.manager import SQLAlchemyRecordManager
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequenceditemmapper import SequencedItemMapper

record_manager = SQLAlchemyRecordManager(

sequenced_item_mapper = SequencedItemMapper(

event_store = EventStore(

In the code above, the sequence_id_attr_name value given to the sequenced item mapper is the name of the domain events attribute that will be used as the ID of the mapped sequenced item, The position_attr_name argument informs the sequenced item mapper which event attribute should be used to position the item in the sequence. The values originator_id and originator_version correspond to attributes of the domain event classes we defined in the domain model section above.

It is common to retrieve entities from a repository. An event sourced repository for the example entity class can be constructed directly using library class :class:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository.EventSourcedRepository`.

In this example, the repository is given an event store object. The repository is also given the mutator function mutate() defined above.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository

example_repository = EventSourcedRepository(

Now, let's firstly write the events we received earlier into the event store.

# Put each received event into the event store.
for event in received_events:

# Check the events exist in the event store.
stored_events = event_store.get_domain_events(
assert len(stored_events) == 2, (received_events, stored_events)

The entity can now be retrieved from the repository, using its dictionary-like interface.

retrieved_entity = example_repository[]
assert == 'baz'

Remember that we can always get the sequenced items directly from the record manager. A sequenced item is tuple containing a serialised representation of the domain event. The library class :class:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequenceditem.SequencedItem` is a Python namedtuple with four fields: sequence_id, position, topic, and state.

In this example, an event's originator_id attribute is mapped to the sequence_id field, and the event's originator_version attribute is mapped to the position field. The topic field of a sequenced item is used to identify the event class, and the state field represents the state of the event (normally a JSON string).

sequenced_items = event_store.record_manager.list_items(

assert len(sequenced_items) == 2

assert sequenced_items[0].sequence_id ==
assert sequenced_items[0].position == 0
assert 'Created' in sequenced_items[0].topic
assert 'bar' in sequenced_items[0].state

assert sequenced_items[1].sequence_id ==
assert sequenced_items[1].position == 1
assert 'AttributeChanged' in sequenced_items[1].topic
assert 'baz' in sequenced_items[1].state

Although we can do everything at the module level, an application object brings it all together. In the example below, the class ExampleApplication has an event store, and an entity repository. The application also has a persistence policy.

The persistence policy below subscribes to receive events whenever they are published. It uses an event store to store events whenever they are received.

class PersistencePolicy(object):
    def __init__(self, event_store):
        self.event_store = event_store

    def close(self):

    def store_event(self, event):

A slightly more developed class :class:`~eventsourcing.application.policies.PersistencePolicy` is included in the library.

As a convenience, it is useful to make the application function as a Python context manager, so that the application can close the persistence policy, and unsubscribe from receiving further domain events.

class ExampleApplication(object):
    def __init__(self, session):
        # Construct event store.
        self.event_store = EventStore(
        # Construct persistence policy.
        self.persistence_policy = PersistencePolicy(
        # Construct example repository.
        self.example_repository = EventSourcedRepository(

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

A more developed class :class:`~eventsourcing.example.application.ExampleApplication` can be found in the library. It is used in later sections of this guide.

With the application object, we can create more example entities and expect they will be available immediately in the repository.

Please note, an entity that has been discarded by using its discard() method cannot subsequently be retrieved from the repository using its ID. In particular, the repository's dictionary-like interface will raise a Python KeyError exception instead of returning an entity.

with ExampleApplication(datastore.session) as app:

    # Create a new entity.
    example = create_new_example(foo='bar')

    # Read.
    assert in app.example_repository
    assert app.example_repository[].foo == 'bar'

    # Update. = 'baz'
    assert app.example_repository[].foo == 'baz'

    # Delete.
    assert not in app.example_repository