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Application layer

This section discusses how an :doc:`event-sourced domain model </topics/domainmodel>` can be combined with :doc:`library infrastructure </topics/infrastructure>` to make an event sourced application. The normal layered architecture of an enterprise application is followed: an application layer supports an interface layer and depends on both a :doc:`domain layer </topics/domainmodel>` and an :doc:`infrastructure layer </topics/infrastructure>`.

In this library, an application object has an event store which encapsulates infrastructure required to store the state of an application as a sequence of domain events. An application also has a persistence subscriber, a repository, and a notification log. The event store is used by the repository and notification log to retrieve events, and by the persistence subscriber to store events.

The state of an application is partitioned across a set of event-sourced "aggregates" (domain entities). Each aggregate has a unique ID, and the state of an aggregate is determined by a sequence of domain events. Aggregates implement commands which trigger domain events that mutate the state of their aggregate by augmenting the aggregate's sequence of events. The repository of an application allows individual aggregates of the application to be retrieved by ID, optionally at a particular version.

An application object can have methods ("application services") which provide a relatively simple interface for client operations, hiding the complexity and usage of the application's domain and infrastructure layers.

Application services can be developed outside-in, with a test- or behaviour-driven development approach. A test suite can be imagined as an interface that uses the application. Interfaces are outside the scope of the application layer.

To run the examples below, please install the library with the 'sqlalchemy' option.

$ pip install eventsourcing[sqlalchemy]

The library provides an abstract base class for applications called :class:`~eventsourcing.application.simple.SimpleApplication`. This application class is independent of infrastructure, and as such can be used to define applications independently of infrastructure, but also can't be constructed directly.

For that reason, the example below uses a subclass that depends on SQLAlchemy. The base class is extended by :class:`~eventsourcing.application.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyApplication` which uses SQLAlchemy to store and retrieve domain event records.

The SQLAlchemy application class has a uri constructor argument, which is an (SQLAlchemy-style) database connection string. The example below uses SQLite with an in-memory database (which is also the default). You can use any valid connection string.

uri = 'sqlite:///:memory:'

Here are some example connection strings: for an SQLite file; for a PostgreSQL database; or for a MySQL database. See SQLAlchemy's create_engine() documentation for details. You may need to install drivers for your database management system (such as psycopg2 for PostreSQL or pymysql or even mysql-connector-python-rf for MySQL).

# SQLite with a file on disk.

# PostgreSQL with psycopg2.

# MySQL with pymysql.

# MySQL with mysql-connector-python-rf.

In case you were wondering, the uri value is used to construct an SQLAlchemy thread-scoped session facade.

Instead of providing a uri value, an already existing SQLAlchemy session can be passed in, using constructor argument session. For example, a session object provided by a framework integrations such as Flask-SQLAlchemy could be passed to the application object.

Encryption is optionally enabled in :class:`~eventsourcing.application.simple.SimpleApplication` with a suitable AES key (16, 24, or 32 random bytes encoded as Base64).

from eventsourcing.utils.random import encoded_random_bytes

# Keep this safe (random bytes encoded with Base64).
cipher_key = encoded_random_bytes(num_bytes=32)

These values can be given to the application object as constructor arguments uri and cipher_key. The persist_event_type value determines which types of domain event will be persisted by the application. So that different applications can be constructed in the same process, the default value of persist_event_type is None.

from eventsourcing.application.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyApplication
from eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate import AggregateRoot

application = SQLAlchemyApplication(

Alternatively, the uri value can be set as environment variable DB_URI, and the cipher_key value can be set as environment variable CIPHER_KEY.

Once constructed, the application object has an event store, provided by the library's :class:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventstore.EventStore` class.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventstore import EventStore

assert isinstance(application.event_store, EventStore)

The application has a persistence policy, an instance of the library class :class:`~eventsourcing.application.policies.PersistencePolicy`. The persistence policy uses the event store.

from eventsourcing.application.policies import PersistencePolicy

assert isinstance(application.persistence_policy, PersistencePolicy)

The persistence policy will only persist particular types of domain events. The application class attribute persist_event_type is used to define which classes of domain events will be persisted by the application's persistence policy.

The application also has a repository, an instance of the library class :class:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository.EventSourcedRepository`. The repository is generic, and can retrieve all aggregates in an application, regardless of their class. That is, there aren't different repositories for different types of aggregate in this application. The repository also uses the event store.

from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository

assert isinstance(application.repository, EventSourcedRepository)

The library class :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate.AggregateRoot` can be used directly to create a new aggregate object that is available in the application's repository.

obj = AggregateRoot.__create__()
obj.__change_attribute__(name='a', value=1)
assert obj.a == 1

# Check the repository has the latest values.
copy = application.repository[]
assert copy.a == 1

# Check the aggregate can be discarded.
assert not in application.repository

# Check optimistic concurrency control is working ok.
from eventsourcing.exceptions import ConcurrencyError
    obj.__change_attribute__(name='a', value=2)
except ConcurrencyError:
    raise Exception("Shouldn't get here")

Because of the unique constraint on the sequenced item table, it isn't possible to branch the evolution of an entity and store two events at the same version. Hence, if the entity you are working on has been updated elsewhere, an attempt to update your object will cause a ConcurrencyError exception to be raised.

Concurrency errors can be avoided if all commands for a single aggregate are executed in series, for example by treating each aggregate as an actor, within an actor framework.

The :class:`~eventsourcing.application.simple.SimpleApplication` has a notification_log attribute, which can be used to follow the application events as a single sequence.

# Follow application event notifications.
from eventsourcing.application.notificationlog import NotificationLogReader
reader = NotificationLogReader(application.notification_log)
notification_ids = [n['id'] for n in]
assert notification_ids == [1, 2, 3], notification_ids

# - create two more aggregates
obj = AggregateRoot.__create__()

obj = AggregateRoot.__create__()

# - get the new event notifications from the reader
notification_ids = [n['id'] for n in]
assert notification_ids == [4, 5], notification_ids

Firstly, a custom aggregate root class called CustomAggregate is defined below. It extends the library's :class:`~eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate.AggregateRoot` entity with event-sourced attribute a.

from eventsourcing.domain.model.decorators import attribute

class CustomAggregate(AggregateRoot):
    def __init__(self, a, **kwargs):
        super(CustomAggregate, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._a = a

    def a(self):
        """Mutable attribute a."""

For more sophisticated domain models, please read about the custom entities, commands, and domain events that can be developed using classes from the library's :doc:`domain model layer </topics/domainmodel>`.

The example below shows a custom application class MyApplication that extends :class:`~eventsourcing.application.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyApplication` with application service create_aggregate() that can create new CustomAggregate entities.

The persist_event_type value can be set as a class attribute.

from eventsourcing.application.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyApplication

class MyApplication(SQLAlchemyApplication):
    persist_event_type = AggregateRoot.Event

    def create_aggregate(self, a):
        return CustomAggregate.__create__(a=1)

The custom application object can be constructed.

# Construct application object.
application = MyApplication(uri='sqlite:///:memory:')

The application service aggregate factor method create_aggregate() can be called.

# Create aggregate using application service, and save it.
aggregate = application.create_aggregate(a=1)

Existing aggregates can be retrieved by ID using the repository's dictionary-like interface.

# Aggregate is in the repository.
assert in application.repository

# Get aggregate using dictionary-like interface.
aggregate = application.repository[]

assert aggregate.a == 1

Changes to the aggregate's attribute a are visible in the repository once pending events have been published.

# Change attribute value.
aggregate.a = 2
aggregate.a = 3

# Don't forget to save!

# Retrieve again from repository.
aggregate = application.repository[]

# Check attribute has new value.
assert aggregate.a == 3

The aggregate can be discarded. After being saved, a discarded aggregate will no longer be available in the repository.

# Discard the aggregate.

# Check discarded aggregate no longer exists in repository.
assert not in application.repository

Attempts to retrieve an aggregate that does not exist will cause a KeyError to be raised.

# Fail to get aggregate from dictionary-like interface.
except KeyError:
    raise Exception("Shouldn't get here")

You can list the domain events of an aggregate by using the method :func:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.base.AbstractEventStore.list_events` of the event store of the application.

events = application.event_store.list_events(
assert len(events) == 4

assert events[0].originator_id ==
assert isinstance(events[0], CustomAggregate.Created)
assert events[0].a == 1

assert events[1].originator_id ==
assert isinstance(events[1], CustomAggregate.AttributeChanged)
assert events[1].name == '_a'
assert events[1].value == 2

assert events[2].originator_id ==
assert isinstance(events[2], CustomAggregate.AttributeChanged)
assert events[2].name == '_a'
assert events[2].value == 3

assert events[3].originator_id ==
assert isinstance(events[3], CustomAggregate.Discarded)

It is also possible to get the sequenced item namedtuples for an aggregate, by using the method :func:`~eventsourcing.infrastructure.base.AbstractRecordManager.get_items` of the event store's record manager.

items = application.event_store.record_manager.list_items(
assert len(items) == 4

assert items[0].originator_id ==
assert items[0].topic == 'eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate#AggregateRoot.Created'
assert '"a":1' in items[0].state.decode('utf8'), items[0].state
assert b'"timestamp":' in items[0].state

assert items[1].originator_id ==
assert items[1].topic == 'eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate#AggregateRoot.AttributeChanged'
assert b'"name":"_a"' in items[1].state
assert b'"timestamp":' in items[1].state

assert items[2].originator_id ==
assert items[2].topic == 'eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate#AggregateRoot.AttributeChanged'
assert b'"name":"_a"' in items[2].state
assert b'"timestamp":' in items[2].state

assert items[3].originator_id ==
assert items[3].topic == 'eventsourcing.domain.model.aggregate#AggregateRoot.Discarded'
assert b'"timestamp":' in items[3].state

In this example, the cipher_key was not set, so the stored data is visible.

Of course, it is also possible to just use the record class directly to obtain records. After all, it's just an SQLAlchemy ORM object.


The orm_query() method of the SQLAlchemy record manager is a convenient way to get a query object from the session for the record class.

event_records = application.event_store.record_manager.orm_query().all()

assert len(event_records) == 4

If the application isn't being used as a context manager, then it is useful to unsubscribe any handlers subscribed by the policies (avoids dangling handlers being called inappropriately, if the process isn't going to terminate immediately, such as when this documentation is tested as part of the library's test suite).

# Clean up.