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278 lines (177 loc) · 9.47 KB


This library depends on its community. As interest keeps growing, we always need more people to help others. As soon as you learn the library, you can contribute in many ways.

Community development

  • Join the Slack channel and answer questions. The library has a growing audience. Help to create and maintain a friendly and helpful atmosphere.
  • Blog and tweet about the library. If you would like others to see your blog or tweet, send a message about it to the Slack channel.
  • Contribute to open-source projects that use this library, write some documentation, or release your own event sourcing project.

If you think using the library is a lot of fun, wait until you start working on it. We’re passionate about helping users of the library make the jump to contributing members of the community, so there are several ways you can help the library’s development:

  • Report bugs on our issue tracker.
  • Join the Slack channel and share your ideas for how to improve the library. We’re always open to suggestions.
  • Submit patches or pull requests for new and/or fixed behavior.
  • Improve the documentation or improve the unit test suite.

Making changes

To make changes to the library, you will want to set up a local environment. To get set up, fork the repository on GitHub, clone your fork using Git, and then checkout the develop branch.

Create a virtual Python environment, install Python dependencies, install and start the databases that are used by the test suite. and then run the tests. The library test suite depends on several databases. It's much easier to run databases in Docker containers, but it's slightly faster to run databases without containers.

Once you have the tests running, you can make changes, run the tests again, push changes to your fork, and then maybe create a pull request to the project's develop branch.

This library has a Makefile to help with development. You can read more about the GNU make utility in this article. There are commands to install Python dependencies into a virtual Python environment, to build containers for the databases, to start and stop databases, to run the test suite, to build the docs, to reformat code, and for static type checking and linting. The actual code of the commands described below can be easily found in Makefile at the root of the project repository.

Virtual Python environment

This project runs on Python 3.6+, and you need to have it installed on your system. The recommended way for all platforms is to use the official download page. But also, you may use pyenv.

You can use virtualenv to create a virtual Python environment. Choose for your flavour:

For example, you can create and activate a virtual Python environment using virtualenv directly:

$ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/eventsourcing-py3
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/eventsourcing-py3/bin/activate

Inside your activated virtualenv, use the following command to install all project dependencies required for contribution:

$ make install

Git blame (optional)

Setup git to ignore specific revs with blame.

This project is old, and several times in its history a massive changes were performed. One such change is moving towards use of isort and flake8 and black. While these changes are inevitable, they clutter the history, especially if you use git blame or _Annotate option in PyCharm. But in newer versions of git (>= 2.23), this can be mitigated: new options --ignore-rev and --ignore-revs-file were added. There is a file in this repository called .git-blame-ignore-revs which contains all such major reformattings. In order to pick it up by git blame and PyCharm, add a special config line:

$ git config --local blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

More info can be found here.

Run databases with Docker

You can run the databases in Docker containers.

To pull docker images:

$ make docker-pull

To build docker images:

$ make docker-build

To up and keep running containers in detached mode:

$ make docker-up

To stop the containers:

$ make docker-stop

To tear down the containers removing volumes and “orphans”:

$ make docker-down

To attach to the latest containers output:

$ make docker-logs

All of the commands using predefined “COMPOSE_FILE“ and “COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME“ to keep your containers in a more organized and straightforward way.

COMPOSE_FILE is used by docker-compose utility to pick development services configuration. The valid format of this value is: dev/docker-compose.yaml.

COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME sets the project name. This value used to prepend the containers on startup along with the service name. eventsourcing is a great default value for it.

Run databases on macOS

If you happen to be using a Mac, you can install the databases directly on macOS using the following commands:

$ brew install mysql
$ brew install posgresql
$ brew install redis
$ brew install cassandra
$ ./dev/

To start the databases, you can run:

$ make brew-services-start

To stop the services, you can run:

$ make brew-services-stop

Before running the tests for the first time, create a database in MySQL, and configure user access:

$ mysql -u root
mysql> CREATE USER 'eventsourcing'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'eventsourcing';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON eventsourcing.* TO 'eventsourcing'@'localhost';

You will also need to create a database in PostgreSQL:

$ createdb eventsourcing

Run tests

Ensure that you’ve set up your development environment (see development-environment) and and required services are up and running (see docker-containers, or macos-databases).

Running tests from an IDE such as PyCharm allows easy navigation to code files.

You can run the full test suite using make test:

$ make test

You can skip the slower tests when running the test suite with make quick-test:

$ make quick-test


To re-run tests, sometimes it requires make docker-down for a fresh start. At the moment, Axon Server sometimes doesn't return everything that is expected when listing all the events of an application. But restarting Axon Server seems to clear this up.

Building documentation

This project is using Sphinx documentation builder tool. Run this command to compile documentation into static HTML files at ./docs/_build/html:

$ make docs

Linting your code

For now, linting your changes is completely optional - we do not have any checks on CI for it.

Run isort to check imports sorting:

$ make lint-isort

We are using Black as a tool for style guide enforcement:

$ make lint-black

We are using Flake8 (and it's Flake8 BugBear plugin) to check the code for PEP8 compatibility:

$ make lint-flake8

Mypy is a static type checker for Python 3 and Python 2.7. Run mypy to check code for accurate typing annotations:

$ make lint-mypy

Dockerfilelint is an npm module that analyzes a Dockerfile and looks for common traps, mistakes and helps enforce best practices:

$ make lint-dockerfile

... and finally, to run all the checks from above, use:

$ make lint

Automatic formatting

To apply automatic formatting by using isort and Black, run:

$ make fmt


In order to keep your Pull Request clean, please, do not apply it for all project but your specific changes. The project is now well formatted, but static typing and and strict compliance with PEP8 is still a working in progress. If you want to help improve the type hints and formatting, please do so in a dedicated PR so things aren't mixed with other changes (it's just easier to review this way).