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Tutorial - Part 3 - Applications

As we saw in :doc:`Part 1 </topics/tutorial/part1>`, we can use the library's Application class to define event-sourced applications. A subclass of Application will usually define methods which evolve and present the state of the application.

For example, the DogSchool class has register_dog() and add_trick() methods, which are command methods that evolve the state of the application. It also has a get_dog() method, which is a query method that presents something of the state of the application without evolving the state. These methods depend on the Dog aggregate, shown below.

from eventsourcing.application import Application
from eventsourcing.domain import Aggregate, event

class DogSchool(Application):
    def register_dog(self, name):
        dog = Dog(name)

    def add_trick(self, dog_id, trick):
        dog = self.repository.get(dog_id)

    def get_dog(self, dog_id):
        dog = self.repository.get(dog_id)
        return {'name':, 'tricks': tuple(dog.tricks)}

class Dog(Aggregate):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.tricks = []

    def add_trick(self, trick):

We can construct an application object, and call its methods.

application = DogSchool()

dog_id = application.register_dog('Fido')
application.add_trick(dog_id, 'roll over')
application.add_trick(dog_id, 'fetch ball')

dog_details = application.get_dog(dog_id)
assert dog_details['name'] == 'Fido'
assert dog_details['tricks'] == ('roll over', 'fetch ball')

Let's explore how this works in more detail.

Applications in more detail

An application object brings together an event-sourced domain model comprised of many event-sourced aggregates and a persistence mechanism that allows aggregates to be "saved" and "retrieved". We can construct an application object by calling an application class.

application = DogSchool()
assert isinstance(application, Application)

An application object has a save() method, and it has a repository that has a get() method. As we can see from the DogSchool example, an application's methods can use the application's save() method to "save" aggregates that have been created or updated. And they can use the application repository's get() method to "retrieve" aggregates that have been previously saved.

assert application.repository
assert application.repository.get

An application has a save() method. An application's save() method can be called with one or many aggregates as its arguments. The save() method collects new events from these aggregates by calling the collect_events() method on each aggregate (see :doc:`Part 2 </topics/tutorial/part2>`). It puts all of the aggregate events that it has collected into an "event store", with the guarantee that all or none of the aggregate events will be stored. When the events cannot be saved, an exception will be raised. The save() method is commonly used by the command methods of an application.

An application has a repository that has a get() method. The repository's get() method is called with an aggregate ID. It uses the given ID to select aggregate events from an event store. It reconstructs the aggregate from these events, and returns the reconstructed aggregate to the caller. The get() method may be used by both command and query methods.

Event store

An application object has an event store. When an application puts new aggregate events into the event store, the event store uses a "mapper" to convert aggregate events to a common type of object used to store events. These objects are referred to as "stored events". The event store then uses a "recorder" to write the stored event objects into a database.

The event store's mapper uses a "transcoder" to serialize the state of aggregate events. The transcoder may also compress and then encrypt the serialised state.


An application has a repository, which is responsible for reconstructing aggregates that have been previously saved.

When a previously saved aggregate is requested, the repository selects stored events for the aggregate from the recorder, and uses the mapper to reconstruct the aggregate events from the stored events. The mapper uses the transcoder to deserialize stored events to aggregate events. The transcoder may also decrypt and decompress the serialised state. The repository then uses a "projector function" to reconstruct the aggregate from its events.


An application recorder adapts a particular database management system, and uses that system to record stored events for an application, in a database for that application.

Events are recorded in two sequences: a sequence for the aggregate which originated the event, and a sequence for the application as a whole. The positions in these sequences are occupied uniquely. Events are written using an atomic transaction. If there is a conflict or other kind of error when writing any of the events, then the transaction will be rolled back and an exception will be raised.

Command methods

Consider the register_dog() and add_trick() methods of the DogSchool application.

These are "command methods" because they evolve the application state, either by creating new aggregates or by modifying existing aggregates.

Let's create a new Dog aggregate by calling register_dog().

dog_id = application.register_dog('Fido')

When the application command method register_dog() is called, a new Dog aggregate object is created by calling the aggregate class. The new aggregate object is saved by calling the application's save() method. The ID of the new aggregate is returned to the caller.

We can evolve the state of the Dog aggregate by calling add_trick().

application.add_trick(dog_id, trick='roll over')
application.add_trick(dog_id, trick='fetch ball')
application.add_trick(dog_id, trick='play dead')

When the application command method add_trick() is called with the ID of an aggregate, the get() method of the repository is used to get the aggregate. The aggregate's add_trick() method is called with the given value of trick. The aggregate is then saved by calling the application's save() method.

Query methods

Consider the get_dog() method of the DogSchool application.

This method is a "query method" because it presents something of the application state without making any changes.

We can access the state of a Dog aggregate by calling get_dog().

dog_details = application.get_dog(dog_id)

assert dog_details['name'] == 'Fido'
assert dog_details['tricks'] == ('roll over', 'fetch ball', 'play dead')

When the application query method get_dog() is called with the ID of an aggregate, the repository's get() method is used to reconstruct the aggregate from its events. The details of the Dog aggregate are returned to the caller.

Notification log

An application object also has a "notification log".

assert application.notification_log

The limitation of application query methods is that they can only query the aggregate sequences.

Users of your application may need views of the application state that depend on more sophisticated queries.

For this reason, it may be necessary to "project" the state of the application as a whole into "materialised views" that are specifically designed to support such queries.

We can propagate the state of the application by propagating all of the aggregate events. That is why the recorder positions stored events in both an aggregate sequence and a sequence for the application as a whole. The application sequence has all the aggregate events of an application in the order they were stored.

The notification log supports selecting "event notifications" from the application sequence. An event notification is a stored event that also has an integer ID that indicates the position in the application sequence.

This allows the state of the application to be propagated in a progressive and reliable way. The application state can be propagated progressively because the sequence can be followed by following the sequence of IDs. The application state can be propagated reliably because all aggregate events are recorded within an atomic transaction in two sequences (an aggregate sequence and the application sequence) so there will never be an aggregate event that does not also appear in the application sequence. This avoids the "dual writing" problem which arises when firstly an update to application state is written to a database and separately a message is written to a message queue: the problem being that one may happen successfully and the other may fail. This is why event sourcing is a good foundation for building reliable distributed systems.

The notification log has a select() method. The select() method of the notification log can be used to obtain a selection of the application's event notifications. The start and limit arguments can be used to specify some of a potentially very large number of event notifications. Successive calls to select() can be made, so that processing of event notifications can progress along the application sequence.

The example below shows how the four events created above can be obtained in two "pages" each having two event notifications.

# First "page" of event notifications.
notifications =
    start=1, limit=2
assert [ for n in notifications] == [1, 2]

assert 'Dog.Registered' in notifications[0].topic
assert b'Fido' in notifications[0].state
assert dog_id == notifications[0].originator_id

assert 'Dog.TrickAdded' in notifications[1].topic
assert b'roll over' in notifications[1].state
assert dog_id == notifications[1].originator_id

# Next "page" of event notifications.
notifications =
    start=notifications[-1].id + 1, limit=2
assert [ for n in notifications] == [3, 4]

assert 'Dog.TrickAdded' in notifications[0].topic
assert b'fetch ball' in notifications[0].state
assert dog_id == notifications[0].originator_id

assert 'Dog.TrickAdded' in notifications[1].topic
assert b'play dead' in notifications[1].state
assert dog_id == notifications[1].originator_id

Notification logs, and the propagation and processing of event notifications is discussed further in the :ref:`application module documentation <Notification log>` and the system module documentation.

Database configuration

An application object can be configured to work with different databases. By default, the application stores aggregate events in memory as "plain old Python objects". The library also supports storing events in :ref:`SQLite and PostgreSQL databases <Persistence>`.

Other databases are available. See the library's extension projects for more information about what is currently supported.

See also the :ref:`application module documentation <Application configuration>` for more information about configuring applications using environment variables.

The test() function below demonstrates the example DogSchool application in more detail, by creating many aggregates in one application, by reading event notifications from the application log, by retrieving historical versions of an aggregate, and so on. The optimistic concurrency control, and the compression and encryption features are also demonstrated. The steps are commented for greater readability. The test() function will be used several times with different configurations of persistence for our application object: with "plain old Python objects", with SQLite, and then with PostgreSQL.

from eventsourcing.persistence import IntegrityError

def test(app: DogSchool, expect_visible_in_db: bool):
    # Check app has zero event notifications.
    assert len(, limit=10)) == 0

    # Create a new aggregate.
    dog_id = app.register_dog('Fido')

    # Execute application commands.
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'roll over')
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'fetch ball')

    # Check recorded state of the aggregate.
    dog_details = app.get_dog(dog_id)
    assert dog_details['name'] == 'Fido'
    assert dog_details['tricks'] == ('roll over', 'fetch ball')

    # Execute another command.
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'play dead')

    # Check recorded state of the aggregate.
    dog_details = app.get_dog(dog_id)
    assert dog_details['name'] == 'Fido'
    assert dog_details['tricks'] == ('roll over', 'fetch ball', 'play dead')

    # Check values are (or aren't visible) in the database.
    tricks = [b'roll over', b'fetch ball', b'play dead']
    if expect_visible_in_db:
        expected_num_visible = len(tricks)
        expected_num_visible = 0

    actual_num_visible = 0
    notifications =, limit=10)
    for notification in notifications:
        for trick in tricks:
            if trick in notification.state:
                actual_num_visible += 1
    assert expected_num_visible == actual_num_visible

    # Get historical state (at version 3, before 'play dead' happened).
    old = app.repository.get(dog_id, version=3)
    assert len(old.tricks) == 2
    assert old.tricks[-1] == 'fetch ball'  # last thing to have happened was 'fetch ball'

    # Check app has four event notifications.
    notifications =, limit=10)
    assert len(notifications) == 4

    # Optimistic concurrency control (no branches).
    except IntegrityError:
        raise Exception("Shouldn't get here")

    # Check app still has only four event notifications.
    notifications =, limit=10)
    assert len(notifications) == 4

    # Create eight more aggregate events.
    dog_id = app.register_dog('Millie')
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'shake hands')
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'fetch ball')
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'sit pretty')

    dog_id = app.register_dog('Scrappy')
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'come')
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'spin')
    app.add_trick(dog_id, 'stay')

    # Get the new event notifications from the reader.
    last_id = notifications[-1].id
    notifications = + 1, limit=10)
    assert len(notifications) == 8

Development environment

We can run the test in a "development" environment using the application's default "plain old Python objects" infrastructure which keeps stored events in memory. The example below runs without compression or encryption of the stored events. This is how the application objects have been working in this tutorial so far.

# Construct an application object.
app = DogSchool()

# Run the test.
test(app, expect_visible_in_db=True)

SQLite environment

We can also configure an application to use SQLite for storing events. To use the library's :ref:`SQLite module <SQLite>`, set PERSISTENCE_MODULE to the value 'eventsourcing.sqlite'. When using the library's SQLite module, the environment variable SQLITE_DBNAME must also be set. This value will be passed to Python's :func:`sqlite3.connect`.

import os

# Use SQLite for persistence.
os.environ['PERSISTENCE_MODULE'] = 'eventsourcing.sqlite'

# Configure SQLite database URI. Either use a file-based DB;
os.environ['SQLITE_DBNAME'] = '/path/to/your/sqlite-db'

# or use an in-memory DB with cache not shared, only works with single thread;
os.environ['SQLITE_DBNAME'] = ':memory:'

# or use an unnamed in-memory DB with shared cache, works with multiple threads;
os.environ['SQLITE_DBNAME'] = 'file::memory:?mode=memory&cache=shared'

# or use a named in-memory DB with shared cache, to create distinct databases.
os.environ['SQLITE_DBNAME'] = 'file:application1?mode=memory&cache=shared'

# Set optional lock timeout (default 5s).
os.environ['SQLITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT'] = '10'  # seconds

Having configured the application with these environment variables, we can construct the application and run the test using SQLite.

# Construct an application object.
app = DogSchool()

# Run the test.
test(app, expect_visible_in_db=True)

In this example, stored events are neither compressed nor encrypted. In consequence, we can expect the recorded values to be visible in the database records.

PostgreSQL environment

We can also configure a "production" environment to use PostgreSQL. Using the library's :ref:`PostgresSQL infrastructure <PostgreSQL>` will keep stored events in a PostgresSQL database.

Please note, to use the library's PostgreSQL functionality, please install the library with the postgres option (or just install the psycopg2 package.)

$ pip install eventsourcing[postgres]

Please note, the library option postgres_dev will install the psycopg2-binary which is much faster to install, but this option is not recommended for production use. The binary package is a practical choice for development and testing but in production it is advised to use the package built from sources.

The example below also uses zlib and AES to compress and encrypt the stored events (but this is optional). To use the library's encryption functionality with PostgreSQL, please install the library with both the crypto and the postgres option (or just install the pycryptodome and psycopg2 packages.)

$ pip install eventsourcing[crypto,postgres]

It is assumed for this example that the database and database user have already been created, and the database server is running locally.

import os

from eventsourcing.cipher import AESCipher

# Generate a cipher key (keep this safe).
cipher_key = AESCipher.create_key(num_bytes=32)

# Cipher key.
os.environ['CIPHER_KEY'] = cipher_key
# Cipher topic.
os.environ['CIPHER_TOPIC'] = 'eventsourcing.cipher:AESCipher'
# Compressor topic.
os.environ['COMPRESSOR_TOPIC'] = 'eventsourcing.compressor:ZlibCompressor'

# Use Postgres infrastructure.
os.environ['PERSISTENCE_MODULE'] = 'eventsourcing.postgres'

# Configure database connections.
os.environ['POSTGRES_DBNAME'] = 'eventsourcing'
os.environ['POSTGRES_HOST'] = ''
os.environ['POSTGRES_PORT'] = '5432'
os.environ['POSTGRES_USER'] = 'eventsourcing'
os.environ['POSTGRES_PASSWORD'] = 'eventsourcing'

Having configured the application with these environment variables, we can construct the application and run the test using PostgreSQL.

# Construct an application object.
app = DogSchool()

# Run the test.
test(app, expect_visible_in_db=False)

In this example, stored events are both compressed and encrypted. In consequence, we can expect the recorded values not to be visible in the database records.


Firstly, follow the steps in this tutorial in your development environment.

  • Copy the code snippets above.
  • Run the application code with default "plain old Python object" infrastructure.
  • Configure and run the application with an SQLite database.
  • Create a PostgreSQL database, and configure and run the application with a PostgreSQL database.
  • Connect to the databases with the command line clients for SQLite and PostgreSQL, and examine the database tables to observe the stored event records.

Secondly, write an application class that uses the Todos aggregate class you created in the exercise at the end of :doc:`Part 2 </topics/tutorial/part2>`. Run your application class with default "plain old Python object" infrastructure, and then with SQLite, and finally with PostgreSQL. Look at the stored event records in the database tables.

Next steps