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Blog Page SSR

Blog Page SSR is a static blog engine can be hosted on Github Pages or any static file server.
It was built with ReactJS using Server Side Rendering and some preload techniques.

Live demo

Check out the live demo here

What makes this blog engine cool?

  • It is super fast and lightweight
  • No installation required
  • Easy to customize with changes in component level since it was built with ReactJS
  • Made for Github Pages: free, fast, simple
  • More nice features will come (I don't promise but if you press ★ they will come 😁)

How to use?

Run locally

  1. Clone this project to your computer
  2. Open your Command Line (cmd on Windows or Terminal on MacOs) and point to the project folder
  3. Run npm install to get all required packages
  4. Run npm preview (make sure you have installed Create React App tool, if not please run npm install create-react-app first)
  5. The blog is now available at http://localhost:3080/

Use with Github Pages

  1. Create your Github Pages by creating a repository under the name <your-github-user-name>
  2. Clone that repository to your computer. Then modified the path in server/deploy.js
  3. Run npm deploy to copy the content generated from CRA tool and npm preview in build folder to your blog repository
  4. Navigate the directory in step 2 and check in the files to Github Pages.
  5. Now your blog page and posts are online at

Every time you want to write, create a new *.md file in server/posts folder and write with your favorite Markdown Editor.
After that, Add your post to the list in public/publish.json then run npm preview and npm deloy to publish.

How to customize?

I have not creating configuration yet. Because I hate configuration (I mean I'm lazy 😂). So most of customization will be done by modifying the sources (.js, .css...)

Change theme of code highlighting

I'm using highlight.js for code highlighting. You can change the theme by replace my favorite one in src/index.css then rebuild the source.

@import '../node_modules/highlightjs/styles/tomorrow.css';

Change font family, color, size...

You can use your favorite font by replace mine in public/index.html

<link href=",700&amp;subset=latin-ext,vietnamese" rel="stylesheet">

and font-size, color... in src/index.css

* {
    font-family: inconsolata, monospace;
    font-size: 16px;


The comment function was built using firebase, so you can create your own app/database then replace your firebase info in src/database/fire.js

var config = {
    apiKey: "your api key",
    authDomain: "your auth domain",
    databaseURL: "your database url",
    projectId: "your project id",
    storageBucket: "your storage bucket",
    messagingSenderId: "your messaing sender id"

Be noticed that there is no notification yet. Someday I will try to fight with laziness and implement that feature 😄.
If you want another comment method, feel free to change the code in Comment component at src/components/pages/post/comment.

Google Analytics

Change your GA id in src/components/common/GoogleAnalytics.js at line 55.

Insert your Social links

There are some social links in footer, you can put yours by modifying src/components/layout/Footer/index.js






static blog engine - blog page







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