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Location Trivia — Views


  1. Finished versions of the FISTrivium and FISLocation classes are provided from the previous labs. Remember that there are several FISLocations, and each FISLocation instance has several FISTrivium instances relevant to it.
  2. The goal is to display a table of an NSArray of FISLocations. Create a new UITableViewController named FISLocationsTableViewController. * In viewDidLoad set the accessibilityLabel and accessibilityIdentifier to Locations Table * Create an NSArray property called locations. This will hold all of the FISLocation objects.
  3. Make each cell a right detail cell. This enables two different UILabel views that can display different pieces of information. The primary one on the left is the textLabel and the secondary label on the right is called the detailTextLabel.
  4. For each cell, set the textLabel to the name of the location and the detailTextLabel to the number of trivia items for that location.
  5. When a cell is tapped, it should take the user to another UITableViewController called FISTriviaTableViewController. This should display all of the trivia for that location in the textLabel of each cell. * In viewDidLoad set the accessibilityLabel and accessibilityIdentifier to Trivia Table

Extra Credit

Make multiple sections. Each section should represent a FISLocation with the section's header being the name property and each cell in it to be the different FISTrivium objects relevant to that location.
Note: This is hard Allow for the reordering of Locations in your table... helpful link

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