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187 lines (146 loc) · 7.8 KB

File metadata and controls

187 lines (146 loc) · 7.8 KB


Part of Moralis weekly challenge

The main aim of this project is to make the frontend development easy with Moralis for anyone with very basic knowledge of programming / NoCoders / LowCoders.


Get access to the code using below line.

npm i moralis-frontend-helper

Copt the HTML from repository Index.html

Copy the below script to your project script and add Moralis ServerUrl and AppID.

const serverUrl = "server-url";
const appId = "app-id";
Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId });

With the help of moralis-frontend-helper:

  1. User will be able to inject working moralis functions directly into their web page.
  2. Get HTML code instantly by running moralis-frontend-helper function which later can be used to add to any of their HTML code.
  3. Gives user ability to give custom styling to their webpage.

UI Element Functions which uses moralis web3api functions

  • addTokenSelect()

    • Adds a dropdown into the page with token names

    • The below code creates a dorpdown select in document with element id = Select1, inside parent element of id = Body, with default dropdown = Select and with styling text alignment = center, text color = #000000. **And most importantly it gets the token names from Uniswap and Pancake swap and adds it to the dropdown select**

      options = {
      TagID:"Select1", ParentId:"Body", DefaultValue:"Select", Style:"text-align: center; color: #000000;"
  • AddLoginButton()

    • Adds a Metamask login button element into the page

    • The below code adds an button element into the document with element id = LoginBtn, inside parent element of id = Body, with height = 15px and width = 50px and Background color = #65a47b . **And can be used to login into metamask wallet.**

      options = {
      TagID:"LoginBtn", ParentId:"Body", Style:"min-width: 50px; min-height: 15px; background-color: #65a47b;"
  • AddWCLoginButton()

    • Adds a Wallet Connect login button element into the page

    • The below code adds an button element into the document with element id = LoginBtn, inside parent element of id = Body, with height = 15px and width = 50px and Background color = #65a47b . **And can be used to login into crypto wallets using Wallet Connect funtions.**

      options = {
      TagID:"LoginBtn", ParentId:"Body", Style:"min-width: 50px; min-height: 15px; background-color: #65a47b;"
  • AddButton()

    • Adds a button element with moralis web3api functions into the page

      Accepted Button Function

      • Login Requies no input elememt, requires output text element to store user address
      • Logout Requies no input elememt, requires no output element
      • Balance Requies input element with wallet address, requires output table element with two columns ["Address", "Balances"]
      • Transaction Requies input element with wallet address, requires output table element with five columns ["Chanin", "From Address", "To Address", "Value", "Transaction Date"]
      • NFT Requies input element with text element to search for NFT, requires output div element to store search output
      • TokenPrice Requies input element with token contract address, requires output text element to show price
    • The below code adds an button element into the document with element id = Button1, inside parent element of id = Body, with button onclick function as to get token price which takes input from the UI element = Intext1 and sends output into an UI element Text1 with height = 15px and width = 50px and Background color = #65a47b . **And can be used to login into crypto wallets using Wallet Connect funtions.**

      options = {
      TagID:"Button1", ParentId:"Body", ButtonName:"ClickMe", ButtonFunction:"TokenPrice", FunctionInput:"InText1", FunctionOutput:"Text1", Style:"min-width: 50px; min-height: 15px; background-color: #65a47b;"

UI Element Functions

  • addText()

    • Adds a UI text element to the page

    • The below code creates a text element in document with element id = Text, inside parent element of id = Body, with text value = Hello World!!, text color = #000000 .

      options = {
      TagID:"Text", ParentId:"Body", Text:"Hello World!!", Style:"color: #000000;"
  • createDiv()

    • Adds an div element into the page

    • The below code adds an div element into the document with element id = Div1, inside parent element of id = Body, with height and width = 100px and Background color = #8765d5 .

      options = {
      TagID:"Div1", ParentId:"Body", Style:"min-width: 100px; min-height: 100px; background-color: #8765d5;"
  • createRowDiv()

    • Adds an div element into the page which flexes as row

    • The below code adds an div element which flexes as row into the document with element id = Row1, inside parent element of id = Body, with height and width = 100px and Background color = #8765d5 .

      options = {
      TagID:"Row1", ParentId:"Body", Style:"min-width: 100px; min-height: 100px; background-color: #8765d5;"
  • createColumnDiv()

    • Adds an div element into the page which flexes as column

    • The below code adds an div element which flexes as column into the document with element id = Colm1, inside parent element of id = Body, with height and width = 100px and Background color = #8765d5 .

      options = {
      TagID:"Colm1", ParentId:"Body", Style:"min-width: 100px; min-height: 100px; background-color: #8765d5;"
  • AddInputTextBox()

    • Adds a UI input text element to the page

    • The below code creates a input text element in document with element id = InText, inside parent element of id = Body, with Placeholder value = Enter Text, text color = #000000 .

      options = {
      TagID:"InText", ParentId:"Body", Placeholder:"Enter Text", Style:"color: #000000;"
  • CreateTable()

    • Adds a table into the page

    • The below code creates a table in document with element id = Table1, inside parent element of id = Body, with columns = Colm1, Colm2, Colm3 and with styling text alignment = center, text color = #000000 .

      options = {
      TagID:"Table1", ParentId:"Body", ColumnNames:["Colm1", "Colm2", "Colm3"], Style:"text-align: center; color: #000000;"
  • addImage()

    • Adds an image into the page

    • The below code adds an image into the document with element id = Image1, inside parent element of id = Body, with image from "" and with Background color = #000000 .

      options = {
      TagID:"Image1", ParentId:"Body", Image:"", Style:"background-color: #000000;"
  • DeleteDiv()

    • Deletes UI element from the page.

    • The below code deletes a element with id= Text from page .

  • DeleteContent()

    • Removes the content that is present in a UI element.

    • The below code removes the content that is present in a UI element with id= "Text" .


Functions to be added into moralis-frontend-helper:

....and mony more