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You've been tasked with building a web app for a local bookstore to help them manage their inventory.


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Simple Book Store


  • Can build a RESTful API using Express
  • Can build a SQL schema for a given problem definition
  • Can use the fetch API to make HTTP requests
  • Can write end-to-end tests for an existing HTTP API using the chai-http library
  • Challenge Rubric

This goal will likely be within your ZPD if you...

  • Can build basic websites with HTML & CSS
  • Can add behavior to a website with JavaScript
  • Are familiar with SQL and relational databases like PostgreSQL
  • Are familiar with JavaScript promises
  • Are interested in building full-stack web applications with frameworks like Express
  • Are interested in learning CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) relational database interactions
  • Are interested in server-side templating with tools like Pug or EJS


You've been tasked with building a web app for a local bookstore to help them manage their inventory. Create a simple content management system that allows users to view, add, delete, and update books. Books entered in the system can be viewed in a list, as a single entry on its own page, or searched for using basic searches (by title, author, or genre).

To implement this system, you'll need to use (among other things)...

  • a web application framework (we recommend Express)
  • a database (we recommend PostgreSQL)
  • a tool for server-side HTML templating (we recommend Pug)
  • Don't sweat the UI design too much. If you want to add some quick and easy styles so that it doesn't look too terrible, use a library like Bootstrap or Pure.css.
  • Also, don't spend too much time coming up with book data if you need some seed data to work with. Use a fake data generator like Faker or just borrow a list from a data store like this CSV. Context

Many of the seemingly fancy apps on the web have functionality that can be reduced to just 4 simple operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete (or CRUD for short). At their core, they are really just ways to perform these operations on some resource.

  • Writing a new tweet on Twitter? That's a create operation.
  • Searching for photos tagged with #kittenmittens on Instagram? That's a read operation.
  • Editing your profile information on LinkedIn? That's an update operation.
  • Removing that 2am rant-post from Facebook? That's a delete operation.
  • Like the steel frame of a skyscraper, CRUD is the skeleton around which web applications are built: it's not very sexy, but you have to know how to do it.
  • In this goal, you'll be applying the CRUD pattern to the real-world system of a bookstore.

*Note: PUT/PATCH and DELETE requests can be a little difficult to work with, because there is not a lot of HTML support for them. If you haven't used these request types before, you should do some reading and research. Start with these SO questions: using PUT in HTML form and PUT vs POST in REST.



  • All views are rendered on the server using server-side templates written with Pug or EJS
  • Web server can be started with the command npm start
  • Test suite can be run with the command npm test
  • All features are added as pull requests
  • All pull requests are approved by at least one other member of the team using GitHub's pull request review feature (so that your teammate's approval is of the PR is documented)
  • Variables, functions, files, etc. have appropriate and meaningful names.
  • Functions are small and serve a single purpose
  • Code uses a linter and there are no linting errors.
  • Code is well tested and all tests are passing.
  • The artifact produced is properly licensed, preferably with the MIT license.


  • Books have a title, author, and genre
  • Users can add books into the bookstore system via an admin page (create)
  • Users can see a list of books on the home page (read)
  • Users can edit a book's title, author, or genre (update)
  • Users can delete a book from the bookstore (delete)
  • Users can search for books by title OR by author OR by genre (read)
  • Users can view book details on a book detail page (read)
  • Lists of books are always paginated in groups of 10
  • Book detail view is linked to from the listing and search pages
  • Search results are presented in a new page

HTTP Verbs

Appropriate HTTP verbs are used for CRUD actions (for reference, follow the guidelines explained in this article)

  • GET requests are only used for read actions
  • POST requests are only used for create actions
  • PUT or PATCH requests are only used for update actions
  • DELETE requests are only used for delete actions


App is deployed and live on the web (consider using Heroku)

  • All source code is written with ES6
  • Users have their own account and can sign up and sign in/out
  • Users have one of three roles: admin, clerk, reader
  • Users with role reader can only view and search for books
  • Users with role clerk can edit books in addition to viewing/searching
  • Users with role admin can perform all actions (create, read, update, delete) with books
  • Books have a price, cover image, publisher, and ISBN number


Guides and tutorials

  • Getting started and Guide sections of Express.js site
  • Building a Node.js REST API with Express
  • Designing a RESTful API With Node and Postgres
  • PostgreSQL and NodeJS
  • Building a Simple CRUD Application with Express and MongoDB - uses MongoDB instead of PostgreSQL, but the rest of it is still useful
  • Using RESTful URLs and Actions

Tools and libraries

  • SQL modeling designer:
  • Express as a lightweight web server framework
  • PostgreSQL for data persistence
  • Pug or EJS for server-side templating
  • Bootstrap or Pure.css for styling the UI


You've been tasked with building a web app for a local bookstore to help them manage their inventory.







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