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Releases: joker-119/SCP-575

Re-Adding LCZ light controls

18 Feb 07:54
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This release is updated for the newest version of SMOD, and WILL break your server if you don't have Smod 3.3.0+. You have been warned.

  • Light Containment Zone lights can once again be affected by Toggled and Timed 575 blackouts


15 Feb 12:40
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At the request of Androx and a few others, due to the massive differences between our two plugin versions - I've completely re-written the plugin with a new name and namespace structure.

You can use all the old blackout_ config options (like blackout_delay) just rename them to 575_ (575_delay).
But the values for delay, wait and duration have been changed from milliseconds to seconds, for convenience.
I will be updating the readme with a full list of configs soon aswell.

Temporary release

15 Feb 04:00
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Temporary release until the Tesla gate issue in SMOD is fixed.

Initial Release

14 Feb 11:06
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Initial Commit