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File metadata and controls

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Opaque types

This section discusses the opaque type, an object without its data structure externally defined in an interface. It is the data hiding technique in C, and has been used extensively throughout history. In fact, it's an integral part of C and unix' defining feature: the FILE.

While this technique is very useful for protecting implementation details and hiding some possibly moving parts, the opaque type has some jarring problems when writing core libraries.

Lifetime model

The main drawback is that an opaque type forces you to write matching alloc and destroy functions, because only one C source file can see the definition. It necessitates a heap allocation in C.

This means every opaque type needs to have a wrapping object in the host language dedicated to managing a pointer, forcing the C model onto the host language. While this is usually ok in C++ (except its tiresome to write wrapper objects), there is a less clear notion of lifetimes in most garbage collected languages. Additionally, now extra code needs to be run during clean-up, instead of a pure deallocation.

Consider this example in C++:

If opq wasn't opaque, but rather a collection of automatic variables, the destructor ~A() and the default constructor A() can be defaulted. But the bigger problem is the (defaulted) copy constructor and = operator.

Not only is the extra indirection costly, it requires more boilerplate to make C++ behave like C++. The story is similar for many languages, such as Julia:

mutable struct data_trace

function segyio_readtrace(fp::segy_file, n::Integer)
    output_ptr = ccall(
        (:segy_readtrace, :segyio), # C function and library
        Ptr{data_trace},            # output type
        (Ptr{segy_file},Cint),      # input types
        fp, n                       # input vars
    if output_ptr == C_NULL # Could not open file

    # register cleanup with runtime,
    # but the actual call may be delayed
    finalizer(output_ptr, segy_trace_free)
    return output_ptr

function segy_trace_free(p::Ref{data_trace})
        (:segy_trace_free, :segyio),

Adapted from the Julia documentation

Exactly when the trace is free'd is up to the Julia runtime. If the handle wasn't opaque, but just a regular array, a block of (aligned) memory, then:

  • The finalizer is not necessary
  • No extra action is needed for cleanup
  • A Julia object is already available
  • No large set of alloc/free functions
  • Traces behave like Julia arrays

Storage and representation

The only way to use an opaque type is to store and pass around a pointer to the object. While it is true it provides ABI stability it impossible to use native data types for the components, and that makes it harder to write custom behaviours from host languages as well.

Consider this example from segyio: if a file describes a 3-dimensional volume, a cube, it has a set of assosicated inline and crossline labels that describe the resolution or ticks in the horizontal directions. In Python, this is stored as two Numpy arrays, which means:

  • They can be printed and formatted by Python
  • They can be inspected with any python syntax or feature (like debuggers)
  • They can be replaced by any other type implementing an array
  • They support the full range of Numpy features
  • They carry Python semantics and behave nicely and as expected
  • They are constructed, managed, and cleaned up automatically

The segyio core library does not know (or care) that Numpy is responsible for storing the line labels. If the labels had been hidden behind an opaque type, say, geometry, none of this would've just worked, and possibly never been exposed to users of the Python library.

Not having this hidden behind a pointer means that it can also be generated as-need. As long as the correct representation is available when the function is called, the core library does not care that it is encoded in different structures and assembled just-in-time. This gives library developers flexibility to write the right library for their users.

Remember, the clients are other library developers, and it's ok to assume they're reasonably responsible. In Python, being able to facilitate core features like slicing is paramount, and maybe Python expects some error recovery that's just not that interesting in Julia. By exposing more data with a disclaimer, developers can write better libraries without requiring explicit support from the core library.

Boilerplate and flexibility

The only way to get anything out of an opaque handle is a function, and if you need to do something that the core author didn't think of you're lost. This happens to be the strength of the opaque type design, the library author can guarantee integrity, so you take the good with the bad.

The opaque type hides data. It does so at two levels:

  • From the compiler
  • From the developer

The first case is very appealing for stability, as previously mentioned, as it enables changing the data layout without recompiling or modifiying existing code, at the cost of maybe disallowing some optimisations, and introducing some extra indirection.

But hiding data from the developer means stripping power, which when used responsibly greatly improves the quality of the end-user facing library. By deferring the choice of storage of primitive, raw data, developers can choose what makes most sense for their library. In Python, most data that could be hid inside the segy_file handle, is currently1 stored this way:

struct segyiofd {
    autofd fd;
    long trace0;
    int trace_bsize;
    int tracecount;
    int samplecount;
    int format;
    int elemsize;

This is how arbitrary data is embedded inside Python objects, when the objects are defined inside a Python extension, and this data is buried inside the object. The autofd class is a simple unique_ptr like class that automates some common operations. In use, it's reminiscent of C++:

PyObject* metrics( segyiofd* self ) {
    static const int text = SEGY_TEXT_HEADER_SIZE;
    static const int bin  = SEGY_BINARY_HEADER_SIZE;
    const int ext = (self->trace0 - (text + bin)) / text;
    return Py_BuildValue( "{s:i, s:l, s:i, s:i, s:i, s:i}",
                          "tracecount",  self->tracecount,
                          "trace0",      self->trace0,
                          "trace_bsize", self->trace_bsize,
                          "samplecount", self->samplecount,
                          "format",      self->format,
                          "ext_headers", ext );

This function builds a dictionary of certain structural properties of the file. There's no need to call functions like segy_get_tracecount(fp), but segyio provides functions to compute all these values - it just doesn't make a decision on how to store them. For completeness, the functions to compute all the data needed for this dictionary (same order as the dict):

int segy_traces( segy_file*, int*, long trace0, int trace_bsize ); long segy_trace0( const char* binheader ); int segy_trsize( int format, int samples ); int segy_samples( const char* binheader ); int segy_format( const char* binheader );

In short, by exposing more data as data instead of hiding it behind functions on an opaque handle, it's simpler for the developer to choose low-boilerplate highly efficient native idioms for the target environment, instead of having to deal with the data hiding idioms of the core language.

Opacity is not abstraction

Often, the opaque type is justified as an abstraction, something like users don't have to worry about exact representation. While true, opacity implies indirection, but indirection itself is not abstraction. There are many libraries and programs that use opaque types liberally, and then end up writing tons of functions to control every aspect of it.

An example is the glib GArray. This is not a criticism of glib; glib targets C application developers, and segyio targets library developers. This is GArray's interface:

GArray* g_array_new()
GArray* g_array_sized_new()
GArray* g_array_ref()
void    g_array_unref()
guint   g_array_get_element_size()
#define g_array_append_val()
GArray* g_array_append_vals()
#define g_array_prepend_val()
GArray* g_array_prepend_vals()
#define g_array_insert_val()
GArray* g_array_insert_vals()
GArray* g_array_remove_index()
GArray* g_array_remove_index_fast()
GArray* g_array_remove_range()
void    g_array_sort()
void    g_array_sort_with_data()
#define g_array_index()
GArray* g_array_set_size()
void    g_array_set_clear_func()
gchar*  g_array_free()

The GArray is not comletely opaque, it exposes its data as a gchar* pointer. For the sake of the argument, let's assume there also is a g_array_raw function that returns this pointer from the opaque GArray.

This module does very little to abstract over the C array2, a chunk of consecutive elements, because abstraction is about removing details. All the details are still there:

  • Appending is faster than insertion
  • Elements are stored contiguously
  • It has a finite size
  • It has no extra structure or invariants (like the stack, for instance)

What it does is automate some common operations over C arrays. This is useful, but it's not an abstraction. In a library like segyio, introducing our own type that did not abstract over anything, would only make interoperating with Python more cumbersome. The automation is appealing, but is doable without opacity <automation-sans-opaque>.


Opaque types aren't bad, and I'm not advising against the use of opaque data types. They're great, but when writing a library for other libraries to consume, I think they do more harm than good for most data types. The only real exceptions are file handles and other remote resources.

Instead of reaching for the opaque type, consider:

  • Narrow the scope of the module
  • Passing what would be embedded as explicit function arguments
  • Add reserved fields for later use in structs and functions

Finally, having interfaces without opaque types means its often easier to test. Since an arbitrary state can be constructed without going through the machinery of the opaque handle, or even bypassing security mechanisms, tests can be more to the point and accurate.


This section disucssed the problems of designing too much around the opaque data type. While a very useful technique, it often ends up counter-productive when designing for libraries, because the final say in anything, and every conceivable feature, has to be implemented in the core C library.

It demonstrates why having stuff often hidden behind pointers is useful when represented as scattered, free variables. This all relies on users being library developers, that have to map between a core library's view of the world, and the assumptions of their target environment.

  1. 2018-07-10

  2. The C array is already a pretty good abstraction over a segment of bytes