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Signed Credentials

The Jolocom library contains a number of functions and classes that enable the creation and consumption of signed JSON-LD Verifiable Credentials. Any agent can ensure a given credential is valid by verifying that the associated cryptographic signature is correct and was generated using the expected private key.

Create a signed credential

The easiest way to create a signed credential is by using an instance of the IdentityWallet class. For examples of the various ways to instantiate an IdentityWallet, refer to the Getting Started section.

import { claimsMetadata } from '@jolocom/protocol-ts'

const emailAddressSignedCredential = await identityWallet.create.signedCredential({
  metadata: claimsMetadata.emailAddress,
  claim: { email: '' }
  subject: identityWallet.did // Our own DID, results in a self-issued credential
}, password)


Notice the JSON form of the newly created emailAddressSignedCredential is simply a JSON-LD Verifiable credential. The SignedCredential class provides a number of methods to easily consume the data from the credential.

// The credential in JSON form

  // Omitted for brevity
  @context: [...],
  id: 'claimId:d9f45722872b7',
  name: 'Email address',
  issuer: 'did:jolo:b2d5d8d6cc140033419b54a237a5db51710439f9f462d1fc98f698eca7ce9777',
  issued: '2018-11-16T22:21:28.862Z',
  type: ['Credential', 'ProofOfEmailCredential'],
  expires: '2019-11-16T22:21:28.862Z',
  claim: {
    email: '',
    id: 'did:jolo:b2d5d8d6cc140033419b54a237a5db51710439f9f462d1fc98f698eca7ce9777'
  proof: {
    created: '2018-11-16T22:21:28.861Z',
    type: 'EcdsaKoblitzSignature2016',
    nonce: 'fac9b5937e6f0cbb',
    signatureValue: '922c73134cb81558b337a0b222fac3c7f8418ca46febcd57d903def7134843640644f0086d36a6cf29f975b82eabfa45920ae8f663bca3f334ba19d527e1841e',
    creator: 'did:jolo:b2d5d8d6cc140033419b54a237a5db51710439f9f462d1fc98f698eca7ce9777#keys-1'


Typings / definitions for credential types the library supports by default are made available through the @jolocom/protocol-ts npm package. Alternatively, you can check out the GitHub repositories for the core types, as well as demo types.

It's worth noting that in the aforementioned credential, the issuer, the subject, and the signature creator are the same DID. We refer to this type of credential as self-signed or self-issued.

To issue a credential to another entity, we simply need to specify the DID of the corresponding subject:

// You can also pass a custom expiry date for the credential
const customExpiryDate = new Date(2030, 1, 1)
const emailAddressSignedCredential = identityWallet.create.signedCredential(
  metadata: claimsMetadata.emailAddress,
  claim: { email: '' },
  subject: 'did:jolo:6d6f636b207375626a656374206469646d6f636b207375626a65637420646964'


The custom expiry date is an optional argument (if not present, will default to 1 year from

Taking a look at the newly created credential, we can indeed see that the subject, denoted by the key, is different:

// The credential in JSON form
// All irrelevant / repeating fields have been omitted.

  '@context': [ ... ],
  issuer: 'did:jolo:b2d5d8d6cc140033419b54a237a5db51710439f9f462d1fc98f698eca7ce9777',
  claim: {
    email: '',
    id: 'did:jolo:6d6f636b207375626a656374206469646d6f636b207375626a65637420646964'
  proof: EcdsaLinkedDataSignature {
    creator: 'did:jolo:b2d5d8d6cc140033419b54a237a5db51710439f9f462d1fc98f698eca7ce9777#keys-1'

Verifying a signature on a signed credential

Perhaps you would like to present the newly created signed credential to another SSI agent part of an interaction. The (intended) recipient needs to be able to verify that the received credential is valid. This can be done as follows:

import { JolocomLib } from 'jolocom-lib'

// The credential will often be received serialized in its JSON form.
const receivedCredential = JolocomLib.parse.signedCredential(json)
const valid = await JolocomLib.util.validateDigestable(receivedCredential)

The previous step amounts to resolving the DID document associated with the credential issuer, and using the listed public keys to validate the credential signature.

The validateDigestable function will attempt to resolve the issuer of the signed object as part of the signature verification process. By default, a resolver for the did:jolo is used. In case the issuer is anchored on a different network, an additional argument can be passed to the validation function:

import { JolocomLib } from 'jolocom-lib'

// The credential will often be received serialized in its JSON form.
const receivedCredential = JolocomLib.parse.signedCredential(json)
const valid = await JolocomLib.util.validateDigestable(
  // A different resolver can be passed to the function

// Alternatively, an instance of an identity can be passed as well
const valid = await JolocomLib.util.validateDigestable(

Working with custom credentials

Users are free to define custom credential types. The set of possible interactions / use cases would be quite restricted if only types defined in the aforementioned modules could be used. The following sections delve into why you might want to define custom credentials, and how to do so.

Why would I want to define a custom credential type?

Let's assume you want to use verifiable credentials for managing permissions inside your system. You might have one or more trusted identities that issue access credentials to requesters deemed worthy. For these purposes, none of the credential types we currently provide suffice.

Alternatively, consider this scenario: a bar that only allows adults of legal age on the premises. At a certain point, patrons must prove they are over 18 years of age in order to order enter the establishment. Patrons could of course disclose their individual dates of birth, but this is not optimal in light of the fact that more information is disclosed than required for the purposes of the interaction.

An alternative is to adopt an approach based on verifiable credentials. A trusted entity, such as a government authority, could issue signed credentials to all citizens that request such verifications, i.e. an attestation stating that a citizen is of or over a certain age. A citizen could later present such a credential when entering a bar.

This allows citizens to prove that they are allowed to gain entry to the bar, in a verifiable way, without disclosing any additional information.

Defining custom metadata

So far, when creating credentials, metadata provided by the @jolocom/protocol-ts package has been used. When creating custom credentials, we have to write our own metadata definitions.

Let's take another look at the second example use case from the previous section. One of the many possible metadata definitions would be:

const customMetadata = {
  context: [{
    ageOver: ''
    ProofOfAgeOverCredential: ''
  name: 'Age Over',
  type: ['Credential', 'ProofOfAgeOverCredential']
  claimInterface: {
    ageOver: 0
  } as { ageOver: number }


For more documentation on defining custom credential metadata, check out this document. Please note that all examples of creating credentials and creating metadata are currently outdated (updates already in progress).

The extra typing information - as {ageOver: number} is only relevant if you use TypeScript. It enables for auto-completion on the claim section when creating a SignedCredential of this type. If you develop in JavaScript, you can simply omit this line.

Creating and verifying custom credentials

The newly created metadata definition can now be used to create a credential:

const ageOverCredential = identityWallet.create.signedCredential({
  metadata: customMetadata,
  claim: {
    ageOver: 18
  subject: requesterDid
}, password)

(It's that simple!)

It is worth noting that the custom metadata definition is only needed for creating credentials. Validating custom credentials is still as simple as:

const valid = await JolocomLib.util.validateDigestable(ageOverCredential)