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Provides basic setup to run Ratchet WebSocket servers within TYPO3.

Currently only for *nix Systems

composer req werkraum/websocket-provider

typo3cms websocket:start

Routes and Components


Implement the Ratchet interface Ratchet\MessageComponentInterface in your extension. This is going to be the entry point for your logic.

class YourMessageComponent implements Ratchet\MessageComponentInterface
    // interface methods with your logic go here

Mark your component as public to make use of the Symfony dependency injection within it. Tag your component with websocket.component to register it with the WebSocket provider.


# default service setup goes here

    public: true
    tags: ['websocket.component']


Symfony Routes are used to provide multi-tenancy.

You may let your component implement the interface CustomRouteInterface. Return your custom route path with a leading slash (e.g. /

The default route for Vendor\Extension\MyComponent is /Vendor_Extension_MyComponent

Be aware that the route of your WebSockets may be prefixed by whatever you have set for your webserver config. In my case this is often / You can set this server-wide prefix in the settings. The prefix is then prepended to every component route, even third-party ones using this extension.

The Loop

In case you need periodic timer or want to handle signals you can implement the interface ConfigureLoopInterface. You'll get the loop as parameter. The signals SIGTERM and SIGINT are already registered to shut down the server.


See ext_conf_template.txt for all configuration options.


Command Description
websocket:list Lists running websocket servers
websocket:routes Lists all configured routes
websocket:start Starts the websocket server
websocket:stop Stops the websocket server


Ratchet ships a simple echo component. You can register it via Symfony DI.

any Configuration/Services.yaml

  public: true
  tags: ['websocket.component']



The current frontend and backend user sessions are added to the connection as UserAspects. The ID of the connection is added as well.


Connections are not rejected when not authenticated. Additionally the authentication is only checked on opening a connection.

Rate limiting

A basic limiter is shipped and can be configured in the settings. More sophisticated rate limiting should probably be done by your webserver.

Server config

ext-json, ext-pcntl and ext-posix are required for the cli commands to check on the status of the server.


Laravel has some good documentation on how to setup NGINX for WebSockets.


Open the port. Either via DDEV config web_extra_exposed_ports or a custom docker-compose file.


version: '3.6'
      - "18080"

Port and the URL part / can be adjusted to your needs. I recommend setting the extension setting route_prefix to whatever you set as the URL part in your websocket config.

Below is the proxy pass config that needs to be added to the webserver config. This uses a custom URL part to distinguish between WebSocket and regular HTTP requests. This integrates well with existing webserver configuration for TYPO3. The Laravel documentation has a Nginx setup without the URL part.

Remember to remove the #ddev-generated line in the webserver config otherwise your changes will be overridden after restarting DDEV.


<Location "/">
    LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
    ProxyPass "ws://localhost:18080/"
    ProxyPassReverse "ws://localhost:18080/"
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    RequestHeader set Upgrade "websocket"
    RequestHeader set Connection "Upgrade"


location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:18080;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $host;


Lots of ideas and inspiration taken from