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SRE Student API

Inspired by the exercise from the SRE Bootcamp

Project Architecture and Design Strategy

The project is based on the Hexagonal Architecture organized with packaged not modules.

Functional Requirements

  • Add a new student.
  • Get all students.
  • Get a student with an ID.
  • Update existing student information.
  • Delete a student record.

Running This Project


Before running this project, ensure that you have the following installed:

  • Java 17
  • Maven (for building and managing dependencies)
  • Docker installed on your system. You can download and install Docker from here.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get the project up and running on your local machine:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd student-management-api
  2. Build The Project
    mvn clean install
  3. Run The Project
    mvn spring-boot:run

Using MakeFile

Alternatively you can simply make use of the Makefile to start the project by running the following command in the root directory

make run

Accessing The API

  1. You can access the Swagger documentation of the API Via
  2. Postman Documentation


This project uses PostgreSQL Database.

Running DB Migrations

make migrate-db

Building and Running With Docker Compose

To build the Docker image, run:

docker-compose up --build

Accessing The Application

Access the running application at http://localhost:8080

MakeFile Common Tasks

The project contains a Makefile which simplifies performing certain common tasks. Find below handy commands that may be helpful

  • make build: Build all Docker images
  • make run-db: Start only the PostgreSQL Database
  • make migrate-db: Run database migrations
  • make build-app: Build the API Docker Image
  • make run-app: Start the API container

Alternative Way Of Starting The Application

With the available Makefile commands, another way of starting the application will be the run the command:

make run-app

This will ensure database is running and migrations are applied and start the application.

Continuous Integration and Deployment

This project uses GitHub Actions for CI/CD to automate building, testing, and deploying the application.

  • Checkout: Pulls the latest code from the main branch.
  • Set up Java: Configures the Java environment using Temurin distribution.
  • Build API: Compiles the API and packages it into a Docker container.
  • Run Tests: Executes automated tests to ensure functionality.
  • Login to Docker Hub: Authenticates to Docker Hub to push images.
  • Build and Push Docker Image: Builds the Docker image and pushes it to Docker Hub using the make docker-build-push command.

Configuration and Environment Variables

The application requires the following environment variables to run:

  • SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL: The URL to the database.
  • SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME: The database username.
  • SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD: The database password.
  • DOCKER_USERNAME: Your Dockerhub username
  • DOCKER_ACCESS_TOKEN: Your Docker Access Token

You can set up these variables in Github for the workflow to complete successfully


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to make improvements.


Student Management API






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