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PRNGs and seeds

Current as of 9/28/2020

TFP supports a couple different forms of pseudo-random number generators, and it's worth explaining/understanding these. To do so requires some TF history.

  • Stateful samplers, Graph mode

    TensorFlow started the random sampler suite with tf.random.normal and friends. These take a single Python int seed argument, as well as looking at the "global" (graph level) seed, both of which become attrs of the TF graph node. A dedicated C++ kernel object is initialized for each TF graph node, and each time that kernel object is executed, it advances an internal PRNG state. Hence the origin of the term "stateful". The graph-level seed is specified by calling tf.random.set_seed.

    def f():
      r1 = tfd.Normal(0., 1.).sample(seed=234)
      r2 = tfd.Normal(0., 1.).sample(seed=234)
      # `r2` is the same as `r1`.
      # op is stateful, but separate graph nodes =>
      #                     dedicated C++ kernel instances =>
      #                     dedicated state per op.
      return r1, r2
    r1, r2 = f()
    assert r1 == r2
    run_mcmc = lambda: tfp.mcmc.sample_chain(
        kernel=tfp.mcmc.RandomWalkMetropolis(tfd.Normal(0., 1.).log_prob),
    run2 = tf.function(lambda: (run_mcmc(), run_mcmc()))
    m1, m2 = run2()
    assert np.all(m1 == m2)
  • Stateful samplers, Eager mode

    To roughly preserve the behavior of graph mode, but execute ops eagerly, the TF eager context object maintains a cache of C++ PRNG kernels keyed on some of the arguments, most notably including the int seed argument. When the user calls tf.random.set_seed, this cache is purged. Thus, to get reproducible randomness in eager requires a call to tf.random.set_seed. But tf.random.set_seed has different effects depending on whether in or out of a tf.function body (indeed, it seems to have very little effect inside a function body, though calling it from a tf.py_function can yield results).

    tfd = tfp.distributions
    def f():
      r1 = tfd.Normal(0., 1.).sample(seed=234)
      # `r2` different from `r1` (stateful, non-`tf.function`)
      r2 = tfd.Normal(0., 1.).sample(seed=234)
      return r1, r2
    r1, r2 = f()
    assert r1 != r2
    r3, _ = f()
    assert r1 == r3
    run_mcmc = lambda: tfp.mcmc.sample_chain(
        kernel=tfp.mcmc.RandomWalkMetropolis(tfd.Normal(0., 1.).log_prob),
    run2 = lambda: (run_mcmc(), run_mcmc())
    m1, m2 = run2()
    assert np.all(m1 != m2)  # different from `m1` (stateful, non-`tf.function`)
    m3, _ = run2()  # same as `m1`
    assert np.all(m1 == m3)
  • Stateful samplers, XLA

    Under XLA, it has never been possible to get reproducible results using TF's stateful samplers, even when specifying a seed.

  • tf.random.Generator, TF2

    In TF2, a new concept was introduced for reproducible stateful randomness. The Generator maintains a tf.Variable instance internally, and calls sampler kernels which update this Variable and produce random results.

    TFP has not been able to embrace this paradigm, in part because the Generator must be provided by the end user in order to work well in all scenarios, e.g. under tf.function wrapping.

  • Stateless samplers

    To support use cases like dropout with gradient checkpointing in long recurrent models, TF introduced reproducible, "stateless" (pure functional) samplers, including tf.random.stateless_normal & friends. These became more important when the disparities between graph and eager PRNGs became evident in TF2 (see above). These are deterministic ops whose behavior is controlled by a int32 Tensor seed of shape [2]. Notably, the seed argument can be controlled by TF graph ops such as the carried state of a while loop or a tf.function input. TFP added support for this type of seed in early 2020 throughout the distributions package and in the mcmc package. Note that this form never requires use of tf.random.set_seed. All random state is explicitly provided by the user as an argument to the sampling op.

    tfd = tfp.distributions
    r1 = tfd.Normal(0., 1.).sample(seed=(1, 2))
    r2 = tfd.Normal(0., 1.).sample(seed=tf.constant([1, 2], tf.int32))
    assert r1 == r2
    run_mcmc = lambda: tfp.mcmc.sample_chain(
        kernel=tfp.mcmc.RandomWalkMetropolis(tfd.Normal(0., 1.).log_prob),
        seed=(1, 2))
    m1 = run_mcmc()
    m2 = run_mcmc()
    m3 = tf.function(run_mcmc)()  # reproducible in both graph and eager modes.
    assert np.all(m1 == m2)
    assert np.all(m1 == m3)
  • JAX: Functional purity

    JAX supports only the stateless variety of random sampling*, e.g. jax.random.normal(key=jax.random.PRNGKey(1), shape=[]). This is easily mapped to align with the TF stateless code paths, see for more information about TFP on JAX.

    * Actually, JAX also supports XLA's seedless stateful samplers for top-end performance reasons, but TFP on JAX does not use these.

    tfp_mcmc = tfp.substrates.jax.mcmc
    tfd = tfp.substrates.jax.distributions
    r1 = tfd.Normal(0., 1.).sample(seed=jax.random.PRNGKey(1))
    r2 = tfd.Normal(0., 1.).sample(seed=jax.random.PRNGKey(1))
    assert r1 == r2
    run_mcmc = lambda: tfp_mcmc.sample_chain(
        kernel=tfp_mcmc.RandomWalkMetropolis(tfd.Normal(0., 1.).log_prob),
    m1 = run_mcmc()
    m2 = jax.jit(run_mcmc)()
    assert np.all(m1 == m2)

Internal implementation details, or How it works in TFP.

So how does this all work under the hood in TFP? What do you as a contributor need to know? TFP uses an internal library to mediate most calls to PRNGs. Here we will discuss the functions provided, and their behaviors.

Import: from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import samplers

  • samplers.sanitize_seed(seed, salt=None, name=None)

    This function ensures that a seed of any flavor becomes a "stateless-compatible" seed, i.e. an int32[2] Tensor. (In JAX, it matches the result type of jax.random.PRNGKey(0), currently uint32[2].)

    If the seed is an int or None, we use tf.random.uniform to statefully draw a pair of unbounded int32s. (This scenario is not permitted in TFP on JAX, where seeds are always required.)

    If the seed is already a stateless-compatible seed, or is a list or tuple with two ints, we will directly convert that to a Tensor.

    The seed can optionally be salted so that the randomness behavior of one function is uncorrelated to that of another. However, salting is generally only necessary "at the front door", since stateless seeds require the discipline of splitting, which ensures no two downstream consumer functions receive the same seed value.

  • samplers.split_seed(seed, n=2, salt=None, name=None)

    This function splits a single seed into n stateless-compatible seeds. The input seed will first be passed to sanitize_seed, which avoids daisy-chains like split_seed(sanitize_seed(seed)). Generally, the result is "unstacked" into a tuple of n separate seeds. However, if n is a Tensor, we will return the stacked result. (This function was inspired by jax.random.split, and in TFP on JAX will call jax.random.split.)

  • samplers.normal, samplers.uniform, samplers.shuffle, samplers.categorical

    These random sampling functions generally call sanitize_seed first, then delegate to an underlying tf.random.stateless_* sampler. The exact implementation details are subject to change, but the basic contract is "int/None seed => stateful sampling, Tensor seed => stateless sampling".


As a first, relatively simple example, let's take a look at usage by In the _sample_n function for BetaBinomial, we can see that the seed is split three ways. Typically, we give each subsidiary seed a local variable name reflecting the downstream usage. In this case, two seeds are passed to a log-space gamma rejection sampler, and the third seed is passed to the binomial sampler. In some cases these downstream consumers will further split the seeds, e.g. for each iteration of a rejection sampling loop.

def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
  gamma1_seed, gamma2_seed, binomial_seed = samplers.split_seed(
      seed, n=3, salt='beta_binomial')
  log_gamma1 = gamma_lib.random_gamma(
      shape=[n], concentration=self.concentration1, seed=gamma1_seed,
  log_gamma2 = gamma_lib.random_gamma(
      shape=[n], concentration=self.concentration0, seed=gamma2_seed,
  return binomial.Binomial(
      self.total_count, logits=log_gamma1 - log_gamma2,

As a more complex example of seed splitting in a loop context, we can look at Here we see an initial split into 3 parts:

init_seed, scan_seed, observation_seed = samplers.split_seed(
    seed, n=3, salt='HiddenMarkovModel')

followed by a scan (loop) with body function generate_step:

def generate_step(state_and_seed, _):
  """Take a single step in Markov chain."""
  state, seed = state_and_seed
  sample_seed, next_seed = samplers.split_seed(seed)
  gen = self._transition_distribution.sample(n * transition_repeat,
  return result, next_seed

Note that the initial carried state of the scan is the scan_seed split off by _sample_n up above.

hidden_states, _ = tf.scan(generate_step, dummy_index,
                           initializer=(init_state, scan_seed))

Similar discipline exists in the body tfp.mcmc.sample_chain to take care of seed splitting and keep underlying TransitionKernel subclasses relatively simple. TransitionKernel takes a seed argument to one_step and can use this to drive randomness, in some cases splitting and passing a separate seed to inner kernels. For example, see tfp.mcmc.MetropolisHastings one_step.