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File metadata and controls

58 lines (40 loc) · 2.22 KB
.. py:currentmodule:: txspinneret.resource

Resource Utilities

A collection of higher-level Twisted Web resource utilities, suitable for use with any existing IResource implementations.

More featureful resources

ISpinneretResource is cut-down version of IResource that allows child location (via ISpinneretResource.locateChild) and rendering (via the normal render_GET, render_POST, etc. methods) to return a 2-tuple of firstly any of the following:

  • bytes, in the same way that IResource does;
  • An object that can be adapted to either IResource or IRenderable;
  • A URLPath instance, to indicate an HTTP redirect;
  • Or a Deferred that results in any of the above values.

And secondly, a list of remaining path segments to be processed.

ISpinneretResource implementations may be adapted to IResource via SpinneretResource, to produce a resource suitable for use with Twisted Web.

Negotiating resources based on Accept

When building an API, in particular, you may want to negotiate the resource that best fits what the client is willing to accept, as specified in the Accept header; enter ContentTypeNegotiator. For example: If the client indicates it accepts, in order, application/xml and application/json and your service supports JSON and HTML, you are able to deliver a result that the client finds acceptable. It is also possible to allow falling back to a default representation in the case where negotiations fail.

An example of supporting JSON and HTML might be:

.. literalinclude:: examples/

(Source: :download:` <examples/>`)

Putting this in a file called and running twistd -n web --class=negotiator.start will create a resource where performing an HTTP GET on / with a text/html Accept header (or no Accept header) results in an HTML page, while an Accept header of application/json results in a JSON response:

$ curl -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:8080/
{"name": "Bob"}

While any other content type results in the HTML page.