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List of claims

Section Example Statement File Name Simplified
Section 3.1 Example 3.1 $\textit{double}$ Examples.Decalf.Basic double
Section 3.1 Example 3.1 $\textit{double}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Decalf.Basic double/bound
Section 3.1 Example 3.1 $\textit{double} = \textit{double}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Decalf.Basic double/has-cost
Section 3.1 Example 3.1 $\bigcirc(\textit{double} = \lambda n.\ \mathsf{ret}(2n))$ Examples.Decalf.Basic double/correct
Section 3.1 Example 3.2 $\textit{insert}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.InsertionSort insert
Section 3.1 Example 3.2 $\textit{insert}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.InsertionSort insert/cost
Section 3.1 Example 3.2 $\textit{insert} \le \textit{insert}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.InsertionSort insert/is-bounded
Section 3.1 Example 3.4 $\textit{isort}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.InsertionSort sort
Section 3.1 Example 3.4 $\textit{isort}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.InsertionSort sort/cost
Section 3.1 Example 3.4 $\textit{isort} \le \textit{isort}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.InsertionSort sort/is-bounded
Section 3.1 Example 3.4 $\textit{msort}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.MergeSort sort
Section 3.1 Example 3.4 $\textit{msort}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.MergeSort sort/cost
Section 3.1 Example 3.4 $\textit{msort} \le \textit{msort}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential.MergeSort sort/is-bounded
Section 3.1 Theorem 3.5 $\bigcirc(\textit{isort} = \textit{msort})$ Examples.Sorting.Sequential isort≡msort
Section 3.2.1 Example 3.6 $\textit{qsort}$ Examples.Decalf.Nondeterminism sort
Section 3.2.1 Example 3.6 $\textit{qsort}$ bounded Examples.Decalf.Nondeterminism sort/is-bounded
Section 3.2.1 Example 3.7 $\textit{lookup}$ Examples.Decalf.Nondeterminism lookup
Section 3.2.1 Example 3.7 $\textit{lookup}_\text{bound}$ Examples.Decalf.Nondeterminism lookup/bound
Section 3.2.1 Example 3.8 $e$ Examples.Decalf.Nondeterminism e
Section 3.2.1 Example 3.8 $e$ bounded Examples.Decalf.Nondeterminism e/is-bounded
Section 3.2.1 Example 3.8 $e;\mathsf{ret}(\star)$ bounded Examples.Decalf.Nondeterminism e/is-bounded'
Section 3.2.2 Example 3.9 $\textit{sublist}$ Examples.Decalf.ProbabilisticChoice sublist
Section 3.2.2 Example 3.9 $\textit{bernoulli}$ Examples.Decalf.ProbabilisticChoice bernoulli
Section 3.2.2 Example 3.9 $\textit{binomial}$ Examples.Decalf.ProbabilisticChoice binomial
Section 3.2.2 Example 3.9 $\lambda l.\ (\textit{sublist}~l;\mathsf{ret}(\star))$ bounded Examples.Decalf.ProbabilisticChoice sublist/is-bounded
Section 3.2.2 Example 3.9 $\textit{binomial}$ bounded Examples.Decalf.ProbabilisticChoice binomial/upper
Section 3.2.2 Example 3.9 $\lambda l.\ (\textit{sublist}~l;\mathsf{ret}(\star))$ bounded (relaxed) Examples.Decalf.ProbabilisticChoice sublist/is-bounded'
Section 3.2.3 Example 3.10 $e$ Examples.Decalf.GlobalState e
Section 3.2.3 Example 3.10 $e_\text{bound}$ Examples.Decalf.GlobalState e/bound
Section 3.2.3 Example 3.10 $e = e_\text{bound}$ Examples.Decalf.GlobalState e/has-cost
Section 3.3 Example 3.11 $\textit{twice}$ Examples.Decalf.HigherOrderFunction twice
Section 3.3 Example 3.11 $\textit{twice}$ bounded (conditional) Examples.Decalf.HigherOrderFunction twice/is-bounded
Section 3.3 Example 3.12 $\textit{map}$ Examples.Decalf.HigherOrderFunction map
Section 3.3 Example 3.12 $\textit{map}$ bounded (fixed conditional) Examples.Decalf.HigherOrderFunction map/is-bounded
Section 3.3 Example 3.12 $\textit{map}$ bounded (probabilistic conditional) Examples.Decalf.HigherOrderFunction map/is-bounded'

For simplicity, weaker cost bound proofs (eliding correctness proofs) for the sorting algorithms are given as indicated in the last column, following the original calf development of Niu et al. (2022).

Download, installation, and sanity-testing

Haskell dependencies

  • ghc: we have tested ghc versions 8.10.2
  • cabal: we have tested cabal version

If you are running a version of Linux or Windows, the easiest way to install ghc and cabal is haskell-platform. For MacOS, GHCup is recommended.

After this, you should have cabal installed. Check by running cabal --version on the command line. For us this returns the following:

cabal-install version

In theory, any cabal version that supports installing Agda version 2.6.3 will work.


To use agda-calf, you will need Agda version 2.6.3. First update the package listing with the following command:

cabal update

Then install Agda:

cabal install Agda-2.6.3

This may take a while. To test your installation, type agda --version on the command line, which should return Agda version 2.6.3.

Installing the Agda standard library

agda-calf depends on the Agda standard library, so you will need to download the standard library and tell Agda where to look for it.

First download the library:

wget -O agda-stdlib.tar

Extract the tarball, noting the directory that contains the extracted folder agda-stdlib-master:

tar -zxvf agda-stdlib.tar

Now we need to register the library with Agda.

  1. If it doesn't exist, create a directory called .agda in your home directory (on MacOS and Linux you can do mkdir ~/.agda).
  2. Now in .agda, create a file called libraries.
  3. Inside ~/.agda/libraries, write down the following line, where DIR is replaced with the directory in which you extracted the tarball:


Installing agda-calf

Clone the repository to a convenient directory:

git clone

The directory structure of agda-calf should be as follows (omitting some files and directories):

│   └───Calf
│   │   index.agda

Note that the files relevant to the claims are all located in the src directory.


To evaluate a single claim, navigate to the directory containing the file associated with that claim and run agda filename on the command line. Because the validity of each claim is equivalent to Agda being able to typecheck the function with no errors, the expected output is that Agda will finish running with no output.

For convenience, we have define a root file src/index.agda that includes all the files contained in agda-calf, so running agda index.agda in the directory src will effectively evaluate all claims at once. Again, the expected output is that Agda finishes typechecking with no errors or textual outputs. Note that running agda index.agda should not take more than a few minutes.

Artifact description

For an overview of the core implementation of agda-calf, please see the Language Implementation section in the top-level We also provide a listing of the case studies on cost verification in agda-calf in the Examples section; some additional examples are updated from calf to decalf. We recommend the interested reader to begin with the example Examples.Id.

One can also view agda-calf online here:

For writing and verifying new programs in agda-calf, we recommend using VS Code with the agda-mode extension.