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FPM and Docker

Because fpm depends on so many underlying system tools, docker can alleviate the need to install them locally.

An end user may use a docker container in lieu of installing locally. And a developer can use docker to run the test suite.

Running FPM inside docker

First, build a container will all the dependencies:

make docker-release-everything

Now, run it as you would the fpm command. Note that you will have to mount your source directly into the docker volume:

docker run -v $(pwd):/src fpm --help

As a full example:

mkdir /tmp/fpm-test
mkdir /tmp/fpm-test/files
touch /tmp/fpm-test/files/one
touch /tmp/fpm-test/files/two

docker run -v /tmp/fpm-test/files:/src -v /tmp/fpm-test:/out fpm -s dir -t tar -n example -p /out/out.tar .

tar tf /tmp/fpm-test/out.tar

Depending on your needs, you will have to adjust the volume mounts and relative paths to fit your particular situation.

Running rpsec inside docker

The Makefile provides some targets for testing. They will build a docker container with the dependencies, and then invoked rspec inside it. The makefile uses a sentinel file to indicate that the docker image has been build, and can be reused.

make docker-test-everything

How does this work

The Dockerfile makes heavy use of multistage builds. This allows the various output containers to build on the same earlier stages.

There are two base images. A minimal image, which contains compiled dependencies and ruby. And an everything image which brings in scripting systems like python and perl. These are split to allow a smaller minimal image in cases where building scripting language packages are not needed.

The Dockerfile the argument BASE_ENV to specify what base image to use. This can be set to either minimal or everything. If unspecified, it defaults to everything

We want to use the same set of base images for both the rspec testing, as well as the run time containerization. We do this by using the TARGET argument to select which container to build.

The makefile encodes this logic with two pattern rules.