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About sACN Translator

sACN Translator supports a generic REST API.


sACN Translator can listen to multiple universes of Streaming ACN data. By default, it will listen on Universe 1.

Getting All Universes:

Make a GET request to /api/universes to receive a JSON reply of all universes that are currently being listened to.

Adding a Universe

Make a POST request to /api/universe/add/*universe*, where universe is the universe number to add.

Deleting a Universe:

Make a POST request to /api/universe/delete/*universe*, where universe is the universe number to delete.

Any time a universe is added or deleted, the listening service will be restarted.


sACN Translator uses Fixture addresses to listen to their corresponding DMX values to then trigger an action.

Getting All Fixtures:

Make a GET request to /api/fixtures to receive a JSON reply of all available fixtures. Fixture objects are defined as:

  • "id": Unique ID generated by the server upon creation of the Fixture object.
  • "name": The friendly name of the fixture.
  • "universe": The Universe that this fixture is considered to be on. This Universe must be added to the list of universes in order for the service to listen to sACN changes on that universe.
  • "address": The DMX Address that this fixture is considered to be on.
  • "triggerValue": The Trigger Value to watch for, to trigger the action. Must be a value between 0 and 255.
  • "actionType": The type of action to be performed when triggered. Example: HTTP
  • "action": The action to be performed, i.e. a URL.

Getting a specific Fixture:

Make a GET request to /api/fixture/*fixtureID*, where fixtureID is the ID of the fixture, to receive a JSON reply of the fixture information. If an invalid Fixture ID is specified, a reply of {returnStatus: "invalid-fixture-id"} will be returned.

Adding a Fixture:

Make a POST request to /api/fixture/add, specifying all the Fixture object data, except for the ID, which will be automatically generated. The newly created Fixture object will be returned as a JSON reply.

Updating a Fixture:

Make a POST request to /api/fixture/*fixtureID*, where fixtureID is the ID of the Fixture object, along with a JSON Fixture object in the POST body. It will return the updated Fixture object as a JSON reply.

Deleting a Fixture:

Make a POST request to /api/fixture/delete/*fixtureID*, where fixtureID is the ID of the Fixture object.


sACN Translator can capture sACN data on the Universes you are listening to and recall them.

Capturing a Scene:

Make a GET request to /api/capture/cueNumber, where cueNumber is the number or name of the cue you want to store. It will only capture the Universes you are currently monitoring.

Recalling a Scene:

Make a GET request to /api/recall/cueNumber, where cueNumber is the name of the cue you want to recall. It will only recall the Universes that were being monitored at the time it was initially captured.

Clearing a Scene:

Make a GET request to /api/clear.

Restarting The Service:

Make a GET request to /api/restart to restart the listening service.