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File metadata and controls

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This library consists of APIs to format and parse numbers, dates, times and file sizes for use in D2L Brightspace.

Looking for the older d2l-intl library? It's still here in the v2.x branch.

Why not just use the standard ECMAScript Internationalization API (ECMA-402) and related polyfills? Firstly, the standard doesn't include any parsing functionality. Additionally, Brightspace supports fine-grained locale customization at the organization and user levels -- configuration that simply isn't present in the native APIs.

Installation & Usage

Install from NPM:

npm install @brightspace-ui/intl

Then import only the functionality you need:

import {formatDate, formatTime} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/dateTime.js';
import {formatNumber, formatPercent} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/number.js';

All of the APIs will automatically detect the document's language via the lang attribute on the <html> element. They'll also look for various data- attributes that will be present in Brightspace pages to access override and timezone information.

Number Formatting

Integer and decimal numbers can be formatted in the user's locale using formatNumber. Percentages can be formatted using formatPercent. Use the optional options parameter for rounding.

import {formatNumber, formatPercent} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/number.js';

const number = formatNumber(8902.72, [options]); // -> '8,902.72' in en-US
const percent = formatPercent(0.333, [options]); // -> '33.3 %' in en-US


  • minimumFractionDigits: Minimum number of fraction digits to use. Possible values range from 0 to 20; the default is 0.
  • maximumFractionDigits: Maximum number of fraction digits to use. Possible values range from 0 to 20; the default is the larger of minimumFractionDigits and 3.
  • useGrouping: Whether to use grouping separators, such as thousands separators; the default is true.

Formatting as an integer (rounded to 0 decimal places):

import {formatNumber} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/number.js';

const value = formatNumber(89.72, {
	maximumFractionDigits: 0
}); // -> '90' in en-US

Formatting as a percentage (rounded to 2 decimal places, but always showing at least 2 decimals):

import {formatPercent} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/number.js';

const value = formatPercent(0.333, {
	minimumFractionDigits: 2,
	maximumFractionDigits: 2
}); // -> '33.30 %' in en-US

Number Parsing

The parseNumber method can be used to parse an integer or decimal number written in the user's locale.

import {parseNumber} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/number.js';

const value = parseNumber('-8 942,39'); // -> -8942.39 in fr-CA

Date/Time Formatting

Dates and times can be formatted in the user's locale using formatDate, formatTime and formatDateTime.

Timestamps (milliseconds since the epoch) can be formatted in the user's locale and timezone using formatDateTimeFromTimestamp.

Combined dates and times are formatted using formatDateTime:

import {formatDateTime} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/dateTime.js';

const date = formatDateTime(
	new Date(2015, 8, 23, 14, 5),
); // -> '2015-09-23 14:05' in sv-SE


  • format: pattern to use when rendering the date-time; default is 'short'.
    • full: long weekday, month names and timezone. e.g. 'Wednesday, September 23, 2015 1:25 PM EST'
    • medium: short month names. e.g. 'Sept 23, 2015 1:25 PM'
    • short: abbreviated date format. e.g. '9/23/2015 1:25 PM'

To format a timestamp as a date and time:

const dateString = formatDateTimeFromTimestamp(

Options are the same as for formatDateTime; this method converts the timestamp to a Date in the user's configured time zone, then returns the results of passing this date to formatDateTime.

To format a timestamp as a date only:

const dateString = formatDateFromTimestamp(

Options are the same as for formatDate; this method converts the timestamp to a Date in the user's configured time zone, then returns the results of passing this date to formatDate.

To format a timestamp as a time only:

const timeString = formatTimeFromTimestamp(

Options are the same as for formatTime; this method converts the timestamp to a Date in the user's configured time zone, then returns the results of passing this date to formatTime.

To format a date only (without the time portion), use formatDate:

import {formatDate} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/dateTime.js';

const value = formatDate(
	new Date(2015, 8, 23),
	{format: 'full'}
); // -> 'miércoles 23 de septiembre de 2015' in es-MX


  • format: pattern to use when rendering the date; default is 'short'.
    • full: long weekday and month names. e.g. 'Wednesday, September 23, 2015'
    • medium: long month names. e.g. 'September 23, 2015'
    • short: abbreviated date format. e.g. '9/23/2015'
    • monthYear: month and year only. e.g. 'September 2015'
    • monthDay: month and day only. e.g. 'September 23'
    • shortMonthDay: short month and day only. e.g. 'Sep 23'
    • longDayOfWeek: long weekday only. e.g. 'Wednesday'
    • shortDayOfWeek: short weekday only. e.g. 'Wed'
    • longMonth: long month only. e.g. 'September'
    • shortMonth: short month only. e.g. 'Sep'

To format a time only (without the date portion), use formatTime:

import {formatTime} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/dateTime.js';

const time = formatTime(
	new Date(2015, 8, 23, 14, 5)
); // -> '오후 14:05' in ko-KR


  • format: pattern to use when rendering the time; default is 'short'.
    • full: includes timezone. e.g. '1:25 PM EST'
    • medium or short: excludes timezone e.g. '1:25 PM'

Date Parsing

To parse a date written in the user's locale, use parseDate:

import {parseDate} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/dateTime.js';

const date = parseDate('2015-09-23'); // in fr-CA
date.getFullYear(); // -> 2015
date.getMonth(); // -> 8 (months are 0-11)
date.getDate(); // -> 23

Time Parsing

To parse a time written in the user's locale, use parseTime:

import {parseTime} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/dateTime.js';

const date = parseTime('14 h 05'); // in fr-CA
date.getHours(); // -> 14
date.getMinutes(); // -> 5

Date/Time Conversion based on user timezone

To convert an object containing a UTC date to an object containing a local date corresponding to the data-timezone attribute:

import {convertUTCToLocalDateTime} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/dateTime.js';

const UTCDateTime =  {
	month: 12,
	date: 1,
	year: 2015,
	hours: 8,
	minutes: 0,
	seconds: 0
const localDateTime = convertUTCToLocalDateTime(
); // -> { month: 12, date: 1, year: 2015, hours: 3, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 } in America/Toronto

To convert an object containing a local date corresponding to the data-timezone attribute to an object containing a UTC date:

import {convertLocalToUTCDateTime} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/dateTime.js';

const localDateTime =  {
	month: 12,
	date: 1,
	year: 2015,
	hours: 8,
	minutes: 0,
	seconds: 0
const UTCDateTime = convertLocalToUTCDateTime(
); // -> { month: 12, date: 1, year: 2015, hours: 13, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 } in America/Toronto

File Size Formatting

Use formatFileSize to format a file size appropriately for the user's locale.

import {formatFileSize} from '@brightspace-ui/intl/lib/fileSize.js';

const fileSize = formatFileSize(100); // -> '100 bytes' in en-US


Contributions are welcome, please submit a pull request!

Versioning & Releasing

TL;DR: Commits prefixed with fix: and feat: will trigger patch and minor releases when merged to main. Read on for more details...

The sematic-release GitHub Action is called from the release.yml GitHub Action workflow to handle version changes and releasing.

Version Changes

All version changes should obey semantic versioning rules:

  1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

The next version number will be determined from the commit messages since the previous release. Our semantic-release configuration uses the Angular convention when analyzing commits:

  • Commits which are prefixed with fix: or perf: will trigger a patch release. Example: fix: validate input before using
  • Commits which are prefixed with feat: will trigger a minor release. Example: feat: add toggle() method
  • To trigger a MAJOR release, include BREAKING CHANGE: with a space or two newlines in the footer of the commit message
  • Other suggested prefixes which will NOT trigger a release: build:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor: and test:. Example: docs: adding README for new component

To revert a change, add the revert: prefix to the original commit message. This will cause the reverted change to be omitted from the release notes. Example: revert: fix: validate input before using.


When a release is triggered, it will:

  • Update the version in package.json
  • Tag the commit
  • Create a GitHub release (including release notes)
  • Deploy a new package to NPM

Releasing from Maintenance Branches

Occasionally you'll want to backport a feature or bug fix to an older release. semantic-release refers to these as maintenance branches.

Maintenance branch names should be of the form: +([0-9])?(.{+([0-9]),x}).x.

Regular expressions are complicated, but this essentially means branch names should look like:

  • 1.15.x for patch releases on top of the 1.15 release (after version 1.16 exists)
  • 2.x for feature releases on top of the 2 release (after version 3 exists)