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Global Actions

The MIDI Actions send MIDI messages to the MIDI port selected as the Output port for the ClyphX control surface. Also, all values in MIDI Actions should be entered in decimal.

The SCENE related Actions do not actually Launch Scenes, they Launch every Clip on a Scene. For this reason, they will function similar to Launching Scenes when Start Recording on Scene Launch is turned on.

Action Description Examples
ADDAUDIO Creates an Audio Track at the end of the Track list. -
ADDAUDIO x Creates an Audio Track where x is the Track Number of the new Track. ADDAUDIO 1, ADDAUDIO 10
ADDMIDI Creates a MIDI Track at the end of the Track list. -
ADDMIDI x Creates a MIDI Track where x is the Track Number of the new Track. ADDMIDI 1, ADDMIDI 10
ADDRETURN Creates a Return Track at the end of the Return list. -
ADDSCENE Creates a Scene at the end of the Scenes list. -
ADDSCENE x Creates a Scene where x is the Scene Number of the new Scene. ADDSCENE 1, ADDSCENE 10
B2A Back to Arrangement. -
BPM x x is the Tempo to set in BPMs. BPM 100, BPM 85.53
BPM *x x is the value to multiply the Tempo by. BPM *0.5, BPM *2
BPM < or > Dec/Inc Tempo by increment of 1-BPM. BPM <, BPM >
BPM x Dec/Inc Tempo by increment of x-BPM. BPM <2, BPM >0.5
BPM RAMP x y Smoothly Ramp up/down the Tempo where x is the Ramp duration (in Beats) and y is the Tempo (in BPMs) at the end of the Ramp. BPM RAMP 8 100, BPM RAMP 4 85.53
BPM RAMP x *y Smoothly Ramp up/down the Tempo where x is the Ramp duration (in Beats) and y is the value to multiply the current Tempo by. BPM RAMP 16 *2, BPM RAMP 4 *0.75
DEBUG Activate debugging mode, which causes ClyphX to log events as they occur to assist in Troubleshooting. -
DELSCENE When accessed via an X-Clip, delete the Scene the X-Clip is on. Otherwise, delete the selected Scene. In both cases, it is not possible to delete a Scene if it’s the only Scene in the Set. -
DELSCENE x x is the Scene number to delete. Specify SEL for the selected Scene. It is not possible to delete a Scene if it’s the only Scene in the Set. DELSCENE 10, DELSCENE 3, DELSCENE SEL
DEVFIRST or DEVLAST Move to the First or Last Device on the selected Track. DEVFIRST, DEVLAST
DEVLEFT or DEVRIGHT Move Left or Right between Devices on the selected Track. DEVLEFT, DEVRIGHT
DUMMY T his Action does nothing. This is intended for use with PSEQ Action Lists and LSEQ and DEFAULT WITH STOP X-Clips. -
DUPESCENE When accessed via an X-Clip, Duplicate the Scene the X-Clip is on. Otherwise, Duplicate the selected Scene. -
DUPESCENE x x is the Scene number to Duplicate. Specify SEL for the selected Scene. DUPESCENE 10, DUPESCENE 3, DUPESCENE SEL
FOCBRWSR Move the Focus to the Browser and show the Browser if it isn’t visible. -
FOCDETAIL Move the Focus to Detail View and show Detail View if it isn’t visible. -
FOCMAIN Move the Focus to the Main Focus. -
GQ Toggle Global Quantization value between None and the last value. -
GQ x x is the Global Quantization value to set. GQ NONE, GQ 8 BARS, GQ 4 BARS, GQ 2 BARS, GQ 1 BAR, GQ 1/2, GQ 1/2T, GQ 1/4, GQ 1/4T, GQ 1/8, GQ 1/8T, GQ 1/16, GQ 1/16T, GQ 1/32
GQ < or > Select the Prev/Next Global Quantization value. GQ <, GQ >
GRV x x is the Global Groove amount to set. GRV 50, GRV 0
GRV < or > Dec/Inc Global Groove amount by increment of 1. GRV <, GRV >
GRV x Dec/Inc Global Groove amount by increment of x. GRV <2, GRV >10
HZOOM x or VZOOM x Horizontally or vertically zoom in on the selected Track in Arrangement View where x is the number of times to zoom. Positive numbers zoom in, negative numbers zoom out. For vertical zooming, you can also include the word ALL, which will cause all Tracks to be vertically zoomed. HZOOM 1, HZOOM -50, VZOOM 50, VZOOM -1, VZOOM ALL-50
INSAUDIO or INSMIDI Inserts an Audio or MIDI Track to the right of the selected Track that will be armed and routed from the selected Track. This will not perform an insertion if the selected Track is not the correct type. For example, if the selected Track doesn't have Audio output, INSAUDIO will do nothing. INSAUDIO, INSMIDI
LEFT or RIGHT or UP or DOWN Move Left or Right or Up or Down in Session or Arrangement View. LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN
LOADDEV x x is the name of the native Live device (as shown in the Browser) to load onto the selected Track. LOADDEV AMP, LOADDEV AUTO FILTER, LOADDEV CHORUS
LOADM4L x x the name of the M4L device (as shown in the Browser, but without the .amxd) to load onto the selected Track. Only M4L devices in the root of the main M4L folders can be loaded. LOADM4L LFO, LOADM4L MAX CUTKILLER, LOADM4L ENVELOPE
LOC x x is the name of the Arrangement Locator to jump to. LOC VERSE 1, LOC HOOK
LOC < or > Jump to the Prev/Next Arrangement Locator. LOC <, LOC >
LOCLOOP x x is the name of the Arrangement Locator to jump to. Also, the arrangement Loop Start position will move to the position of this Locator. LOCLOOP VERSE 1, LOCLOOP HOOK
LOOP Toggle, turn on or turn off Arrangement Loop. LOOP, LOOP ON, LOOP OFF
LOOP x x is the Arrangement Loop Length to set in Bars. LOOP 4, LOOP 16
LOOP *x x is the value to multiply the Arrangement Loop Length by. LOOP *0.5, LOOP *2
LOOP < or > Move the Arrangement Loop Backward/Forward by its length. LOOP <, LOOP >
LOOP x Move the Arrangement Loop Backward/Forward by x number of beats. LOOP <4, LOOP >16
LOOP RESET Reset Arrangement Loop Start position to 1.1.1. -
METRO Toggle, turn on or turn off Metronome. METRO, METRO ON, METRO OFF
MIDI x x is the MIDI message (of any type/length) to send. MIDI 144 0 127, MIDI 192 6, MIDI 240 1 2 3 4 247
MIDI CC x y z Send a MIDI Control Change message where x is the Channel (in the range of 1 – 16), y is the Control number (in the range of 0 – 127) and z is the Value (in the range of 0 – 127). MIDI CC 1 0 127, MIDI CC 16 10 127
MIDI NOTE x y z Send a MIDI Note message where x is the Channel (in the range of 1 – 16), y is the Note number (in the range of 0 – 127) and z is the Velocity (in the range of 0 – 127). This will send a Note message with virtually no length. MIDI NOTE 1 0 127, MIDI NOTE 16 10 127
MIDI PC x y Send a MIDI Program Change message where x is the Channel (in the range of 1 – 16) and y is the Value (in the range of 0 – 127). MIDI PC 1 0, MIDI PC 16 10
OVER Toggle, turn on or turn off Overdub. OVER, OVER ON, OVER OFF
PIN Toggle, turn on or turn off Punch In. PIN, PIN ON, PIN OFF
POUT Toggle, turn on or turn off Punch Out. POUT, POUT ON, POUT OFF
PSEQ RESET Reset all PSEQ Action Lists, so that they start back at their beginning. -
REC Toggle, turn on or turn off Arrangement Record. REC, REC ON, REC OFF
REDO or UNDO Redo or Undo. REDO, UNDO
RESTART Restart Arrangement at Position 1.1.1. -
RQ Toggle Record Quantization value between None and the last value. -
RQ x x is the Record Quantization value to set. RQ NONE, RQ 1/4, RQ 1/8, RQ 1/8T, RQ 1/8 + 1/8T, RQ 1/16, RQ 1/16T, RQ 1/16 + 1/16T, RQ 1/32
RQ < or > Select the Prev/Next Record Quantization value. RQ <, RQ >
RPT Toggle Note Repeat on/off. -
RPT x x is the Note Repeat rate to set. RPT OFF, RPT 1/4, RPT 1/4T, RPT 1/8, RPT 1/8T, RPT 1/16, RPT 1/16T, RPT 1/32, RPT 1/32T
RTRIG Retrigger all Clips that are currently recording. -
SATM Toggle, turn on or turn off Automation Arm. SATM, SATM ON, SATM OFF
SCENE When accessed via an X-Clip, Launch the Scene the X-Clip is on. Otherwise, Launch the selected Scene. -
SCENE x x is the Scene number of the Scene to Launch. Specify SEL for the selected Scene. You can alternatively specify the Scene’s name enclosed in quotes. SCENE 10, SCENE 3, SCENE SEL, SCENE “My Scene”
SCENE RND Launch a randomly selected Scene. -
SCENE RNDx-y Launch a randomly selected Scene in the range of x-y (where both x and y are in the range of 1 – the number of Scenes in the Set). SCENE RND5-10, SCENE RND96-142
SCENE < or > Launch the Prev/Next Scene relative to the last launched Scene. SCENE <, SCENE >
SCENE x Launch the Scene that is x-Scenes prior to or after the last launched Scene. SCENE <5, SCENE >3
SETCONT Continue playback from the stop point. This is only useful when accessed from an X-Control. -
SETFOLD Toggle, turn on or turn off Track Fold for all Tracks. SETFOLD, SETFOLD ON, SETFOLD OFF
SETJUMP x x is the number of beats to jump the Arrangement’s Playback Position Backward/Forward by. JUMP 1, JUMP -5, JUMP 7
SETLOC Add a Locator at the current Arrangement position or, if a Locator already exists at the position, delete the Locator. -
SETSTOP Stop playback. This will actually toggle playback state, so it can be used to start/stop playback when accessed from an X-Control. -
SHOWCLIP Show Clip View. -
SHOWDETAIL Toggle between showing and hiding Detail View. -
SHOWDEV Show Track View. -
SIG x/y x is the Time Signature Numerator value and y is the Denominator value. SIG 4/4, SIG 6/8, SIG 16/2
SREC Toggle, turn on or turn off Session Record. SREC, SREC ON, SREC OFF
SRECFIX x Trigger fixed-length Session Record on all armed Tracks where x is the length to record in bars. If you use this on a MIDI track, make sure that global quantization if OFF if x is less than 1 SRECFIX 4, SRECFIX 8, SRCFIX 0.5
STOPALL Stop all Clips. -
STOPALL NQ Stop all Clips immediately (not quantized). -
SWAP Open the Browser and activate hotswapping for the selected Device. -
SWAP x x is the name of the preset (as shown in the Browser, but without the .adv or .adg) to hotswap into the selected native Live device. Only presets that exist in the Device’s folder (or sub-folders within its folder) can be swapped. SWAP BASS ROUNDUP, SWAP SWIRL, SWAP KIT-CORE 606
SWAP < or > Swap to the Prev/Next preset (with wrapping) for the selected native Live device. Only presets that exist in the Device’s folder (or sub-folders within its folder) can be swapped. Also, the navigation here is done alphabetically (sub-folders will be entered into alphabetically as well), so it won’t necessarily line up with how you’d navigate in the Browser. SWAP <, SWAP >
SWING x x is the Note Repeat (RPT) Swing amount (in the range of 0 – 100) to set. SWING 50, SWING 0
SWING < or > Dec/Inc Note Repeat (RPT) Swing amount by increment of 1. SWING <,SWING >
SWING < x or > x Dec/Inc Note Repeat (RPT) Swing amount by increment of x. SWING <2, SWING >10
TAPBPM Tap tempo. -
TGLBRWSR Toggle the Browser and move the Focus to it or the main Focus. -
TGLDETAIL Toggle between Clip and Track View. -
TGLMAIN Toggle between Session and Arrangement View. -
UNARM Unarm all armable Tracks. -
UNMUTE Unmute all Tracks. -
UNSOLO Unsolo all Tracks. -

Track actions

To operate on a different Track, specify the Track followed by a slash ( / ) before the Action name:

  • Specify the Track number 2/VOL >
  • or a return letter A/VOL >
  • or MST for Master MST/VOL >
  • or SEL for the Selected Track SEL/VOL
  • or a track name enclosed in quotes "My Track"/VOL >
  • or use the < and > keywords to operate on Tracks prior to or after the Selected Track </MUTE, >/PLAY, >4/VOL >
  • or x-x for a range of tracks: 5-8/SEND A > or 2-B/VOL RND or 8-MST/PAN RESET or SEL-"My Track"/MUTE or >->4/PAN >
  • or to ALL for all tracks ALL/PLAY
Action Description Examples
ADDCLIP Creates a 1 Bar MIDI Clip in the selected Clip Slot on the Track. -
ADDCLIP x x is the Scene number of the Clip Slot where a 1 Bar MIDI Clip will be created. Specify SEL for the selected Scene. ADDCLIP 10, ADDCLIP 3, ADDCLIP SEL
ADDCLIP x y x is the Scene number of the Clip Slot where a MIDI Clip will be created that is y Bars long. Specify SEL for the selected Scene. ADDCLIP 10 4, ADDCLIP 3 8, ADDCLIP SEL 0.25
ARM Toggle, turn on or turn off Track Arm. ARM, ARM ON, ARM OFF
CUE Adjust Preview Volume (Master Track only). This is a Continuous Parameter. MST/CUE <, MST/CUE >, MST/CUE RESET, MST/CUE RND, MST/CUE 50, MST/CUE 100
DEL Deletes the Track. It is not possible to Delete a Track if it’s the only Track in the Set. Returns and the Master cannot be Deleted. -
DELDEV x x is the number of the Device (based on the Device’s position on the Track) to Delete. Only top-level Devices (Devices that aren’t inside of Racks) can be Deleted. DELDEV 1, DELDEV 5
DUPE Duplicates the Track. Returns and the Master cannot be Duplicated. -
FOLD Toggle, turn on or turn off Track Fold. FOLD, FOLD ON, FOLD OFF
IN x Select a Track Input Routing. x is the name of the Track Input Routing selection. IN COMPUTER KEYBOARD
IN < or > Select the Prev/Next Track Input Routing selection. IN <, IN >
INSUB x Select a Track Input sub-routing. x is the name of the Track Input Sub-Routing selection. INSUB CH. 1
INSUB < or > Select the Prev/Next Track Input Sub-Routing selection. INSUB <, INSUB >
JUMP x x is the number of beats to jump the Playback Position of the playing Clip on the Track Backward/Forward by. JUMP 1, JUMP -5, JUMP 7
MON or MON x Toggle Track Monitoring state or set a particular state where x is the state to set. MON, MON IN, MON AUTO, MON OFF
MUTE Toggle, turn on or turn off Track Mute. MUTE, MUTE ON, MUTE OFF
NAME x x is the new name for the Track. The new name will be capitalized. NAME BKG VOCALS
OUT x Select a Track Ouput Routing. x is the name of the Track Output Routing selection. OUT TO MT PLAYER 1
OUT < or > Select the Prev/Next Track Output Routing selection. OUT <, OUT >
OUTSUB x Select a Track Ouput sub-routing. x is the name of the Track Output Sub-Routing selection. OUTSUB CH. 10
OUTSUB < or > Select the Prev/Next Track Output Sub-Routing selection. OUTSUB <, OUTSUB >
PAN x Adjust Track Pan. This is a Continuous Parameter. PAN <, PAN >, PAN RESET, PAN RND, PAN 50, PAN 100
PLAY When accessed via an X-Clip, Launch the Clip Slot on the same Scene as the X-Clip. Otherwise, re-Launch the playing Clip Slot or Launch the Clip Slot at the selected Scene. -
PLAY x x is the Scene number of the Clip Slot to Launch. Specify SEL for the selected Scene. You can alternatively specify the name of the Clip enclosed in quotes. PLAY 10, PLAY 3, PLAY SEL, PLAY “My Clip”
PLAY RND Launch a Clip Slot at a randomly selected Scene. -
PLAY RNDx-y Launch a Clip Slot at a randomly selected Scene in the range of x-y (where both x and y are in the range of 1 – the number of Scenes in the Set). PLAY RND5-10, PLAY RND96-142
PLAY < or > Launch the Prev/Next Clip Slot relative to the playing Clip. This will not launch empty slots and does not apply to Group Tracks. PLAY <, PLAY >
PLAY x Launch the Clip Slot that is x-Scenes prior to or after the playing Clip. This does not apply to Group Tracks. PLAY <5, PLAY >3
PLAYL Launch a Clip with Legato using the current Global Quantization value. PLAYL “My Clip”, PLAYL RND, PLAYL >
PLAYQ Launch a Clip at a specific quantization (regardless of the current Global Quantization value or the Clip’s Launch Quantization). The quantization values that can be used are the same as those mentioned for the GQ Action. PLAYQ NONE “My Clip”, PLAYQ 1 BAR RND, PLAYQ 1/4 >
PLAYLQ This is a combination of the previous two variations -
RENAMEALL Rename all the Clips on the Track based on the Track’s name. -
RENAMEALL x Rename all the Clips on the Track where x is the base name to use. RENAMEALL DRUMS
SEL Select the Track and highlight the playing Clip or the Clip at the selected Scene. -
SEL x Select the Track and a particular Slot where x is the Scene number of the Slot. SEL 10, SEL 3
SEND ltr x ltr is the letter of the Track Send to adjust. This is a Continuous Parameter. SEND A <, SEND A >, SEND A RESET, SEND A RND, SEND A 50, SEND A 100
SNAP Store/recall snapshot of Track and Device settings. See Snap Action for more info on this. SNAP, SNAP DEV, SNAP MIX, SNAP MIX+, SNAP PLAY
SOLO Toggle, turn on or turn off Track Solo. SOLO, SOLO ON, SOLO OFF
STOP Stop the playing Clip on the Track. -
STOP NQ Stop the playing Clip on the Track immediately (not quantized). -
VOL x Adjust Track Volume. This is a Continuous Parameter. VOL <, VOL >, VOL RESET, VOL RND, VOL 50, VOL 100
XFADE or XFADE x Toggle Track Crossfade assignment or set a particular state where x is the state to set. XFADE, XFADE A, XFADE B, XFADE OFF
XFADER x Adjust Master Crossfader (Master Track only). This is a continuous parameter. MST/XFADER <, MST/XFADER >, MST/XFADER RESET, MST/XFADER RND, MST/XFADER 50, MST/XFADER 100

Track actions for Devices

Device actions are track-based and will apply to the device selected on the track, or on the 1st device. If you want to operate on a different Device, add a number after DEV: DEV3 RESET, will reset the 3rd device and, 2/DEV3 RND, will randomize the 3rd device on track 2.

A device name can also be specified with quotes (i.e. DEV"Auto Filter" RND).

Action Description Examples
DEV Toggle, turn on or turn off Device On/Off switch. DEV, DEV ON, DEV OFF
DEV CHAINc MUTE Toggle, turn on or turn off Chain Mute where c is the number of the Chain. DEV CHAIN2 MUTE, DEV CHAIN4 MUTE ON, DEV CHAIN1 MUTE OFF
DEV CHAINc PAN x Adjust Chain Pan where c is the number of the Chain. This is a Continuous Parameter. DEV CHAIN2 PAN <, DEV CHAIN4 PAN >, DEV CHAIN6 PAN RESET, DEV CHAIN2 PAN RND, DEV CHAIN25 PAN 50
DEV CHAINc SOLO Toggle, turn on or turn off Chain Solo where c is the number of the Chain. DEV CHAIN2 SOLO, DEV CHAIN4 SOLO ON, DEV CHAIN1 SOLO OFF
DEV CHAINc VOL x Adjust Chain Volume where c is the number of the Chain. This is a Continuous Parameter. DEV CHAIN2 VOL <, DEV CHAIN4 VOL >, DEV CHAIN6 VOL RESET, DEV CHAIN2 VOL RND, DEV CHAIN25 VOL 50
DEV CS x Adjust Device Chain Selector value. This is a Continuous Parameter. DEV CS <, DEV CS >, DEV CS RESET, DEV CS RND, DEV CS 50, DEV CS 100
DEV CSEL x x is the number of the Chain to select. DEV CSEL 10, DEV CSEL 3
DEV CSEL < or > Navigate to the Prev/Next Chain. DEV CSEL <, DEV CSEL >
DEV Bn Pp x Adjust Device Bank parameter 1 - 8 where n in the number of the bank and p in the number of the parameter within the bank to adjust. This is a Continuous Parameter. DEV B1 P1 <, DEV B2 P1 >, DEV B3 P1 RESET, DEV B4 P1 RND, DEV B5 P1 50, DEV B6 P1 100
DEV Pp x Adjust Device Best-of-Bank parameter 1 - 8 where p in the number of the parameter (or macros in the case of rack) to adjust. This is a Continuous Parameter. DEV P1 <, DEV P1 >, DEV P1 RESET, DEV P1 RND, DEV P1 50, DEV P1 100
DEV RND Randomize Device parameters. Will not affect Chain Selectors, on/off switches or multi-option controls -
DEV RESET Reset Device parameters. Will not affect Chain Selectors, on/off switches or multi-option controls -
DEV SEL Select the Device and bring the Track it is on into view. If the Device is nested in a Rack and is hidden, it cannot be selected. -
DEV SET This Action is only accessible to X-Clips and should not be combined with other Actions. This will capture the values of the 8 Macros in a Rack and add them to the X-Clip’s name, thus creating a Dev Set x Action. Once the Dev Set x Action has been created, you can then combine it with other Actions if you like. -
DEV SET x x is a space-separated list of 8 Continuous Parameter values/keywords that will set the values of all 8 Macros in a Rack at once. DEV SET 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70, DEV SET 1 RND 3 > < 127 0 <5
LOOPER Toggle, turn on or turn off Looper’s On/Off switch. Works only on the 1st looper LOOPER, LOOPER ON, LOOPER OFF
LOOPER x x is the Looper state to set. Works only on the 1st looper LOOPER STOP, LOOPER REC, LOOPER PLAY, LOOPER OVER
LOOPER REV Toggle, turn on or turn off Looper’s Reverse switch. Works only on the 1st looper LOOPER REV, LOOPER REV ON, LOOPER REV OFF

Track actions for Drum racks

These actions will apply to the first drum rack on the track.

DR PAD actions operate on the current selected drum rack pad. To operate on the 2nd visible Drum Rack Pad, add 2 after the PAD keyword: DR PAD2 MUTE

Action Description Examples
DR PAD MUTE Toggle, turn on or turn off Drum Rack Pad Mute. DR PAD MUTE, DR PAD MUTE ON, DR PAD MUTE OFF
DR PAD PAN x Adjust Drum Rack Pad Pan. This is a continuous parameter. DR PAD PAN <, DR PAD PAN >, DR PAD PAN RESET, DR PAD PAN RND, DR PAD PAN 50, DR PAD PAN 100
DR PAD SEL Select the Drum Rack Pad. -
DR PAD SEND ltr x ltr is the letter of the Drum Rack Pad Send to adjust. This is a continuous parameter. DR PAD SEND A <, DR PAD SEND A >, DR PAD SEND A RESET, DR PAD SEND A RND, DR PAD SEND A 50, DR PAD SEND A 100
DR PAD SOLO Toggle, turn on or turn off Drum Rack Pad Solo. DR PAD SOLO, DR PAD SOLO ON, DR PAD SOLO OFF
DR PAD VOL x Adjust Drum Rack Pad Volume. This is a Continuous Parameter. DR PAD VOL <, DR PAD VOL >, DR PAD VOL RESET, DR PAD VOL RND, DR PAD VOL 50, DR PAD VOL 100
DR SCOLL < or > Scroll the Drum Rack Selector down or up by increment of 1. DR SCROLL <, DR SCROLL >
DR SCOLL x Scroll the Drum Rack Selector down or up by increment of x. DR SCROLL <4, DR SCROLL >8
DR UNMUTE Unmute all Drum Rack Pads. -
DR UNSOLO Unsolo all Drum Rack Pads. -

Track actions for Clips

The actions will apply to the playing Clip or if no Clip is playing, to the selected slot on the track. To operate on a different Clip, specify the slot number of the Clip after the word CLIP: 5/CLIP1 LOOP *2

To operate on the selected slot or the Clip selected in Arrangement View, specify SEL (CLIPSEL WARP). You can also specify the Clip name enclosed in quotes (1/CLIP"MyClip" LOOP).

By default, the Clip Note Actions (CLIP NOTES) will apply to all the Notes in a MIDI Clip that fall within the Loop Start/End markers (if Loop is on) or the Start/End markers (if Loop is off). To operate just on a particular pitch (or a range of pitches), specify the name (or number) of the pitch (or range) after the word NOTES.


To operate on Notes that fall on a particular time position (or a range of time positions) in the Clip, specify the position (or range) and use @ as a prefix. Positions should be specified in absolute beat time (where 1/4 note is equal to 1.0). So, in 4/4, beat 1 would be 0.0, beat 2 would be 1.0, etc. For example: CLIP NOTES @1.0 GATE >, CLIP NOTES @0.5-1.5 SPLIT

You can specify both a pitch (or pitch range) and a position (or position range) to operate on. For example: CLIP NOTESC3-F3 @4.0 DEL

Action Description Examples
CLIP Toggle, turn on or turn off the Clip’s Activator switch. CLIP, CLIP ON, CLIP OFF
CLIP CENT x x is the Audio Clip detune value to set. CLIP CENT -12, CLIP CENT 3
CLIP CENT < or > Dec/Inc Audio Clip detune value by increment of 1. CLIP CENT <, CLIP CENT >
CLIP CENT x Dec/Inc Audio Clip detune value by increment of x. CLIP CENT <5, CLIP CENT >7
CLIP CHOP Duplicates the Clip 8 times and sets evenly distributed start/loop start positions, starting from the Clip’s current Start/Loop Start. As with any duplication of a Clip, this will overwrite Clips that exist in the Clip Slots beneath the Clip that will be duplicated. -
CLIP CHOP x Same as CLIP CHOP, but x is the number of times the Clip will be duplicated. CHOP 4, CHOP 16, CHOP 32
CLIP CUE x x is the position of the cue in absolute beat time. This is different than the bar/beat/sixteenths position shown in Live’s Clip View. For example, position 1.1.1 is 0 in absolute beat time CLIP CUE 2, CLIP CUE 5.25
CLIP CUE < or > Move the cue point Backward/Forward by increment of 1 beat CLIP CUE <, CLIP CUE >
CLIP CUE x Move the cue point Backward/Forward by increment of x beats CLIP CUE <0.5, CLIP CUE >2
CLIP DEL Deletes the Clip -
CLIP DUPE Duplicates the Clip -
CLIP END x x is the Clip End to set in beats CLIP END 4, CLIP END 16
CLIP END < or > Dec/Inc the Clip’s End by 1 beat CLIP END <, CLIP END >
CLIP END x Dec/Inc the Clip’s End by increment of x beats CLIP END <2, CLIP END >0.5
CLIP ENVCLR Clears all envelopes from the Clip -
CLIP ENVCAP Creates envelopes in the Clip for the current settings of the associated track’s mixer and/or Devices CLIP ENVCAP, CLIP ENVCAP DEV, CLIP ENVCAP MIX
CLIP ENVCAP DEV Capture the settings of the first Device on the Track -
CLIP ENVCAP DEVx Capture the settings of the Device where x is the number of the Device CLIP ENVCAP DEV2, CLIP ENVCAP DEV3
CLIP ENVCAP DEVx-y Capture the settings of the Devices in the specified range where x is the device number to start with and y is the Device number to end with. To operate on all Devices specify ALL. CLIP ENVCAP DEV1-4, CLIP ENVCAP DEV2-5, CLIP ENVCAP DEVALL
CLIP ENVCAP MIX Capture the Volume, Pan and Sends settings of the Track -
CLIP ENVCAP MIX- Capture the Volume and Pan settings of the Track -
CLIP ENVCAP MIXS Capture the Sends settings of the Track -
CLIP ENVCLR x x is the parameter associated with the envelope to clear from the clip CLIP ENVCLR VOL, CLIP ENVCLR DEV2 B1 P6
CLIP ENVHIDE Hides the Clip’s envelope view. This actually applies to all Clips -
CLIP ENVINS x y x is the parameter to insert an envelope for in the Clip and y is the type of envelope to insert. This will first clear the parameter’s envelope if one exists. The types of envelopes are: IRAMP – Linear increasing ramp. DRAMP – Linear decreasing ramp. IPYR – Linear increase until midpoint and then linear decrease. DPYR – Linear decrease until midpoint and then linear increase. SAW – Saw wave synced to 1/4 notes. SQR – Square wave synced to 1/4 notes. If the Clip is looping, the envelope will start and end within the loop. Otherwise, the envelope will span the entire length of the Clip. Envelopes can only be inserted for parameters that are not quantized. Examples of quantized parameters are an on/off switch or a filter type chooser. CLIP ENVINS PAN SAW, CLIP ENVINS DEV P5 IRAMP, CLIP ENVINS SEND A DPYR, CLIP ENVINS SEL SQR
CLIP ENVINS x y a b Same as above except that a is the minimum value and b is the max value of the envelope. These values are specified in terms of percentages (in the range of 0 – 100) of the parameter’s max value CLIP ENVINS PAN SAW 50 75, CLIP ENVINS DEV P5 IRAMP 0 10, CLIP ENVINS SEND A DPYR 20 60, CLIP ENVINS SEL SQR 75 100
CLIP ENVSHOW Shows the Clip’s envelope view. This actually applies to all Clips -
CLIP ENVSHOW x x is the parameter associated with the envelope to show in envelope view CLIP ENVSHOW VOL, CLIP ENVSHOW DEV2 B1 P6, CLIP ENVSHOW SEL
CLIP EXTEND Doubles the Loop Length of the MIDI Clip and duplicates its content. If Loop is on, will zoom out to show the entire Loop. -
CLIP GAIN x x is the Audio Clip Gain to set in the range of 0 – 127 CLIP GAIN 0, CLIP GAIN 64,
CLIP GAIN < or > Dec/Inc Audio Clip Gain by increment of 1. CLIP GAIN <, CLIP GAIN >
CLIP GAIN x Dec/Inc Audio Clip Gain by increment of x CLIP GAIN <5, CLIP GAIN >2
CLIP GRID x x is the fixed grid setting to apply to the Clip. CLIP GRID OFF, CLIP GRID 8 BARS, CLIP GRID 4 BARS, CLIP GRID 2 BARS, CLIP GRID 1 BAR, CLIP GRID 1/2, CLIP GRID 1/4, CLIP GRID 1/8, CLIP GRID 1/16, CLIP GRID 1/32
CLIP LOOP Toggle, turn on or turn off Clip Loop CLIP LOOP, CLIP LOOP ON, CLIP LOOP OFF
CLIP LOOP x x is the Loop Length to set in Bars. If the Clip is playing, this will move the start of the Loop to the current Playback Position (using Beat quantization). To use Bar quantization, add a ‘B’ after the Length CLIP LOOP 0.25, CLIP LOOP 0.5, CLIP LOOP 2, CLIP LOOP 0.5B, CLIP LOOP 2B
CLIP LOOP *x x is the value to multiply the Loop Length by CLIP LOOP *0.5, CLIP LOOP *2
CLIP LOOP < or > Move the Clip Loop Backward/Forward by its length CLIP LOOP <, CLIP LOOP >
CLIP LOOP x Move the Clip Loop Backward/Forward by x number of beats CLIP LOOP <4, CLIP LOOP >16
CLIP LOOP END x x is the Clip Loop End (End if Loop is off) to set in beats CLIP LOOP END 4, CLIP LOOP END 16
CLIP LOOP END < or > Dec/Inc the Clip Loop End (End if Loop is off) by 1 beat CLIP LOOP END <, CLIP LOOP END >
CLIP LOOP END x Dec/Inc the Clip Loop End (End if Loop is off) by increment of x CLIP LOOP END <2, CLIP LOOP END >0.5
CLIP LOOP RESET Reset Clip Loop Start to 1.1.1 and Clip Loop End to Clip End Marker -
CLIP LOOP SHOW Zoom in or out to show the Clip’s entire Loop. This will do nothing if the Clip isn’t visible or its Loop is off. -
CLIP LOOP START x x is the Clip Loop Start (Start if Loop is off) to set in beats CLIP LOOP START 4, CLIP LOOP START 8
CLIP LOOP START < or > Dec/Inc the Clip Loop Start (Start if Loop is off) by 1 beat CLIP LOOP START <, CLIP LOOP START >
CLIP LOOP START x Dec/Inc the Clip Loop Start (Start if Loop is off) by increment of x CLIP LOOP START <2, CLIP LOOP START >0.5
CLIP NAME x x is the new name for the Clip. The new name will be capitalized CLIP NAME DRUMS
CLIP NOTES Toggle, turn on or turn off the mute status of Notes CLIP NOTES, CLIP NOTES ON, CLIP NOTES OFF
CLIP NOTES CMB Combine each set of two consecutive Notes into a single Note -
CLIP NOTES COMP Compress the duration of Notes -
CLIP NOTES DEL Delete Notes -
CLIP NOTES EXP Expand the duration of Notes -
CLIP NOTES GATE < or > Dec/Inc the length of Notes by one 128th note CLIP NOTES GATE <, CLIP NOTES GATE >
CLIP NOTES GATE x Dec/Inc the length of Notes by x 128th notes CLIP NOTES GATE <4, CLIP NOTES GATE >8
CLIP NOTES INV Invert the pitches of Notes -
CLIP NOTES NUDGE < or > Nudge Notes Backward/Forward by one 128th note CLIP NOTES NUDGE <, CLIP NOTES NUDGE >
CLIP NOTES NUDGE x Nudge Notes Backward/Forward by x 128th notes CLIP NOTES NUDGE <4, CLIP NOTES NUDGE >8
CLIP NOTES REV Reverse the position of Notes -
CLIP NOTES SCRN Scramble the pitches of Notes while maintaining rhythm -
CLIP NOTES SCRP Scramble the position of Notes while maintaining pitches -
CLIP NOTES SPLIT Split each Note into two equally sized Notes -
CLIP NOTES VELO x x is the Note velocity to set CLIP NOTES VELO 64, CLIP NOTES VELO 127
CLIP NOTES VELO < or > Dec/Inc the velocity of Notes by increment of 1 CLIP NOTES VELO <, CLIP NOTES VELO >
CLIP NOTES VELO x Dec/Inc the velocity of Notes by increment of x CLIP NOTES VELO <5, CLIP NOTES VELO >10,
CLIP NOTES VELO << or CLIP NOTES VELO >> Apply a decrescendo (descending velocities) or a crescendo (ascending velocities) to Notes. CLIP NOTES VELO <<, CLIP NOTES VELO >>
CLIP NOTES VELO RND Randomize the velocity of Notes -
CLIP QNTZ x x is the value to Quantize the Clip’s Notes or Warp markers to CLIP QNTZ 1/4, CLIP QNTZ 1/8, CLIP QNTZ 1/8T, CLIP QNTZ 1/8 + 1/8T, CLIP QNTZ 1/16, CLIP QNTZ 1/16T, CLIP QNTZ 1/16 + 1/16T, CLIP QNTZ 1/32
CLIP QNTZ x y Same as CLIP QNTZ X, but y is the Strength of quantization (in the range of 0 - 100) to apply CLIP QNTZ 1/16 50, CLIP QNTZ 1/8 25
CLIP QNTZ x y z Same as CLIP QNTZ X Y, but z is the amount of Swing (in the range of 0 - 100) to apply. CLIP QNTZ 1/16 100 50, CLIP QNTZ 1/16 50 25
CLIP QNTZ n x CLIP QNTZ n x y CLIP QNTZ n x y z Same as the CLIP QNTZ Actions listed above, but n is the pitch name or Pitch Range to Quantize CLIP QNTZ C3 1/8, CLIP QNTZ D#4-C5 1/32 50, CLIP QNTZ E1 1/16 50 25
CLIP SEMI x x is the Audio Clip Transpose value to set CLIP SEMI -12, CLIP SEMI 5
CLIP SEMI < or > Dec/Inc Audio Clip Transpose value or Notes pitch by 1 semitone CLIP SEMI <, CLIP SEMI >
CLIP SEMI x Dec/Inc Audio Clip Transpose value or Notes pitch by x semitones CLIP SEMI <5, CLIP SEMI >10
CLIP SIG x/y x is the Time Signature Numerator value and y is the Time Signature denominator value CLIP SIG 4/4, CLIP SIG 6/8, CLIP SIG 16/2
CLIP SPLIT x x is the length of the segments (in beats) to split a Clip into. This will duplicate the Clip and set each segment to be the specified length. As with any duplication of a Clip, this will overwrite Clips that exist in the Clip Slots beneath the Clip that will be duplicated. CLIP SPLIT 1, CLIP SPLIT 0.25, CLIP SPLIT 4
CLIP START x x is the Clip Start to set in beats CLIP START 4, CLIP START 16
CLIP START < or > Dec/Inc the Clip’s Start by 1 beat CLIP START <, CLIP START >
CLIP START x Dec/Inc the Clip’s Start by increment of x CLIP START <2, CLIP START >0.5
CLIP TGRID Toggle, turn on or turn off the Clip’s triplet grid setting CLIP TGRID, CLIP TGRID ON, CLIP TGRID OFF
CLIP WARP Toggle, turn on or turn off the Clip’s Warp switch CLIP WARP, CLIP WARP ON, CLIP WARP OFF
CLIP WARPMODE x x is the name of the Warp Mode (as shown in the Warp Mode menu) to set. This cannot be applied if the Warp Mode is currently REX. CLIP WARPMODE BEATS, CLIP WARPMODE COMPLEX
CLIP WARPMODE < or > Move to the Prev/Next Warp Mode. This cannot be applied if the Warp Mode is currently REX. CLIP WARPMODE <, CLIP WARPMODE >

Control Surface Actions

Control Surface Actions relate to other Control Surface scripts that are selected in Live’s Control Surface section, in Preferences – MIDI/Sync. In the actions below N is the number of the Control Surface to operate on, in the range of 1 to 6. This numbering is based on the number of Control Surface scripts that are selected. For example, if only two scripts are selected, the second script will be CS2 even if the script is selected in Control Surface slot #6. You can alternatively specify the one-word name of the Control Surface to operate on enclosed in quotes (such as CS”APC20” RING T1), with spaces replaced by underscores.