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Joshua Kolden edited this page Dec 27, 2013 · 10 revisions


Here's some extra info

While the sync task is running you can find a log of the rsync activity in:


When the file syncing is shutdown it will remove this file, so for now you should copy it manually if you need to keep a copy.

If you'd like to shutdown ramdev monitoring gracefully without shutting down the ramdisk send it a 'QUIT' signal.

$ kill -s QUIT pid

Fix abnormal shutdown

If the ramdisk is lost for some reason don't worry. Rsync will keep your files in sync within a second of being changed in the ramdisk. Worst case you're behind by a second if you lose power. However, your folders will need to be cleaned up until the ramdev fix command is available.

To clean up folders

  1. If the project folder is still linked to the ramdisk remove it. unlink originalname
  2. Move the hard disk copy of your project folder back in place. mv originalname_ramdev originalname
  3. There is no step 3. Thats all, just repeat for each project folder that was linked to the ramdrive.

At this point you are recovered and can run ramdev up again. ramdev up will cancel the spinup if the folders don't look right, so it's safe to try.

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