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Angela Fong <>, Trent Mick <>

RFD 13 RBAC v2 for Improved Organization and Docker RBAC Support


The initial motivations for looking into a v2 RBAC model were to address the lack of of RBAC support for Docker containers and images. Upon reviewing the use cases for organization-level and project-level RBAC, it has become apparent that some major enhancements are required to handle the complexity of resource sharing across accounts, especially in the context of on-prem customer deployment where one user may belong to multiple organizations and multiple project teams.


  • customer or person: An honest to god human being (or bot) that is calling an endpoint on CloudAPI or Manta with account or subuser credentials.
  • operator: An honest to god human being (or bot) that is calling an endpoint on internal SDC APIs (imgapi, vmapi, adminui, etc.). No credentials are involved here.
  • account: The top-level CloudAPI account. In UFDS an sdcPerson that is NOT a sdcAccountUser, a.k.a a subuser. Identified for Manta with MANTA_USER. Identified for CloudAPI with SDC_ACCOUNT.
  • subuser: A login that is scoped on an account. In UFDS, a node that is both an sdcPerson and a sdcAccountUser.
  • login: The string identifier for an "account" or "subuser". The login for an account is unique for all accounts in that cloud. The login for a subuser is only unique within that account.
  • user: This is ambigous. I'd like to use it in lieu of "customer", but given Manta and CloudAPI use "user" to mean different things, this RFD will attempt to avoid it.

RBAC v1 Background

Skip this section if you are already familiar with CloudAPI or Manta RBAC. There are some rather detailed end-user docs ( if you want to pursue further on the feature details.

There are some key characteristics of the current RBAC model that are important to highlight here for the discussion on RBAC v2:

  1. Each account owner may create one or more subusers

  2. Subusers authenticate with their own SSH keys. The subuser login is unique within each account but is not globally unique.

  3. Each subuser can be assigned one or more roles that enable the subuser's access to the account's resources.

  4. There are two dimensions to the access permissions of a role:

    • Policies: Policies define the actions allowed (e.g. "listmachines", "createmachine"). Each role has one or more policies attached.
    • Role tags: Role tags control which instances of the account's resources (e.g. machines, images, users) are allowed for the role.

    The two sets of capabilities together control what a subuser can act on. When creating a new resource (e.g. machine), the role tags are automatically added to the instance based on which role(s) are passed in the create command (no --role arg means "tag all of my roles").

  5. There is also a hardcoded 'administrator' role that acts as a super-user role, granting full access to everything the account owns.

  6. The account owner is free to define roles and policies, and tag their resources to achieve granular RBAC. There is no out-of-the-box role but the Portal has a few canned roles that are inserted to customer's profile behind the scenes for the KVM docker host and registry feature.

  7. On every CloudAPI or Manta API request, authorization works like this:

    • get the roles for the caller (subuser login and account login) from mahi;
    • limit to a set of "active roles", if a role was specified in the request;
    • get the role-tags for the resource being accessed;
    • filter to the intersection of active roles and role-tags; and
    • evaluate the policies for those roles (e.g. if this is a CreateMachine call, is one of the policy's rules "CAN createmachine"?).

    On failure, a "NotAuthorized" error is returned.

  8. Once a subuser has passed authentication and authorization, the caller invokes the operation on behalf of the account owner. From the perspective of the backend API (e.g. vmapi), it sees only the account uuid. All owner_uuid references point to the account owner. The subuser's identity is tracked in jobs but not persisted in the resource's moray bucket. The only tracking is via MachineAudit CloudAPI which returns the subuser's information from the Workflow API jobs.

Problem Space

RBAC Support for Docker API

The setup script for sdc-docker does not support the use of subuser login currently. Authentication works with sdc accounts only. The workaround at this time is for the account owner to add the public keys of subusers to his account. The side effect of doing so is giving the subusers full access to all other resources in the account, including users and keys (essentially making the subuser a delegated admin). This is obviously undesirable.

Like CloudAPI and Manta, there are three basic scenarios that need to be supported in Docker's RBAC model, listed in the order of importance:

  1. Tenancy separation - Users can be granted access to resources based on certain group membership and are denied access to resources that fall outside of those groups (e.g. 'dev' vs 'prod' environments, 'financials' vs 'sales' application teams).
  2. Access level - Users can be granted different levels of access to the same resources. E.g. some can read/write a certain resource while others may have read-only access.
  3. Combination of 1 and 2, i.e. each user in an account may have different access permissions to different groups of resources.

It is also important to note that we are bound by the Docker clients in terms of what can be passed as arguments to include RBAC information. For containers, we have the option of leveraging docker run --label to pass the role information. But such flexibility is absent for other resource types.

RBAC support for Organizations and Projects

The current RBAC model does not support the sharing of resources across accounts. The key assumption has been that an organization - the higher level entity that owns multiple cloud resources and contains multiple users - can be abstracted as an 'account'. Members in the organization are subusers of the account. When a user (person) belongs to multiple organizations, they need to have multiple logins. The other drawback with this model is that auditing is easily lost as 'account' has a login of its own.

When an organization has multiple projects, and different access levels for resources within the projects, there is no good way to model the relationships using the current RBAC roles. If there are three projects (A, B and C) and two different access levels (RW, RO), we need to have six unique roles to cover the permutations even when the access policies are identical for those different projects.


Projects and Orgs

(We assert) the customer wants:

  • ... to be able to segment groups of resources (e.g. my instances for project A separate from my instances for project B).
  • ... multiple people in a group be able to share resource access.
  • ... to have access control for members of these groups.

Some problems with current RBAC:

  • Top-level account vs. subuser separation leads to customers often needing separate sets of creds. That's annoying for triton CLI profile management, bad for auditing, and a real pain for web portal session management.
  • Having non-person top-level "company accounts" (or whatever name you want to use) results in authentication using a non-person credential, which is problematic for good auditing.
  • Achieving resource separation with current RBAC requires (a) careful and error prone role setup and (b) sometimes manual role-tagging.
  • Cross-account sharing isn't possible.
  • Various other clunkiness we'd also like to fix: hack 'administrator' special case role, weird role-tag requirements for List* endpoints, etc.

Forget "company accounts" (e.g. an "acmecorp" JPC account) and subusers. Forget mapping resources to roles with role-tags (though arguably we'll introduce something similar). Let's try this all again. If it helps, think roughly of the GitHub user/org model as we go through this.


You are Wendy. You have a JPC account 'wendy':

account 'wendy':
    email ''

and you have some resources:

    inst 'wvm0'
    inst 'wvm1'
    image 'wimg0'       # a custom image, as opposed to a stock image like 'base-64'

However, now you'd like to play with Terraform or Docker Compose. You'll feel more comfortable [and IIUC, some tooling will be easier --trent] with an isolated view of your resources while using those. Enter projects:

$ triton project create terraplay      # I'm making up this command for now
Created project 'terraplay' (use '-P terraplay' opt, or add to profile)

You create a 'terraplay' triton profile for convenience:

$ triton profile get -j \
    | json -e ' = this.project = "terraplay"' \
    | triton profile create -f -
Created profile "terraplay"
$ triton profile set-current terraplay
Set "terraplay" as current profile
$ triton profile get
name: terraplay
account: wendy
curr: true
keyId: SHA256:2XCGHt3iufa9GqoVQHejf03lkjadsglFrN12YUPpA
project: terraplay                                 # <-- this

Now you are scoped on resources that are part of that project. The existing 'wvm0', 'wvm1' and 'wimg0' don't show up.

$ triton insts

Now you run through and:

$ triton insts
SHORTID   NAME                IMG                                   STATE    PRIMARYIP        AGO
0311dadb  nginx-terraform-01  a23c9a08-089d-134b-c85e-f656e514549e  running  5d
62609fb1  test-machine        ubuntu-15.04@20151105                 running  5d

The full layout looks something like this:

account 'wendy':
    email ''
    inst 'wvm0'
    inst 'wvm1'
    image 'wimg0'
    project 'terraplay':
        inst 'nginx-terraform-01'
        inst 'test-machine'

Featuritis? Bear with me.


Currently, to have multiple people sharing resources you create a sorta-meta non-person account with subusers for the actual auditable separate people. The proposed alternative is organizations (orgs for short) -- which contain members (top-level accounts, with RBAC roles) and projects. An attempt to give a feel for the hierarchy and rules for these things:

  • Orgs are siblings to accounts in UFDS. They share the same namespace: you can't have a trent account and a trent org.
  • Resources (vms, custom images, fabric networks) are "owned" by either an account (as now) or by an org. I.e. vm.owner_uuid, and the equiv for other resource types, is the UUID of an account or an org.
  • Orgs do not have keys. You cannot authenticate as an org.
  • An org has members. These are top-level accounts.
  • Some of those members can be owners (there must be at least one). Being an org owner affords full access to changing it: deleting, adding/removing members, creating projects in the org.
  • Resources owned by an org must belong to one or more projects. E.g. a fabric network might reasonably belong to two projects so instances in those projects can talk to each other privately. (This differs from resources belonging to accounts, which can exist without a project.)
  • Projects have membership: an account and a role. The role defines the access level.
  • Roles are basically the same as now: A role has a set of polices, which have a list of aperture rules like "CAN CreateInstance" to define what actions (called "RBAC Actions") can be performed.

Back to Wendy. This JPC thing is working out. You are going to use it for your startup called "Wassup". You're going to wipe the floor with those jokers. You have a co-founder Warren (he gets a JPC account 'warren'), and webdev Wil. Wil already has a 'startrek42' JPC account.

Grouping all company resources under 'wendy's account is silly, so you create an org, switch your profile to use it:

$ triton org create wassup
Created organization 'wassup' (owners: wendy)
$ triton profile create
name: wassup
$ triton profile set-current wassup

and add your employees:

$ triton org member-add wassup --owner warren   # also make Warren an owner of the org
Added member 'warren' to organization 'wassup' (as an owner)
$ triton org member-add wassup startrek42
Added member 'startrek42' to organization 'wassup'

And roles/policies for the org:

$ triton ...        # [we hope to have reasonable canned policies to simplify]

and some starter projects (high flyin' trekkie Wil doesn't need access to billing resources):

$ triton project create web --membership-all
$ triton project create app --membership-all
$ triton project create billing -m wendy -m warren

To get something like this:

account 'wendy': ...
account 'warren'
account 'startrek42'
org 'wassup':
    role 'ops' with policy 'poli-ops'
    policy 'poli-ops'
    role 'readonly' with policy 'poli-readonly'
    policy 'poli-readonly'
    member 'wendy' (owner, default role 'ops')
    member 'warren' (owner, default role 'ops')
    member 'startrek42' (default role 'ops')
    project 'web':
        member *         # IOW, all org members can access this project
    project 'app':
        member *
    project 'billing':
        member 'wendy' with role 'readonly'
        member 'warren'

Some notes on this:

  • Each member will typically have a "default role" -- the role that typically applies when they access project resources.
  • The default role can be overridden per-project. E.g. wendy doesn't want to mess up billing resources, so her role in project 'billing' is 'readonly' (which has a policy that doesn't allow DeleteInstance).

Now how to uses these projects? Let's be Wil. He'll setup a triton profile like this:

$ triton profile get
name: wassupweb
account: startrek42
curr: true
keyId: SHA256:yYMdKsaFzAugDQALtxUxZhRsBtjdgDY2tT958I39hnQ
org: wassup                         <------ this
project: web                        <------ this

and then create away:

$ triton create -n web0 minimal-32 t4-standard-1G

[Note that we are proposing that "stock" resources (for lack of a better word) like standard images, public packages, networks without an owner_uuid, etc. are not restricted. I.e. Wil has access to the 'minimal-32' image. Support for allowing an org or project to restrict stock resources can be considered later.]

or use Docker:

$ curl -O
$ ./ -p wassupweb -o wassup -P web us-east-3b
$ ./tools/ -p wassupweb
SDC CloudAPI URL []: us-east-3b
SDC account: startrek42
SSH private key [/Users/wil/.ssh/id_rsa]:
Organization: wassup
Project: web
$ source ~/.sdc/docker/wassupweb/
$ docker run --name web0 nginx:latest

[Dev Note: crying out for triton docker-setup or something here.]

Then we'd have:

org 'wassup':
    project 'web':
        member *
        inst 'web0'

And theoretically, this is it. There remain a lot of details, but the gist is:

  1. Org owners need to do some rare management/setup of the org, roles, policies, projects, membership and (possibly) manual addition of resources to a project.
  2. Account holders need to set one or both of 'project' and 'org' in their triton profile.

associating resources with a project

Given a resource, SDC already provides an owner -- vm.owner_uuid, image.owner, network.owner_uuids (that this is plural might complicate, not sure), etc. Now we need to know what projects, if any, to which a resource belongs.

We'll think about a projects property on CloudAPI objects. The equivalent in legacy RBAC is role-tags (associating with roles instead of with projects). Effectively, a resource created by a cloudapi request scoping to that project (e.g. the triton profile has project=foo set) will be associated with that project.

The expected user experience is that resources naturally belong to the appropriate project. Some use cases (e.g., a network or image belonging to multiple projects) justify support for manually adding a resource to a project.

RBAC Actions

Background: Roughly speaking, an RBAC v1 subuser a has zero or more roles. A role has a set of policies. A policy looks like this:

    "name": "ops",
    "description": "full access",
    "rules": [
        "CAN createmachine",
        "CAN getmachine",
        "CAN getimage",

CAN createmachine is a rule (defined by the aperture policy language). createmachine is an example of an RBAC action. In RBAC v1 the RBAC actions (mostly) map one-to-one to CloudAPI and Muskie endpoint names.

At this time, there are only two types of resources managed in Docker - containers and images. There may be additional ones (e.g. volumes, networks) going forward. We can potentially follow the current RBAC model to have fine-grained policy actions.

The Problem: There are a few wrinkles:

  • A single command from Docker clients (CLI, Compose) can result in multiple remote API calls. Users are not necessarily aware of the actual API endpoints involved. It will be difficult for them to grant the right set of policy actions to cover one client action.
  • Docker remote API and client capabilities are still growing/changing rapidly. It'll be a burden for user to keep up with policy action update whenever a new endpoint is added.

Taking the above into consideration, it may be more appropriate to have logical groups of policy actions to cover the many Docker API endpoints (e.g. a single policy 'OperateContainer' to control container start/stop/kill/pause/unpause/wait permissions). Having the more coarse-grained policy actions will simplify the RBAC setup.

The coarse-grained policy actions will need to meet the following requirements so that they are simple enough but not overly simplistic:

  • GET access for a resource can be as trivial as getting its non-confidential metadata, or as in depth as retrieving the operational data (logs, audit trails, processes), or even the entire content of the resource in the form of an export file. It will be appropriate to treat these permissions differently.

  • Likewise, PUT and POST access for a resource can range from changing its state (e.g. the power state of a container), to its metadata (e.g. name, labels), to its content (through file copy or executing commands in the container). These different types of update actions warrant separate access permissions.

  • As far as the policy action naming is concerned, there are some advantages in adopting the {service}:{policyAction} convention to provide more clarity on what policy actions correspond to which services. For Docker and CloudAPI, they can be in the same service category and with policy actions named tentatively to something like ecs:GetInstance (ecs = Elastic Container Services). Manta policy actions can likewise be renamed accordingly, e.g. manta:PutObject.

Putting it all together, here is a first-stab of the Docker policy actions, along with a naive list of key user roles that consume them:

Role Description
Dev Developers who define and build containers
Ops Operators who deploy and manage container operations
User End users who access containers to run/use the applications
APM Application performance monitoring system agents
Policy Action Dev Ops User APM Docker Route Method Docker Endpoint CloudAPI Equiv
ecs:GetImage X X ImageList, ImageInspect, ImageHistory, ImageSearch GET /images/* getimage, listimages
ecs:ImportImage (TM) X X ImageCreate POST /images ???
ecs:ExportImage X ImageGet, ImagePush POST /images
ecs:UpdateImage (TM) X ImageTag POST /images
ecs:CreateImage X CreateImage, LoadImage POST /images
ecs:DeleteImage X DeleteImage DELETE /images deleteimage
ecs:CreateImage X Commit POST /commit createimagefrommachine
ecs:CreateImage X Build POST /build
ecs:GetInstance X X X X Container{List,Inspect,Top,Logs,Stats} GET /containers/* (except export,archive,changes) getmachine, listmachines
ecs:ExportInstance X X X Container{Export,Archive,Changes} GET /containers/(id)/{export,archive,changes}
ecs:ExportInstance X X X ContainerCopy POST /containers/(id)/copy
ecs:UpdateInstance X X X ContainerArchive HEAD /containers
ecs:UpdateInstance X X X ContainerArchive PUT /containers
ecs:UpdateInstance X X X Container{Rename} POST /containers/(id)/{rename} renamemachine
ecs:LoginInstance (TM) X X X Container{Attach,Exec,Resize} POST /containers/(id)/{attach,exec,resize}
ecs:LoginInstance (TM) X X X Exec{Start,Resize,Inspect} POST /exec/(id)/{start,resize,inspect}
ecs:CreateInstance X X ContainerCreate POST /containers/create createmachine
ecs:OperateInstance (TM) X X X X Container{Start,Stop,Restart,Kill,Wait,Pause,Unpause} POST /containers/(id)/{start,stop,restart,kill,wait,pause,unpause} startmachine, stopmachine, rebootmachine
ecs:DeleteInstance X X ContainerDelete DELETE /containers deletemachine
N/A - accessible to all X X X X Ping GET /_ping
ecs:GetImage X X X X Auth POST /auth
N/A - accessible to all X X X X Info GET /info
N/A - accessible to all X X X X Version GET /version
ecs:AuditInstance X X X X Events GET /events machineaudit

See a full table of RBAC actions here.

Implementation notes

(Obviously, only a start so far.)

Association of projects with resources:

(a) be handled at the edges -- i.e. in cloudapi and muskie. VMAPI doesn't know about project association. This is similar to role-tags currently.

(b) be handled by a new API, call it PROJAPI. The idea here is that real API rather than slumming in UFDS for non-replicated data will help (less messy DB migrations, API control over object field names vs. restricted to raw objects in UFDS, better indexing control).

Open Questions

  • full API and tooling for CRUD on orgs and membership
  • full API and tooling for CRUD on projects and membership
  • supporting legacy RBAC
  • implications for Manta
  • transferring resources from one account to another
  • supporting transforming an existing account to an org (e.g. existing tunacorp account really wants to just be a tunacorp org)
  • lots of Qs in my other notes
  • There is already a pre-defined "docker" role and "docker" policy used by the KVM Docker features in the Portal. Those features are being deprecated. To avoid confusion, we'll need to clean up those roles/policies in accounts which have previously made use of KVM Docker.

Discussion notes

With Alex (19 Jan 2016):

  • Consider having roles at the top-level of orgs to gate things like UpdateOrg. The current proposal is that there is a set of org "owners" that have full access -- i.e. RBAC-y aperture eval isn't in the picture for UpdateOrg.

  • What's the story for fwrules and roles?

  • Are there other "meta-ops" to consider with roles? I.e. RBAC actions that aren't on "real" resources (vms, images, networks, packages).

  • Alex likes rbac action condensing.

  • One limitation with future-proof polices is that if we have a new facility for which we want a new RBAC action... we can't have pre-existing future proof policies. E.g. one thing I saw with AWS's policy language was:

      deny ecs:SomeSpecificAction
      allow ecs:*

    We don't have a "deny" equiv in aperture. It is just "CAN" (ie "allow").

  • Smartlogin. Alex wonders if we should think about the difference between SSH access as root and SSH access as a user named the same as your account, too.

    The idea in the future is to have the nsswitch.conf set up so that it has a provider in there and will communicate with the smartlogin agent and implicitly create the user like the LDAP login integration stuff.

    To futureproof for eventual possible support for ^^, we'd have OperateInstance as root ssh/zlogin/docker-login access. But a separate RBAC action for per-user login: UserLoginInstance

    is it worth having another one with is like logininstance or something I guess we can add it in future when we have something to use it for but we should take care to define that the right that's included in operateinstance is specifically the right to become root on the instance by various means.

    Re: "ubuntu instead of root" for ubuntu images: Alex: I'd treat that case as the same as the others -- you're getting root login it's just it's as this ubuntu user because politics it has passwordless sudo

  • Smartlogin. Trent: "at the least I think smartlogin would need to learn that a zone owned by an org belongs to a set of projects, for which a set of accounts have OperateInstance access... and that defines the set of keys that should be allows to login"

  • User docs: just make sure the doco has diagrams and examples and really patiently runs through things all in one spot.

With jclulow:

  • Clarify that "VM.owner_uuid" is the org UUID for VMs under orgs. Ditto other resources.

  • Clarify the billing picture. That isn't well covered. I was leaning towards something similar to GH, where you can assign a billing contact on an org. I think GH allows that to be an email (and obviously credit card details), and not need to be a full GH account.

  • Make sure we have a non unreasonable solution for the "sudo" use case: where a member of a project typically wants reduced access, but occassionally explicitly wants more access (to delete things, etc.). E.g. To avoid the scary case of being able to accidentally delete an entire Manta tree because one is an operator or has full delete access.

  • jclulow: Is your intention to delete the old thing?

    the old thing: basically disallow using both at the same time. I haven't fully sussed out if that can be done efficiently for an account. E.g.: when a request comes in, can I know if there are any role-tagged resources and/or subusers on the account efficiently to say "sorry you can't use a project on this account"

  • Manta: definitely not well felt out yet.

    Is there to be an /$ORG/stor And will I be able to grant limited rights to any other JPC user to my personal ~~/stor ? (Or to a subset of it)

Notes from earlier discussions

List all instances being a separate policy action/attribute?

To grant the permission to see all instances of a certain resource type for a particular role, there are a few ways to achieve it:

  1. The role concerned should be tagged to every single instance of the resource, and is attached to the Get{Resource} policy action.
  2. There is a separate policy action List{Resource} that grant the access permission to all instances of that resource.
  3. Have a separate "scope" attribute as part of the policy definition. Scope can be set to "all instances" or "role-tagged instances".

CloudAPI currently supports #2 but it is confusing to user since the List permission applies to the Get action only. If a role has ListMachines and StartMachine permissions, it still won't allow users with that role to perform StartMachine on any of the machines the user sees in ListMachines. The only way to enable the user to do so is to practice role-tagging (#1) as well. Role tagging is taken care of automatically for newly created resources but the existing resources are the ones often forgotten. To hide this complexity from user, currently Portal auto role-tags existing resources resources in the account whenever a List* policy is added to a role (and supposedly untag them when the policy is dropped). API users have to take care of that manually.

Option #3 will provide the most flexibility and reduce a lot of the need for role-tagging when tenancy separation is not required for the resource. It'll potentially help performance but it is a major change to the policy data model. If we can implement this, we can remove the Portal hack which is expensive and unreliable.

Converging Docker and Cloud API policy actions

Based on a survey of current usage of RBAC in JPC, it appears that people have found it difficult to understand which policy actions need to be granted together to support certain high-level actions. Many users have resorted to granting all policies or using the 'administrator' role. The user experience will likely improve if CloudAPI policy actions move from the fine-grained to coarse-grained model as well.

We'll also need to reconcile what happens when user has the permission to ListMachines in CloudAPI but not the Docker API equivalent (and vice versa). One way to view this is that even though docker resources are a subset of all the resources owned by the account, it is unlikely that users want to segregate the permissions by container/vm type (i.e. some users can manage LX/SmartOS zones, while others can only manage docker). The intention for granting ecs:ListInstances is allowing user to see all instances, regardless of the type. Hence, there should not be two islands of permissions for CloudAPI and Docker API. A user who has ecs:CreateInstance access should be able to create any type of containers. We'll need to consider some kind of migration/conversion for existing RBAC data that have been defined for CloudAPI to use the new coarse-grained model and naming convention.


Auditing is not returning correct information for docker containers currently because the docker request payload to vmapi is missing the "Context" section that is typically present in cloudapi requests:

  "context": {
    "caller": {
      "type": "signature",
      "ip": "",
      "keyId": "/angela.fong/keys/d5:ca:36:85:e7:f0:9a:08:4d:05:81:ad:10:c8:a3:a0"
    "params": {
      "account": "angela.fong",
      "name": "lx-debian2",
      "image": "7c815c22-4606-11e5-8bb5-9f853c19be54",
      "package": "20e583d5-ea48-411d-f0e2-9079352f48f8",
      "dataset": "7c815c22-4606-11e5-8bb5-9f853c19be54"

The caller info for docker operations are returned as "operator" in MachineAudit. This needs to be fixed as part of the RBAC feature.