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63 lines (46 loc) · 1.6 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (46 loc) · 1.6 KB


BibCat::BibCat - Format a catalog-style list of the references in BibTeX files


There is no associated script. Write your own very short one like this:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use Carp;
use FindBin;
use lib (($FindBin::Bin)); ## Assumes BibCat dir in the same dir as script
use BibCat::BibCat;

my $bc = new BibCat::BibCat('file1.bib', 'file2.bib');

Other tweaks and switches

(Using the above as an example)

Set the slot tag to change the field which BibCat uses in the left column:

$bc->{tag} = 'month';

Set the slot verbose to a positive integer to get debugging output.

By default the output uses the supertabular environment. Sometimes supertabular does the wrong thing. To use the tabular environment and explicit pagebreaks instead, set the lines field to a postive value of the number of lines that should be on one page.

$bc->{lines} = 60;

By default a colon and any characters following it will be removed from the title. To keep subtitles, set the nosubtitles slot to 0 (its default is 1).

$bc->{nosubtitles} = 0;

By default the report has two catalogs, one after the other: the first is ordered by author (or editor, etc.); the second, by Library of Congress number in the loc field. To change the number of lists or their sorting, use the sorter slot. It should be a list of sorter functions for the Perl sort function. The default setting references the two provided sorter functions,

$bc->{sorters} = [\&BibCat::BibCat::standardSort,