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Patreon custom stream

Open-source PHP-based database-less private Patreon stream service.

Utilises Patreon and Google integration for ease of use.

Setting up

Create a client at Patreon's API portal. Set API Version to 2. Use https://[host domain/subdomain]/redirect.php as the redirect URI. e.g. "".

Create a project, then create an OAuth Client ID at Google's developer console. Set Application Type to Web application. Insert https://[host domain/subdomain] as an Authorised JavaScript origin. Insert https://[host domain/subdomain]/redirect.php as an Authorized redirect URI. Download the client_secret.json file, save it to the project directory.

Create an API Key. Click on Restrict Key, select HTTP Referrers under Application Referrers. Under Website restrictions, add https://*.[host domain]/* as a new item.

Create a file settings.json in the base directoryy.

Copy the following JSON data to the file, replacing values with your own.

    "creator": {
        "userID": "[PATREON USER ID]",
        "gAccess": "",
        "ytSearch": "[YT META]",
        "ytKeyword": "[YT KEYWORD]"
    "oauth": {
        "clientID":"[PATREON OAUTH CLIENT ID]",
        "clientSecret":"[PATREON OAUTH CLIENT SECRET]",
        "redirectURI":"[REDIRECT URI]"
    "google-oauth": {
        "clientID": "[GOOGLE OAUTH CLIENT ID]",
        "clientSecret": "[GOOGLE OAUTH SECRET]",
        "API": "[GOOGLE API KEY]",
        "redirectURI": "[REDIRECT URI]"
    "baseURL": "[BASE URL]"

[PATREON USER ID] can be obtained by opening redirect.php and un-commenting file_put_contents('latest_patreon_login_id.txt',$patron_response['data']['id']);. After logging in, this will create a file latest_patreon_login_id.txt which will contain the latest Patreon login's user's ID. Make sure to comment the line again after obtaining your user ID. [YT META] can be set either to title or description. This determines which metadata the scanner will check for the keyword (or phrase) specified in [YT KEYWORD].

[PATREON OAUTH CLIENT ID] and [PATREON OAUTH CLIENT SECRET] were generated and shown in the dialog box when you created your Patreon client. [REDIRECT URI] is the redirect URI you entered earlier when creating your Patreon client.

[GOOGLE OAUTH CLIENT ID], [GOOGLE OAUTH CLIENT SECRET], and [GOOGLE API KEY] were generated and shown when you created your Google OAuth client earlier. [REDIRECT URI] is the redirect URI you entered earlier when creating your Google OAuth client.

[BASE URL] is the domain/subdomain you are hosting this at. Include https:// e.g. "".


Add the following to your crontab file (sudo crontab -e), replacing [PATH TO PROJECT DIRECTORY] with the appropriate path.

*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php [PATH TO PROJECT DIRECTORY]/manage_endpoint.php 'grabYTID' >/dev/null 2>&1

This facilitates the automatic stream ID grabbing by running manage_endpoint.php every 30 minutes.


You are required to install the PHP cURL library, do the following.

sudo apt-get install php-curl
sudo service apache2 restart


Custom Twitch+YT Patreon-only stream







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