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Apply to all targets

Jack Radcliffe edited this page Jul 4, 2022 · 7 revisions

Apply to all targets (apply_to_all)

The apply_to_all step is designed for multi-phase centre VLBI observations only and is to cast the calibration from the previous steps to all of the other phase centres. This step will also apply a nominal primary beam correction to these data. There are multiple options available


        "target_path"       : "/Users/jackradcliffe/Documents/BD228L/target_files", #path to the fitsidi files of the phase centres
        "target_outpath"    : "/Users/jackradcliffe/Documents/BD228L/calibrated", #path to where the calibrated data should be stored
        "tar_output"        : true, #if true, tar the calibrated products (uses gzip compression)
        "tar_ms_only"       : true, #if true and "tar_output=true" only tar the measurement set (useful for inspecting images quickly)
            "run"           : true, #run primary beam correction
            "implementation": "uvcorr", #type of primary beam correction (see below for options)
            "vex_file"      : "", #vex file name+path (will override pointing_centre)
            "pointing_centre"  : ["10h01m22.8650000s","+2d19m28.333s"], #pointing centre of observations in CASA format
            "backup_caltables"  : true #add pbcor tables to the tar bundle of calibration tables
            "run"           : true, #if true, image targets
            "imsize"        : [1024,1024] #image size
            "partition"     :  "default",
            "walltime"      :  "default",
            "nodes"         :    -1,
            "cpus"          :    -1,
            "mpiprocs"      :    -1,
            "nodetype"      :  "default",
            "max_jobs"      : 24 #important for PBS/slurm runs. Determines how many concurrent jobs can run at once.

Primary beam correction

The primary beam correction has three different implementations to correct, and two different ways of setting the pointing centres. We first begin with the modes,

  1. "implementation": "uvcorr"