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Bandpass calibration

Jack Radcliffe edited this page Jul 22, 2022 · 3 revisions

Bandpass calibration (bandpass_cal)

This step does the complex bandpass correction i.e., the antennae sensitivities across the bandwidth.


        "same_as_sbd_cal"   :  true, #If true, derive bandpass corrections from the same fields and timeranges as the sub-band delays
        "select_calibrators": [["4C39.25"]], #select calibrators (maps to time_range list), will be overwritten if "same_as_sbd_cal":true
        "time_range"        : [""], #select time ranges (in CASA format)
        "sol_interval"      :  "inf", #solution interval for both (combine all data to derive corrections
        "min_snr"           :  3.0, #minimum S/N to pass as good solution
            "partition"     :  "default",
            "walltime"      :  "default",
            "nodes"         :  -1,
            "cpus"          :  -1,
            "mpiprocs"      :  -1,
            "nodetype"      :  "default"

Recommended use: The default parameters shown here are normally ok for 99% of observations. The use of "same_as_sbd_cal":true, means that this part of the data is calibrated so that bandpass corrections should be the dominant error left. For bandpass, you definitely want to use the brightest source as you need enough S/N per channel. If you wish to use a different field and/or timerange, you can specify here.

Expected inputs

  • Measurement set (<project_code>.ms)

Expected outputs

  • Complex bandpass calibration table (<project_code>.bpass)