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Ta-Dom! 🎉 Components

A tiny web components library using ta-dom and morphdom

What is it?

Ta-Dom! Components is a small library that combines some of the best features of the React and Polymer libraries to make writing web components fast, fun, and easy.

How it Works

Ta-Dom! Components are built a lot like Polymer components, using a class to define your component. However, it also leverages the virtual DOM concept from React to allow writing a pure render function instead of a template (string!) littered with <dom-if>'s and <dom-repeat>'s. This lets you keep your display logic neatly in one place, where you can leverage the full power of javascript.

Like Polymer, Ta-Dom! Components expose their state as local instance properties that can be manipulated however you see fit without having to learn any new api's. Whether you change a property directly, or batch your changes through the inherited setState({key:value}) interface, the Ta-Dom! base class will handle updating your screen for you in a fast and efficient manner thanks to Morphdom.

Unlike React's virtual DOM, in Ta-Dom! you're always dealing with real DOM elements. It's encouraged to use the Ta-Dom! DOM creation library because it's awesome, but you're free to construct your DOM however you see fit. All of the native DOM api's are available.

Getting Started

npm install --save ta-dom-components

A Simple Ta-Dom Component

// import TaDomElement
import TaDom from './node-modules/ta-dom-components/ta-dom-element.js';

// define your element's class
export class MyElement extends TaDom.TaDomElement {

  // define a static getter for your css
  // alternatively, return a link() element
  static get css() {
    return `
      :host {
        display: block;
        background: gray;
      :host([read]) {
        background: green;
      h1 {
        color: brown;
      article {
        background: brown;
        color: white;


  // define a static getter for your properties
  static get properties() {
    return {
        value: '',
      content: {
        value: ''
      read: {
        value: false,
        reflectToAttribute: true

  // a static getter for any attributes you want to observe
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return ['header', 'content', 'read']

  // a render function returns the current state of your dom
  render() {
    return div({class:'wrapper'},
            article({'on-click':(event) => this.onClickArticle(event)}, `${this.content}`)

  // event handler called when the article is clicked
  onClickArticle(event) { = true;
// register your element
TaDom.customElement('my-element', MyElement);
More Examples

Check out this flash card game built with Ta-Dom! Components