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mowen edited this page Aug 14, 2011 · 28 revisions

Cookbook goes here.

After you have defined ProjectTypes, you might want to setup additional Project Attributes.

Making “M-x compile” use the project Makefile

If you want M-x compile to do the right thing for your project, you can do something like this:

(add-hook scala-project-file-visit-hook
      (lambda (nil)
        (set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
             (format "cd %s; make -f Makefile.scala" (eproject-root)))))

Searching for your TODOs

If you want to examine every file looking for “TODO” comments, a quick invocation of rgrep might work:

(rgrep "TODO" "*" (eproject-root))

If you wanted to be pedantic, you could consult eproject’s list of relevant and irrelevant files and include/exclude them accordingly. You could also open each file, load the syntax table, and only search inside of comments. I would be happy to accept such code into eproject-extras, but I am a little too lazy to write it myself :)

Edit: This is implemented now; just run M-x eproject-todo!

My Perl config

Eproject for Perl

My window config

I have a somewhat complex window configuration:

The screen is split three times vertically. The first third is usually split once horizontally and has an IRC window and a shell, and the other two thirds show the code for my current project. Sometimes, something (hello, Gnus) messes that up, and it’s a bit of work to restore. With eproject, I can find my most recently used project and find the two most-recently-visited buffers in that project. It’s then a simple matter of programming to setup my window configuration:

(defun first-matching-buffer (predicate)
  "Return PREDICATE applied to the first buffer where PREDICATE applied to the buffer yields a non-nil value."
  (loop for buf in (buffer-list)
     when (with-current-buffer buf (funcall predicate buf))
     return (with-current-buffer buf (funcall predicate buf))))

(defun fix-windows ()
  "Setup my window config."
  (let ((current-project
         (first-matching-buffer (lambda (x) (ignore-errors (eproject-name)))))
         (first-matching-buffer (lambda (x) (and (eq major-mode 'rcirc-mode)
         (or (first-matching-buffer (lambda (x)
                                      (and (or (eq major-mode 'eshell-mode)
                                               (eq major-mode 'term-mode))

    (window-number-select 1)
    (labels ((show (x) (set-window-buffer nil (or x (get-buffer-create "*scratch*")))))
      (window-number-select 1)
      (show current-irc-window)
      (window-number-select 2)
      (show current-shell)
      (let ((cur))
        (loop for i in '(3 4)
	     (window-number-select i)
	     (show (first-matching-buffer
		    (lambda (x) (and (equal (ignore-errors (eproject-name))
				     (not (equal cur (buffer-name x)))
	     (setf cur (buffer-name (current-buffer))))))

(On github, Textile sucks!)

Integrating eproject with anything.el

Anything.el is an enhanced version of find-file, switch-to-buffer, etc. It gives functionality like, e.g., when you call find-file, it shows your recentf and open buffers and lets you autocomplete on them.

Obviously, we want to integrate this with eproject, so that find-file will search for files in the current eproject.

First we create anything sources, which are objects that anything.el does autocompletion on.

(defvar anything-c-source-eproject-files
  '((name . "Files in eProject")
    (init . (lambda () (if (buffer-file-name)
			   (setq anything-eproject-root-dir (eproject-maybe-turn-on))
			   (setq anything-eproject-root-dir 'nil)
    (candidates . (lambda () (if anything-eproject-root-dir
				 (eproject-list-project-files anything-eproject-root-dir))))
    (type . file))
  "Search for files in the current eProject.")

(defvar anything-c-source-eproject-buffers
  '((name . "Buffers in this eProject")
    (init . (lambda () (if (buffer-file-name)
			   (setq anything-eproject-root-dir (eproject-maybe-turn-on))
			   (setq anything-eproject-root-dir 'nil))))
    (candidates . (lambda () (if anything-eproject-root-dir
				 (mapcar 'buffer-name  ( cdr  (assoc anything-eproject-root-dir (eproject--project-buffers)))))))
    (type . buffer))
  "Search for buffers in this project.")

Then you can add the sources to your anything functions:

(defun anything-for-buffers ()
  "Preconfigured `anything' for opening buffers. Searches for buffers in the current project, then other buffers, also gives option of recentf. Replaces switch-to-buffer."
  (anything '(anything-c-source-eproject-buffers

You can do something similar with anything-for-files (see anything-config.el).