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API Reference

Jesus Ruiz edited this page Aug 3, 2013 · 102 revisions

Durable[, dbConnection [, port[, basePath]]])

Starts a set of programs.

var d = require('durable');   
// example starting two programs:
// one with 'mySequence' name and one with 'myFlowchart' name.{  
  mySequence: d.receive(... ,
  myFlowchart: d.flowchart(... ,

programs is a json object that contains the set of programs and their names as key value pairs.
dbConnection is the address of the database that will be use by the durable.js runtime. The default name is '\promisesDb'.
port is the port to be used to host the REST interface. The default is '5000'.
basePath is the prefix for the REST interface address. The default is '/'.


durable.promise(function[, name [, async [, context]]])

Creates a promise for the future execution of the callback passed.

var d = require('durable');   
// example creating a synchronous promise
d.promise(function(s) {
    s.newContent = '1';
    if (error) {
        throw 'error: reason';
// example creating an asynchronous promise
d.promise(function(s, complete) {
    s.newContent = '1';
    if (error) {
        complete('error: reason');
}, null, true)

function is the callback to be run. When the async flag is not specified, the signature is function(s[, context]), where s is the 'active' session. An error is indicated by returning false or throwing an exception. When the async flag is specified the signature is function(s, complete[, context]), where s is the 'active' session, complete is a function to be called when the function is complete. If there is an error use the error argument in the complete function to indicate the reason. context is the object optionally specified in the promise function. If there is an error in the callback, execution will restart from the previous checkpoint during the next dispatch iteration.
name is the resumption label used when a promise checkpoints inside the callback.
async is specified when the callback completes asynchronously by calling the 'complete' function.
context is an object to be passed when the callback is run.
returns the promise created.


Chains the next promise to be run when the current completes.

var d = require('durable');   
// example of promise chaining using continueWith
// and cascading using promise shortcuts.
d.promise(function(s) {
    s.firstContent = 1;
.continueWith(function(s) {
    s.secondContent = 2;

promise is the promise to be chained. When this argument is a function, a new promise will be created automatically.
returns the promise that has been chained.


Shortcut to create and chain the durable.checkpoint promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.


Shortcut to create and chain the durable.idle promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.


Shortcut to create and chain the durable.suspend promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.


Shortcut to create and chain the durable.delay promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.

durable.promise.mapReduce(flow, name)

Shortcut to create and chain the durable.mapReduce promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.

durable.promise.receive(query[, projection])

Shortcut to create and chain the durable.receive promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.

Shortcut to create and chain the promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.

durable.promise.startTimer(interval, name)

Shortcut to create and chain the durable.startTimer promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.


Shortcut to create and chain the durable.waitAllEvents promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.


Shortcut to create and chain the durable.waitAnyEvent promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.

durable.promise.waitAllStreams(streams, name)

Shortcut to create and chain the durable.waitAllStreams promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.

durable.promise.waitAnyStream(streams, name)

Shortcut to create and chain the durable.waitAnyStream promise.
returns the new promise that has been created and chained.


durable.checkpoint(name [, continue])

Checkpoints the current 'active' session. A new session record is inserted in the session records collection. All side effects, such as removing messages from the session messages collection and propagating messages to other session collections will happen at this point. If there is an error in subsequent promises, execution will restart from this point. After the checkpoint, by default the session will be put in idle state, the durable.js runtime will wait for the next message sent to this session before dispatching it again.

var d = require('durable');   
// example of checkpoint usage
.continueWith(function(s) {
    s.content = 1;

// example of session history after 'first' checkpoint
// GET
    label: 'first',
    status: 'idle'

// example of session history after 'second' checkpoint
// GET
    label: 'first',
    status: 'checked'
    content: 1,
    label: 'second',
    status: 'idle'

name is the label to be used for this checkpoint. continue is an optional argument to override idling after checkpoint.
returns the 'checkpoint' promise created.


Yields control to durable.js runtime. The session status is marked as 'idle'. The durable.js runtime will wait for the next message sent to this session before dispatching it again.
returns the 'idle' promise created.


Suspends the current 'active' session. After running this promise, the durable.js runtime will not dispatch to this session again. reason is the detail for the suspension. returns the 'suspend' promise created.


Gets the transient state set by the preceding promise as input. For example relies on this mechanism for getting messages to be sent.
returns the state object.


Sets the transient input state to be used by the immediate subsequent promise.
value is the object to be used.


Gets the transient state set by the preceding promise as output. For example durable.receive relies on this mechanism for passing available messages to subsequent promises. returns the state object.


Sets the transient output state to be used by the immediate subsequent promise.
value is the object to be used.


durable.delay(interval, name)

Delays the program execution for the specified interval. This promise automatically checkpoints, so it requires an name to specify the checkpoint label.

var d = require('durable');   
// example of delay usage
.continueWith(function(s) { = new Date().toLocaleString();
.delay(10, 'delay')
.continueWith(function(s) { = new Date().toLocaleString();

interval is the number of seconds to wait before continuing. name is the label used when checkpointing.
returns the new promise created.

Posts a message. A message is passed into this promise during execution by setting the session input transient state. A message is a json object. The program field specifies the program to send the message to. The current program is used by default. The session field specifies the program session to correlate the message to. The current session is used by default. All messages have an id, which has to be unique withing the correlated session. The effectiveDate field specifies the date and time after which the message should be dispatched. The default is the time when the message is posted. The expireDate field specifies the date and time after which the message should be removed from the collection. The default is one hour after the message is posted.

var d = require('durable');   
.continueWith(function (s) {                        
        program: 'ping', 
        session: 1, 
        id: 1, 
        content: 'a' 

returns the new promise created.

durable.receive([query[, projection]])

Receives a message correlated with the currently active session using the specified filter and transformed by the specified projection. Filters and projections are specified using the mongoDb query and projection syntax. The durable.receive promise will continue execution only when a message that matches the specified query is added to the collection. While query and projection are typically specified in the receive function, they can also be specified dynamically by setting the input transient state of the current session. The message received is set in the output transient state of the current session. The message will be removed from the collection when the next checkpoint is reached.

var d = require('durable');   
// example of receiving a message given a filter
d.receive({ content: { $regex: '[0-9]*' } })
.continueWith(function (s) {         
    s.messageContent = s.getOutput().content;               

// example of receiving a message specifying the filter dynamically
d.promise(function(s) {
    s.setInput({ query: { content: "go" } });
.continueWith(function (s) {         
    s.messageContent = s.getOutput().content;               

query is the filter to be applied. The query has to conform to the mongoDb query syntax.
projection specifies the optional transformation of the message. The projection has to conform to the mongoDb projection syntax.
returns the new promise created.

durable.tryReceive([query[, projection]])

As opposed to durable.receive. This promise will continue the execution of the program even if no message matches the query, in which case the object { checked: false } will be set in the session output transient state. This promise is typically used in conjunction with durable.waitAnyEvent, durable.waitAllEvents or as a durable.statechart trigger.
query is the filter to be applied. The query has to conform to the mongoDb query syntax.
projection specifies the optional transformation of the message. The projection has to conform to the mongoDb projection syntax.
returns the new promise created.

durable.startTimer(interval, name)

Starts a timer to expire given an interval in seconds. The name specified in this promise can be used to query the timeout status. This promise is typically used for timing out events in durable.waitAnyEvent or timing out triggers in durable.statechart. See durable.tryTimer for a usage example. The timer is activated only when the next checkpoint is reached.
interval is the number of seconds to wait before timeout. name used for subsequent timer status query.
returns the new promise created.


Checks if the timer with the specified name has timed out, in which case the object { checked: true } will be set in the session output transient state. This promise is typically used for timing out events in durable.waitAnyEvent or timing out triggers in durable.statechart.

var d = require('durable');   
// example of timing out a message receive
.startTimer(30, 'messageTimeout')
    a: durable.tryReceive({ content: 'go' }),
    b: durable.tryTimer('messageTimeout')
.continueWith(function (s) {
    if (s.getOutput().b) {
        s.content = 'timeout';

name of the timer to query.
returns the new promise created.



Used for trying a session condition in conjunction with other events. The signature function(s){} is required for the callback function. If the condition is true the function should return true otherwise false.
function is the callback that will be run for trying the condition.
returns the new promise created.


Waits for any of the conditions specified to complete. The events object is a set of name value pairs. The event output will be set in the session transient state as a json object that follows the names specified in the events object. The events object can use the event algebra explained in the concepts page.

// example of waitForAnyEvent usage
    a: tryReceive({ command: 'right' }),
    b: tryReceive({ command: 'left' })
.continueWith(function(s) {
    if (s.getOutput().a) {
       // go right
    else {
       // go left

events is the set of named events to be tried.
returns the new promise created.


Waits for all the conditions specified to complete. The events object is a set of name value pairs. The event output will be set in the session transient state as a json object that follows the names specified in the events object. The events object can use the event algebra explained in the concepts page.

// example of waitForAllEvents usage
    a: tryReceive({ command: 'go' }),
    b: tryReceive({ argument: 'left' })
.continueWith(function(s) {
    // go left

events is the set of named events to be tried.
returns the new promise created.


durable.mapReduce(flow, name), stream, name)
durable.tryReduce(function, name)
durable.waitAnyStream(streams, name[, merge])

Starts all streams specified and waits for any of them to complete. This promise creates one session fork for each stream specified. Each session fork is a copy of the main session. The address for each session fork is determined parentSessionName.streamName. Because forking a session is a side effecting operation this promise will implicitly checkpoint. All streams will execute concurrently with independent sessions. When any stream is complete, it is joined using the merge policy provided or the system default. See the static distribution section in the concepts page for more information.

var d = require('durable');   
// example of waiting for any of two streams
// one named 'first' and one named 'second'
    first: d.receive({ content: 'first' })
        .continueWith(function (s) {
            s.first = s.getOutput().content;
    second: d.receive({ content: 'second' })
        .continueWith(function (s) {
            s.second = s.getOutput().content;
    }, 'twoStreams')
.continueWith(function (s) {
    if (s.first) {
        // first completed
    else {
        // second completed

// example of posting a message for the program to complete
.continueWith(function (s) {                        
        program: 'streams', 
        session: 'parent.second', 
        id: 1, 
        content: 'second' 

streams is the set of named streams.
name is the label to be used for the resumption checkpoint.
merge specifies the merge policy. By default merge will take unique fields from the main and the fork session, fork session will win in case of field conflicts.

durable.waitAllStreams(streams, name[, merge])

Starts all streams specified and waits for all of them to complete. This promise creates one session fork for each stream specified. Each session fork is a copy of the main session. The address for each session fork is determined parentSessionName.streamName. Because forking a session is a side effecting operation this promise will implicitly checkpoint. All streams will execute concurrently with independent sessions. When all streams are complete, they are joined using the merge policy provided or the system default. See the static distribution section in the concepts page for more information.

var d = require('durable');   
// example of waiting for two streams to complete
// one named 'first' and one named 'second'
    first: d.receive({ content: 'first' })
        .continueWith(function (s) {
            s.first = s.getOutput().content;
    second: d.receive({ content: 'second' })
        .continueWith(function (s) {
            s.second = s.getOutput().content;
    }, 'twoStreams')

// example of posting the messages for the program to complete
    id: 1,
    content: 'first'
    id: 1,
    content: 'second'


durable.stateChart(chart, name)
durable.flowChart(chart, name)
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