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 Assembly Line Simulator Part 2: Dispatcher/Scheduler Simulation.

////////////////////////////////// Overview ///////////////////////////////////

ALS is a Facility (Assemply Line) that processes packages.
Goal: Check the efficiency of an assembly line and how different workers change

/////////////////////// Important structures / classes ////////////////////////

Packages-> Each package has an amount of units to be processed

PackageQueue -> A data structure (queue) to store  packages

Factory -> Packages are taken in by the Factory into a buffer(a queue), where
				 	 they await to be dispatched and worked on by several Assembly Lines.

AssemblyLine -> There are many AssemblyLines. They have an associated rate
								of work at which the process packages. They process Packages
								and then they ship them.

Dispatcher -> Decides where to send the packages. There are three versions of
							this class that assign packages to assembly lines using these
							v1) Smallest number of packages in the line
							v2) Smallest number od total units in the line
							v3) Smallest estimated time (total_units/rate)

//////////////////////// Struct and Class Interfaces //////////////////////////
 Package -> contains important information about each package.
	Imporntant Data:
    string order_number
    double unit_number
    double units_worked
    int time_Arrived
    int time_Shipped
    bool isShipped

    int assemblyLineID
Factory -> Handles input of Pkgs into a buffer(a queue) and runs Assembly Lines.
	Important Functions:
		Factort(int numAssemblyLines, double rates[] )
		int run()
		void getPkgOrder();

AssemblyLine -> Processes packages and outputs to console the shipping time.
	Important Functions:
		void process(Package * PkgOrder, int orderSize);
		void ship(Package * currentPkg);
	Imporntant Data:
		int number_of_Packages  //should be accessible to factory.
		int number_of_Units
		double estimatedTime

 Dispatcher -> controls what packages go to the AssemblyLine
  	Important Functions:
	    Dispatcher(AssemblyLine *list, int size);
	    void dispatch(PackageQueue *PkgBuffer, int PkgCount);
	    int al_do_work(int id);
	    void al_ship(int id, int timeUnit);
	    void distributeArrivingPkgs(int timeUnit);
	    void init_aLs(PackageQueue * arrivingPkgBuffer);
	    void dispatch_to_assembly(Package newPkg

PackageQueue ->  A queue implementation using linked lists.
	Important Functions:
		bool isEmpty();
    void enqueue(Package pkg);
    void dequeue();
    void display();
		Package * getFront();

///////////////////// Struct/Class Inheritance hierarchy //////////////////////

		Dispatcher			//there is an important collaboration between
		AssemblyLine    // the Dispatcher and the AssemblyLine class
				Worker      // for ultimate efficiency, the Dispatcher has total control

//////////////////////////// Compile Instructions /////////////////////////////

simply run the script contained in the compile file, also copied below

g++ -Wall -Wextra facmain.cpp factory.cpp AssemblyLine.cpp PackageQueue.cpp DispatcherPackage.cpp -o simp
g++ -Wall -Wextra facmain.cpp factory.cpp AssemblyLine.cpp PackageQueue.cpp DispatcherUnit.cpp -o simu
g++ -Wall -Wextra facmain.cpp factory.cpp AssemblyLine.cpp PackageQueue.cpp DispatcherTime.cpp -o simt


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