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ROS Interface for AqeusTalk2.

For detail, Please see manual and symbols table


Launch sound_play with AquesTalk2 Text-to-Speech

roslaunch aques_talk aques_talk.launch

Say something

$ rostopic pub /robotsound_jp  sound_play/SoundRequest "{sound: -3, command: 1, volume: 10.0, arg: 'こんにちわ', arg2: ''}"
$ rostopic pub /robotsound_jp  sound_play/SoundRequest "{sound: -3, command: 1, volume: 10.0, arg: 'こんにちわピーアールツー', arg2: ''}"
import rospy
from sound_play.libsoundplay import SoundClient


client = SoundClient(sound_action='robotsound_jp', sound_topic='robotsound_jp')


# note that
# does not work ! Use
client.say('Hello', voice='en')

Limitations on input strings

All charactors except [a-zA-Z0-9ぁ-んァ-ンー、。??] and Kanji are removed so that AquesTalk2 can recognize them.


Do not input the unpronounceable or control characters. For example,

  • at the beginning of sentence ( at the beginning of sentence cannot be pronounced, but ふぁ can be pronounced.)
  • ' " in many programs (Because many programs recognize them as string control charactor)
  • ! ` if you use shell (Because shell recognizes them as control charactor)

You should be careful in input charactors about how they are pronounced.

Wrong -> Correct
20時です -> 20じです # Kanji is sometimes mispronounced.
fetch15 -> フェッチ15 # fetch is pronounced as エフ、イー、ティー、シー、エイチ
73B2 -> 7,3,B,2 # 73B2 is pronounced as ななじゅうさんビーに
私の名前は -> 私の名前わ