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Meridian Shapes

Meridian Shapes is a geometry library for Clojure.

Shapes provides an abstract API for geometry operations and has a default implementation building on [clj-jts] (

Shapes allows for representation of geometry as Clojure data and a number of operations on that data.

The supported operations include Constructive Solid Geometry operations, spatial analysis and relation operations, unary constructive operations and measurement operations.

Shapes provides similar functionality to [The Java Topology Suite] ( and the Python project [shapely] (


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[meridian/shapes "0.0.2"]


Shapes has a base representation for geometry. The geometry are represented by standard Clojure datastructures (maps or records). These geometry structures map directly to the structures used in the [GeoJSON] ( specification. This conformance to the GeoJSON specification means that Shapes gets standardisation for free.

Construction functions are provided for the shapes: point, line-string, linear-ring, polygon, multi-point, multi-line-string, multi-polygon and geometry-collection

The construction functions create records with the keys, :type and :coordinates

user> (require '[meridian.shapes :as ms])
user> (ms/point [1 2])
#meridian.shapes.Point{:type :Point, :coordinates [1 2]}

Geometry Abstractions

Shapes defines a rich set of common abstractions: ConstructiveSolidGeometry, SpatialConstruction, SpatialRelations, Measurable, Locatable and SimplicityTest

Shapes does not come with a default implementation of these abstractions. You can however use the default provided by Meridian [Shapes-impl] (

Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[meridian/shapes-impl "0.0.2"]

Constructive Solid Geometry

The ConstructiveSolidGeometry abstraction provides a set of operations: union, difference, sym-difference and intersection

user> (use '[meridian.shapes.impl record map])
user> (ms/union (ms/point [1 2]) (ms/point [2 4]))
#meridian.shapes.MultiPoint{:type :multi-point, :coordinates [[1.0, 2.0] [2.0, 4.0]]}

More documentaion to come!


Copyright © James Sofra, 2013

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.