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jspsych-rok plugin

This plugin displays oriented objects (oobs) that move and allows the subject to report the primary direction of motion or the primary orientation by pressing a key on the keyboard. The stimulus can be displayed until a keyboard response is given or until a certain duration of time has passed. Oobs are objects that have an orientation (e.g. triangles).

We would appreciate it if you cited this paper when you use the plugin:

Strittmatter, Y., Spitzer, M., & Kiesel, A. (2021, July 12). A Random-Object-Kinematogram Plugin for Web-Based Research: Implementing Oriented Objects Enables Varying Coherence Levels and Stimulus Congruency Levels. DOI: [10.31234/]


Parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable. If more then one aperture is displayed most of the parameters should be specified as array (specified by the array column). The elements of the array then apply to the corresponding aperture. Features that are not fully implemented yet are marked with an x

Parameter Type Default Value Descripton Array
choices array [] The valid keys that the subject can press to indicate a response must
correct_choice string undefined The correct keys for that trial can
number_of_apertures INT 1 Number of apertures. If greater then one, other parameters of trial should be arrays can
density_unit_area INT null If this parameter is set, number_of_objects is interpreted as number_of_objects per density_unit_area (in pixels*pixels)"
aperture_width INT 600 The width of the aperture in pixels can
aperture_height INT 400 he height of the aperture in pixels can
aperture_position_left INT 50 Position of midpoint of aperture in x direction in percentage of window width (50 being middle) can
aperture_position_top INT 50 Position of midpoint of aperture in y direction in percentage of window width (0 being top, 50 being middle, 100 being bottom) can
aperture_shape INT 0 0 - rectangular, 1 - elliptic can
trial_duration int 0 The length of stimulus presentation. Zero for endless loop no
response_ends_trial bool true If true, then any valid key will end the trial no
number_of_oobs int 300 The number of oriented objects per set in the stimulus can
oob_size INT 2 The size of the orientated objects in percentage of aperture_width can
oob_color STRING, white The color of the oobs can
stimulus_type INT 0 Appearance of stimulus (0-triangles, 1-circle,2-square,3-bird, 4-image) can
stimulus_image IMAGE null Pictures of stimuli, can be key-framed(animated) or randomised, see documentation can
stimulus_image_keyframes INT 1 Number of keyframes in stimulus images can
stimulus_keyframe_time FLOAT .1 Time between keyframes in seconds can
stimulus_mirror INT 0 Mirror image instead of rotating (1 - x axis, 2 - y axis) Can be useful for oobs that have two orientation axis (e.g front to back and up and down) can
coherent_movement_direction INT 0 The direction of coherent motion in degrees (0 degree meaning right) can
coherent_orientation INT 0 The orientation of the objects in degree (0 degree meaning right) can
coherence_movement INT 50 The percentage of oriented objects moving in the coherent direction can
coherence_orientation INT 50 The percentage of objects that are oriented in the coherent orientation can
coherence_movement_opposite INT 0 The percentage of oriented objects moving in the direction opposite of the coherent direction can
coherence_orientation_opposite INT 0 The percentage of objects that are oriented opposite of the coherent orientation can
movement_speed INT 10 The movement speed of the oobs in (percentage of aperature_width)/second can
movement_speed_randomisation INT 0 The percentage of randomisation in movement speed (0 meaning all orientated objects move with speed defined in movement_speed, 100 meaning movement speeds from 0 to 2x movement_speed) can
random_movement_type INT 0 ype of random movement (0 direction is random but fixed, 1 movement direction of incoherent oobs changes over time can
random_orientation_type INT 0 Type of random movement (0 - orientation is random but fixed, 1 - orientation of incoherent oobs changes over time can
background_color STRING gray The background of the stimulus can
background_image IMAGE null Background image, can be can
prompt STRING null Prompt that is presented above the stimulus can
fade_out INT 0 Fade the oobs on the edges of the aperture can
experiment_congruency_mode INT 0 Sets experiment to congruency mode: experiment_main_task has to be set (0 = movement or 1 = direction) if this is set to 1 or 2. The congruency of the task does only apply to coherent oobs of main task. If this is set to 1 the remaining oobs secondary feature (the non task feature) is set at random. If this is set to 2 the remaining oobs have the same direction and orientation no
experiment_main_task INT 0 Sets the main task when experiment is in congruency mode. The congruency of the other task then only applies to non random oobs of main task can
units STRING null Units in which size and speed of oobs is expressed (null - percentage of aperture width, px - pixels no
aperture_mode STRING overlay When in overlay draws stimuli of different apertures on top of each other. When in intermixed oobs all show up in one aperture intermixed.

Image Loading

If image are key framed, the keyframes must be loaded as one picture in a frame sheet. Keyframes are next to each other. If the image should be mirrored a mirrored version of the image must be in the same sheet below the original keyframe.

Data Generated

In addition to the default data collected by all plugins, this plugin collects all parameter data described above and the following data for each trial.

Name Type Value
rt numeric The response time in ms for the subject to make a response.
key_press numeric The key that the subject pressed. The value corresponds to the Javascript Char Code (Key Code).
correct boolean Whether or not the subject's key press corresponded to those provided in correct_choice.
frame_rate numeric The average frame rate for the trial. 0 denotes that the subject responded before the appearance of the second frame.
number_of_frames numeric The number of frames that was shown in this trial.
frame_rate_array JSON string The array that holds the number of milliseconds for each frame in this trial.
canvas_width numeric The width of the canvas in pixels.
canvas_height numeric The height of the canvas in pixels.

Features missing

The feature to draw a border around the aperture is not implemented yet. Also the feature to present a fixation cross behind the oobs is not implemented yet. (Both features were implemented in the RDK plugin.)


Setting the correct_choice parameter by linking it to the coherent_direction parameter.

let trial = {
            type: jsPsychRok,
            choices: ['f'],
            correct_choice: ['f'],
            trial_duration: 0

Setting the coherent_orientation to right (50% pointing right, 30% pointing left, 20% pointing random).

    let trial =  {
        prompt: 'Welcome to the demo of a fully cusomizable rok task, >F< to continue',
        choices: ['f', 'j'],
        correct_choice: ['f'],
        coherent_orientation: 0, // orientation to the right
        coherent_movement_direction: 90, // movement up
        coherence_orientation: 50, // 50% are orientated right
        coherence_orientation_opposite: 30, // 30% are orientated left (rest random)

The coherent_movement to up (70% percent moving up, 30% moving random). Setting a prompt.

    let trial =  {
        prompt: 'Welcome to the demo of a fully cusomizable rok task, >F< to continue',
        choices: ['f', 'j'],
        correct_choice: ['f'],
        coherent_movement_direction: 90, // movement up
        coherence_movement: 70, // 

Setting animated images as stimulus. Fade out images on the edges of the aperture. Mirror images instead of rotating them all the way (no upside down birds)

    let trial =  {
        choices: ['f', 'j'],
        correct_choice: ['f'],
        fade_out: 1,
        stimulus_type: 4, // Make type image (0-triangles, 1-circle, 2-square, 3-origami_birds, 4-image)
        number_of_oobs: 100,
        oob_size: 10,
        stimulus_image: ['./res/img/stimuli/bird1_4.png'],
        stimulus_image_keyframes:4, // There are 4 frames in the image
        stimulus_keyframe_time: .1, // times between frames
        stimulus_mirror: 1,

Set congruency mode to 2 so that movement and orientation of incoherent oobs match. Randomise movement speed (not direction!) so that oobs move with different speed.

    let trial =  {
        choices: ['f', 'j'],
        correct_choice: ['f'],
        fade_out: 1,
        stimulus_type: 4, // Make type image (0-triangles, 1-circle, 2-square, 3-origami_birds, 4-image)
        number_of_oobs: 100,
        oob_size: 10,
        stimulus_image: ['./res/img/stimuli/bird1_4.png'],
        stimulus_keyframe_time: .1,
        stimulus_mirror: 1,
        coherent_orientation: 0,
        coherent_movement_direction: 0,
        coherence_orientation: 0, // all random orientation
        coherence_orientation_opposite: 0, // all random orientation
        coherence_movement:50, // 50 percent coherent movement
        experiment_congruency_mode: 2,
        experiment_main_task: 0,
        movement_speed_randomisation: 40,

Setting randomisation to non static (random orientation as well as movement direction change over time). Setting type to animated origami bird

    let trial =  {
        choices: ['f', 'j'],
        correct_choice: ['f'],
        stimulus_type: 3, // 0 - triangle, 1-circle, 2-square, 3-origamiBird 4-image
        random_movement_type: 1,
        random_orientation_type: 1,

Layering apertures to create random distractors

    let trial = {
        type: jsPsychRok,
        choices: ['f', 'j'],
        correct_choice: ['f'],
        trial_duration: 0, 
        coherent_movement_direction: [90,90],
        coherent_orientation: [90,90], 
        coherence_movement: [90,0],
        coherence_orientation: [90,0], 
        coherence_movement_opposite: [10,0], 
        coherence_orientation_opposite: [10,0], 
        movement_speed: [2,5],
        movement_speed_randomisation: [0,50], 
        oob_color: ['green','red'], 
        oob_size: [3,1],
        stimulus_type: [0,1],
        aperture_width: 200,
        aperture_height: 600,
        aperture_shape: 1,  
        fade_out: 1,

Demonstrating all main features

 let trial = {
        type: jsPsychRok,
        number_of_apertures: 3,
        choices: ['f', 'j'],
        correct_choice: ['f'],
        trial_duration: 0, // trial_duration, 0 meaning endless
        coherent_movement_direction: [0, 30, 90], // coherent movement direction in degree (0 being right, 90 being up)
        coherent_orientation: [0, 210, 0], // coherent orientation in degree
        coherence_movement: [90, 60, 40], // percentage of oobs (oriented objects) moving in coherent direction
        coherence_orientation: [80, 60, 0], // percentage of oobs being oriented in coherent orientation
        coherence_movement_opposite: [10, 0, 20], // percentage of oobs moving in opposite direction than coherent (rest of oobs moves random)
        coherence_orientation_opposite: [10, 0, 0], // percentage of oobs being oriented in opposite direction of coherent orientation (rest of oobs oriented randomly)
        movement_speed: [7, 5, 2], // movement speed
        movement_speed_randomisation: [30,0,50], // percentage of movement speed randomisation (0 meaning all oobs move with movement speed, 100 meaning speed is assigned randomly between 0 and 2*movement speed
        oob_color: ['lightpink', 'green', 'yellow'], // color of oobs
        oob_color_randomisation: true, // are colors randomised
        background_color: 'gray', // color of background
        number_of_oobs: [300, 200, 100], // number of oobs
        oob_size: [3, 6, 12],
        stimulus_type: [0, 1, 3],// 0 oobs are triangles, 1 oobs are circle, 3 are origami birds
        aperture_width: 200,
        aperture_height: 600,
        aperture_shape: [1, 1, 0],  //
        random_movement_type: [0,1,1],
        random_orientation_type: [1,0,1],
        prompt: ['coherent/congruent', 'coherent/incongruent', 'randomness can be manipulated']

    let trial_2 = {
        type: jsPsychRok,
        number_of_apertures: 2,
        choices: ['f', 'j'],
        correct_choice: ['f'],
        trial_duration: 0, // trial_duration, 0 meaning endless
        coherent_movement_direction: [0,90], // coherent movement direction in degree (0 being right, 90 being up)
        coherent_orientation: [90,0], // coherent orientation in degree
        coherence_movement: [70, 50], // percentage of oobs (oriented objects) moving in coherent direction
        coherence_orientation: [50, 20], // percentage of oobs being oriented in coherent orientation
        coherence_movement_opposite: 10, // percentage of oobs moving in opposite direction than coherent (rest of oobs moves random)
        coherence_orientation_opposite: 10, // percentage of oobs being oriented in opposite direction of coherent orientation (rest of oobs oriented randomly)
        movement_speed: 5, // movement speed
        movement_speed_randomisation: 30, // percentage of movement speed randomisation (0 meaning all oobs move with movement speed, 100 meaning speed is assigned randomly between 0 and 2*movement speed
        oob_color: ['lightpink', 'blue'], // color of oobs
        oob_color_randomisation: true, // are colors randomised
        background_color: 'gray', // color of background
        number_of_oobs: [300, 200], // number of oobs
        oob_size: [3, 2],
        stimulus_type: [1, 0],// 0 oobs are triangles, 1 oobs are 'paper birds',
        aperture_width: [200, 600],
        aperture_height: [600, 200],
        aperture_shape: [1, 0],
        prompt: 'Have fun creating new experiments'