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183 lines (177 loc) · 4.92 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (177 loc) · 4.92 KB


  • Add helper functions
    • checkResult
  • Support Git 2.41.0 features
    • Add BranchListOptions --omit-empty
    • Add FetchCommonOptions --porcelain
    • Add ForEachRefOptions --omit-empty
    • Add TagOptions --omit-empty
  • Support git-annex 10.20231227 features
    • Add CopyOptions --from-anywhere
    • Add MoveOptions --from-anywhere
  • Support git-annex 10.20240129 features
    • Add ImportOptions --message

v3.0.0 released 2023-10-11

  • Convert the package to an ECMAScript module from CommonJS
  • Add GitAnnexAPI methods
    • addunused
    • assist
    • clean
    • configremote
    • expire
    • export
    • forget
    • getBranchName
    • getRepositoryInfo
    • grep
    • import
    • oldkeys
    • pullAnx
    • pushAnx
    • satisfy
    • submodule
  • Add GitAnnexAPI property
    • repositoryPath
  • Add generic functions to return application-defined JavaScript objects
    • listFiles
  • Add helper functions
    • chmodR
    • pathExists
  • Support Git 2.38.0 features
    • Add LsFilesOptions --format
  • Support git-annex 10.20230321 features
    • Deprecate getStatusAnx, isStatusAnx, statusAnx, StatusAnx, and StatusAnxOptions (documentation change only)
  • Support git-annex 10.20230626 features
    • Add ConfigAnxOptions --for-file and --show-origin
    • Add ConfigremoteOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add DeadOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add DescribeAnxOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add DropunusedOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add EnableremoteOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add ExpireOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add InitAnxOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add InitremoteOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add MergeAnxOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add ReinitOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add RenameremoteOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add SemitrrustOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add UnannexOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add UninitOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add UntrustOptions --json and --json-error-messages
    • Add UnusedOptions --json and --json-error-messages
  • Support git-annex 10.20230802 features
    • Add AnnexOptions --explain
    • Add DropunusedOptions --jobs
  • Support git-annex 10.20230828 features
    • Add InfoOptions --dead-repositories
  • Make GitAnnexAPI.sync parameter remotes optional
  • Make options the fourth generic function parameter
    • getFinds
    • getLogs
    • getShows
    • getWhereis
  • The spawn error message includes environment variables only when env is supplied in ApiOptions

v2.2.0 released 2022-10-04

  • Add GitAnnexAPI methods
    • getFileNames
    • getVersionAnx
    • getVersionGit
    • lsFiles
  • Add helper functions
    • getLineStartingAsString
    • sysPath
    • sysPaths
  • Support git-annex 10.20220624 features
    • Add InfoOptions --autoenable
  • Support git-annex 10.20220724 features
    • Move AnnexOptions --backend to AddAnxOptions and SyncOptions
  • Support git-annex 10.20220822 features
    • Add AddAnxOptions --dry-run

v2.1.0 released 2022-07-07

  • Add GitAnnexAPI method getBuildFlags
  • Support Git 2.36.0 features
    • Add BranchOptions --recurse-submodules
    • Add FetchCommonOptions --refetch
    • Add LogOptions --exclude-first-parent-only
  • Support Git 2.37.0 features
    • Add RevertOptions --reference
  • Support git-annex 10.20220624 features
    • Add InitAnxOptions --autoenable and --no-autoenable and prexisting --version

v2.0.0 released 2022-04-06

  • Add GitAnnexAPI methods
    • addGit
    • adjust
    • branch
    • checkout
    • cherryPick
    • copy
    • dead
    • diff
    • drop
    • dropunused
    • fetch
    • find
    • forEachRef
    • get
    • getBranchNames
    • getTagNames
    • log
    • mergeAnx
    • mergeGit
    • mincopies
    • move
    • numcopies
    • pull
    • push
    • rebase
    • required
    • reset
    • restore
    • revert
    • revParse
    • semitrust
    • show
    • stash
    • switch
    • unannex
    • untrust
    • unused
    • whereis
    • whereused
  • Add generic functions to return application-defined JavaScript objects
    • getBranches
    • getFinds
    • getLogs
    • getRefs
    • getShows
    • getTags
    • getWhereis
  • Add Parser interface and implementations
    • parseBigInt
    • parseNumber
    • parseOptionalString
    • parseUnixDate
  • Add type predicates
    • isBigInt
    • isDate
    • isRepositoryInfo
    • isStatusGit
  • Additional command options in
    • AddAnxOptions
    • CloneOptions
    • CommitOptions
    • InfoOptions
    • InitGitOptions
    • LockOptions
    • RmOptions
    • StatusAnxOptions
    • SyncOptions
    • TagOptions
    • UnlockOptions
  • Add ApiOptions.noOp flag
  • Rename GitAnnexAPI.describe to describeAnx
  • Make RepositoryInfo.trustLevel optional

v1.0.0 released 2022-02-08

  • Initial command set

v1.0.0-beta released 2022-02-04

  • Initial command set