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431 lines (341 loc) · 10.9 KB

File metadata and controls

431 lines (341 loc) · 10.9 KB


Performance and Quality

Quality is top of the list of priorities. This means stability and performance first and foremost. Constant testing on a huge volume of samples to achieve this goal.


The ActivityIndicator control gives a visual clue to the user that something is happening, without information about its progress.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
IsRunning Done
Color Done


The UIActionSheet is a common UI element in iOS. The Xamarin.Forms DisplayActionSheet method lets you include this control in cross-platforms apps, rendering native alternatives.

Property Status
Title Done
Cancel Done
Extras Done
Destruction Done


BoxView is a useful stand-in for images or custom elements when doing initial prototyping.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
Color Done


A button View that reacts to touch events.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
IsEnabled Done
Command Done
CommandParameter Done
ContentLayout Done
Text Done
TextColor Done
Font Done
FontFamily Done
FontAttributes Done
BorderWidth Done
BorderColor Done
BorderRadius Done
Image Done
Clicked Done
Pressed Done
Released Done


The Xamarin.Forms CarouselPage is a page that users can swipe from side to side to navigate through pages of content, like a gallery.

Property Status
ItemsSource Done
ItemTemplate Done
CurrentPage Done
Children Done
BackgroundsImage Done
Icon Done
IsBusy Done
Padding Done
Tittle Done
ToolbarItems Done
CurrentPageChanged Done
PagesChanged Done
LayoutChanged Done
Appearing Done
Disappearing Done


A ContentPage is a Page displaying a single View, often a container like a StackLayout or ScrollView.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
Appearing Done
Disappearing Done


The visual representation of a DatePicker is very similar to the one of Entry, except that a special control for picking a date appears in place of a keyboard.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
Format Done
Date Done
MinimumDate Done
MaximumDate Done
TextColor Done
DateSelected Done


The Editor control is used to accept multi-line input.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
IsEnabled Done
Text Done
FontFamily Done
FontSize Done
FontAttributes Done
TextColor Done
TextChanged Done
Completed Done


Entry is a single line text entry. It is best used for collecting small discrete pieces of information, like usernames and passwords.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
IsEnabled Done
Placeholder Done
PlaceholderColor Done
Text Done
TextColor Done
FontFamily Done
FontSize Done
FontAttributes Done
TextColor Done
TextChanged Done
Completed Done


Frame is an element containing a single child, with some framing options.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
outlineColor Done
HasShadow Done


View that holds an image.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
Source Done
Aspect Done
IsOpaque None
IsLoading Done

Supported FileSource, StreamSource and UriSource.


A Label is used to display single-line text elements as well as multi-line blocks of text.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
IsEnabled Done
FormattedText Done
HorizontalTextAlignment Done
LineBreakMode Done
Text Done
TextColor Done
VerticalTextAlignment Done
FontAttributes Done
FontFamily Done
FontSize Done
XAlign Done
YAlign Done


An ItemsView that displays a collection of data as a vertical list.

Property Status
IsPullToRefreshEnabled Done
IsRefreshing Done
ItemsSource Done
RefreshCommand Done
Header Done
HeaderTemplate Done
Footer Done
FooterTemplate Done
SelectedItem Done
HasUnevenRows Done
RowHeight Done
GroupHeaderTemplate Done
IsGroupingEnabled Done
SeparatorVisibility Done
SeparatorColor Done
ContextActions Done
ScrollTo Done
ItemAppearing Done
ItemDisappearing Done
ItemSelected Done
ItemTapped Done
Refreshing Done


A Page that manages two panes of information: A master page that presents data at a high level, and a detail page that displays low-level details about information in the master.

Property Status
Detail Done
IsGestureEnabled None
IsPresented Done
Master Done
MasterBehavior Done
ShouldShowToolBarButton Done
IsPresentedChanged Done


A View that shows a map provided by a platform-specific service.

Property Status
Pins Done
MapType Done
IsShowingUser Done
HasScrollEnabled Done
HasZoomEnabled Done
VisibleRegion Done
MoveToRegion Done


A Page that manages the navigation and user-experience of a stack of other pages.

Property Status
Animate Done
Add Done
Remove Done


A View that displays OpenGL content.

Property Status
HasRenderLoop Done


A View control for picking an element in a list.

Property Status
Title Pending
SelectedIndex Done
ItemsSource Done
SelectedItem Done
Items Done
itemDisplayBinding Done
SelectedIndexChanged Done


A View control that displays progress.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Pending
Progress Done
ProgressTo Done


An element capable of scrolling if its Content requires.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Pending
Orientation Done
ScrollX Done
ScrollY Done
Content Done
ContentSize Done
ScrollToAsync Done
Scrolled Done


A View control that provides a search box.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
SearchCommand Done
SearchCommandParameter Done
CancelButtonColor Done
Placeholder Done
FontFamily Done
FontSize Done
FontAttributes Done
HorizontalTextAlignment Done
TextColor Done
PlaceholderColor Done
FontFamily Done
SearchButtonPressed Done
TextChanged Done


A View control that inputs a linear value.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
Minimum Done
Maximum Done
Value Done
ValueChanged Done


A View control that inputs a discrete value, constrained to a range.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
Minimum Done
Maximum Done
Value Done
Increment Done
ValueChanged Done


A View control that provides a toggled value.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
IsToggled Done
Toggled Done


Displays an array of tabs across the top of the screen, each of which loads content onto the screen.

Property Status
BarBackgroundColor Done
BarTextColor Done
ItemsSource Done
ItemTemplate Done
SelectedItem Done
GetIndex Done
GetPageByIndex Done
SetIndex Done
Appearing Done
Disappearing Done
CurrentPageChanged Done
PagesChanged Done


A View that holds rows of Cell elements.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
HasUnevenRows Done
TableIntent Done
RowHeight Done
Root Done
ContextActions Done


A View control that provides time picking.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
Format Done
TextColor Done
Time Done


A View that presents HTML content.

Property Status
CanGoBack Done
CamGoForward Done
Source Done
Eval Done
GoBack Done
GoForward Done
Navigated Done
Navigating Done


A Element that occupies an area on the screen, has a visual appearance, and can obtain touch input.

Property Status
BackgroundColor Done
AnchorX Done
AnchorY Done
IsEnabled Done
IsFocused Done
IsVisible Done
Opacity Done
RotationX Pending
RotationY Pending
Scale Pending
TranslationX Done
TranslationY Done