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nixconfig is a configuration loader. It loads configuration from a set of well defined, traditional, paths. On non-win32 platforms the paths are:

  • /etc/
  • /etc/appname/
  • ~/
  • ~/.appname/
  • ~/.config/appname
  • ~/Application Support/Preferences/appname (only on the Darwin platform)

On win32 platforms, the paths are:

  • ~/AppData/Local/appname

Where appname is the name within your application's package.json file.

On all platforms, it is possible to append a path by setting a nixconfig_config_home environment variable, e.g. nixconfig_config_home=/tmp/testing node app.js.


const nixconfig = require('nixconfig')()
console.log(nixconfig.get('foo')) // "bar" for {foo: 'bar'}
console.log(nixconfig.get('')) // "baz" for {foo: {bar: 'baz'}}

Config Loading

When an instance of nixconfig is created, it will iterate the list of paths noted in the introduction in order from top to bottom. Within each path it will run a set of configured loaders to load the files within that path. For example, for an application named "foobar" the JSON loader will attempt to load /etc/foobar.json and /etc/foobar/foobar.json and so on. The values within /etc/foobar/foobar.json will overwrite the same values loaded from /etc/foobar.json.

Important: this depends on your package.json containing a name property.


nixconfig ships with three loader types:

  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • Environment

A loader is merely a function that returns a standard JavaScript object. Loaders are named by the extension they match or an artibtrary name if they do not process files. Thus, the default set of loaders is defined:

const loaders = {
  '.js': require,
  '.json': require,
  '~env': () => {}

Notice that loaders which do not process files are prefixed with a ~.

Loaders are processed in the order they are defined. Thus, without adding any other loaders, the default processing order for nixconfig is to load JavaScript files first, JSON second, and environment variables last.

It is possible to add custom loaders:

const nixconfig = require('nixconfig')({
  loaders: [
    {ext: '.yaml', method: (file) => {
      // the full path to the file to load is supplied, e.g.
      // `file = '/etc/foobar.yaml'`
    {ext: '~notAFile', method: () => {
      // no parameter is passed

Custom loaders will be appended to the standard set of loaders. All file loaders are processed prior to all non-file loaders.

Environment Loader

The environment loader looks for environment variables prefixed with either nixconfig_ or the value of nixconfigPrefix with the application's package.json. Thus, the environment variable nixconfig_foo=bar would result in console.log( nixconfig.get('foo') ) // 'bar'.

The environment loader also supports setting deeply nested variables. To do so, simply separate the object path properties with __. For example, nixconfig_foo__bar=foobar would result in console.log( nixconfig.get('') ) // 'foobar'.


The full API is documented in the API document.


For the environment loader, you must set nixconfigPrefix in your package.json. For example:

  "name": "cool-app",
  "nixconfigPrefix": "coolapp_"

Otherwise the prefix will be nixconfig_.

For general configuration, an object may be supplied to the exported factory function:

  delim: '.', // String path delimeter for the `get` and `set` methods.
  logger: {}, // A log4j API compliant logger like (null logger by default).
  loaders: [], // An array of loader objects: `{ext: '.foo', method: (file) => {}}`.
  initialConfig: {}, // Defaults to use if no configuration files are found.,
  parentName: '', // Defaults to `undefined`. Name of the app. If set, so must be `parentPath`.
  parentPath: '' // Defaults to `undefined`. Absolute path to application root dir.

The loaders property may also be an object wherein the keys are the extensions and the values are the associated methods.

When parentName and parentPath are set nixconfig will use these values to load the application's package.json and the configuration files. For example, given {parentName: 'not-foo', parentPath: '/tmp/foo'} then nixconfig will:

  1. Load the /tmp/foo/package.json file and update the loaded object's name property to be 'not-foo'.
  2. Look for configuration files like not-foo.json and not-foo.js.


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