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File metadata and controls

31 lines (29 loc) · 4.04 KB


The following pages are required of the project:

  • Landing Page
  • Client Creation
  • Client Registration
  • Client Selling Books
  • Client Browsing Books
  • Seller/Buyer Chat
  • Admin Page


  • **COMPLETED**: RQ1 - A client can be a seller, a buyer or a donor.
  • **COMPLETED**: RQ2 - Ensure that a seller, buyer or donor is related to the college/university
  • **COMPLETED**: RQ3 - Each client will have a profile with her/his personal information that should have personal interest that could be gather from books she/he adds to her/his profile and she/he will have a “rating” as buyer and a “rating” as seller.
  • **COMPLETED**: RQ4 - A client may add books(with at least: title, authors, field, course, edition, ISBN 13, picture(s), condition, price) and she/he at end needs to say if she/he is selling, buying or donating the book. Have to confirm ISBN (type it twice) when creating a new listing.
  • **COMPLETED**: RQ5 - A client may search for books with filters like: title, authors, field, course, edition, ISBN 13, condition. The filters should be fully independent and they should work if the client selects only one of them.The ability to sort books by least to most expensive.
  • **ALMOST FULFILLED**: RQ6 - Any user of the system may report to the admin that a book being listed in the system is inappropriate. And the admin would be able to “hide”the book and alert or ban the seller.
  • **COMPLETED**: RQ7 - If a client likes a book and wants to add the bookto her/his “cart”, she/he can. In the “cart” the client will see all the books she/he said they wanted and she/he will have the option of contacting the seller or donor.
  • **COMPLETED**: RQ8 - By contacting the seller, the software will open a chat between the buyer and the seller/donor of the book, where they can exchange messages until they have an agreement about the book and how they will do business.
  • **COMPLETED**: RQ9 - Buyers and sellers should be able to update the transaction status via the chat between the buyer and seller. The statuses available are 1) In progress 2) Completed (pending) -this is when only one user has marked the exchange as complete 3) Completed -this is when both have marked it complete.
  • **COMPLETED**: RQ10 - Buyers and sellers should be able to rate the other part of the transactions in the chat once it is marked as complete.
  • **ALMOST FULFILLED**: RQ11 - The client that bought and the client that sold the book will be able to say to the software that they transaction was done and put a rate on the other part of the transaction. In case the other part of the transaction didn’t do that yet, the software should send an automatic email asking for its feedback.
  • **TO DO**: RQ12 - To check that product was still in the market, after the software “sees” that there is no conversation between seller and buyer for more than 36 hours the software should send a message to the buyer, asking if he is still interested in the book, or if he already bought the book from the seller.
  • **IN PROGRESS**: RQ13 - Clients should also have a way ofreporting anotherclientas a problem to an admin. A client trolling, a client that scheduled to do something and never showed up, a client that “threatens” someone on chat, and so on...
  • **ALMOST FULFILLED**: RQ14 - Admin: the software needs an admin that should be able to monitor how many clients the software has, how many books were sold, how many book searches were done. And the clients rating (something like watch for the bad ratings).
  • **TO DO**: RQ15 - If a client reports someone to admin, the person in charge of admin should be able to answer to client if the problematic client was banned or not, and what happened. So, admin should also be able to “punish” bad clients, like putting their account on holdor by banning them from the system, according to what they did.