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This document outlines some common practices, including their rationales, that help in writing efficient, readable and maintainable C++ code, which are to be enforced throughout PGE.


Utilize references-to-const in parameters and for-each loops

This avoid unnecessary copies.

Built-in primitives are trivial to copy and limited in size, therefore they should be passed by value.

Even if your custom type is trivial to copy and limited in size the compiler might not optimize it in the same way as built-in primitives.


void myFunc1(const MyClass& mc);
void myFunc2(int i);
// ...
for (const MyClass& m : myClasses) { /* ... */ }

Only ever return types by value as non-const

Returning types by value as const can prevent move semantics from being utilized.


const MyClass myFunc(); // Bad
MyClass myFunc2(); // Good
// ...
MyClass mc{myFunc()}; // Likely copy instead of move!
MyClass mc2{myFunc2()}; // Move!

Prefer references over pointers

References are less flexible, but more robust than pointers, what they reference is immutable and they lack nullability. This makes them ideal candidates for member variables.


class MyBadClass {
        MyOtherClass* other; // Mutable and nullable, ew!
        // (Making the pointer const would only solve one of those issues.)
        MyBadClass(MyOtherClass* o) {
            other = o;

class MyGoodClass {
        MyOtherClass& other; // Immutable and not nullable, yum!
        // (What is being referenced is not necessarily immutable, which is correct.)
        MyBadClas(MyOtherClass& other)
        : other(other) { }


Utilize perfect forwarding for template arguments

Using perfect forwarding (e.g. to a constructor) preserves r-values, which might enable copy elision.


template <typename T, typename... Args>
T* addNewResource(Args&&... args) { // Note the double ampersand.
    return new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); // Note the argument pack expansion after the forwarding.


Prefer concepts and std::span over concrete parameter types

This allows clients to pass the most appropriate type for their task, requiring only what is absolutely necessary from the passed argument.

std::span should be used if the function simply requires some contiguous memory to be passed.


void myFunc(const std::vector<int>& ints); // Bad.
void myFunc(const std::span<int>& ints); // Good.

void myFunc2(const std::list<int>& ints); // Bad.
void myFunc2(const Enumerable<int> auto& ints); // Good.

Prefer std::vector::emplace_back over std::vector::push_back

emplace_back is able to construct elements in place via perfect forwarding, where push_back has to copy an existing object.

emplace_back also copies when it needs to, thus it is advisable to always use it.


std::vector<String> myVec;
myVec.push_back(String('O')); // No.
myVec.emplace_back('O'); // Yes.

String myComplicatedString;
// ... Do something complicated.
myVec.emplace_back(myComplicatedString); // Works just as well!

Prefer std::vector::reserve over std::vector::resize etc.

reserve does not have the costs associated with initializing objects as well as guarding against possible mismatches between the amount of reserved objects and the amount of actually added objects.

Warning: In the case of primitives and trivially-constructible types the added overhead of using emplace_back over simple assignment outweights any performance gain of using reserve by a significant margin, which is why for those types resize should be used.


std::vector<int> myBadSeries(50); // This is equivalent to resize.
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
    myBadSeries[i] = i;

std::vector<int> myGoodSeries; myGoodSeries.reserve(50);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

Rely on C functions and functionality when appropriate

In general the C++ functions and functionality should clearly be preferred, though some exceptions present themselves.

Prefer memcpy over std::copy for copying data primitively

Although std::copy has the benefit of type-safety and can be used in more cases it may not compile to the most performant option (memcpy) for primitive data.

Prefer C-style casts

A C-style cast subsumes all but dynamic_cast (which is the obvious exception to this guideline) while having a more concise syntax and the added verbosity of C++-style casts is unnecessary.


Nothing but 1TBS in combination with 4 spaces for intendation


// 1TBS.
if (cond) {

// This is also allowed.
if (cond) { func1(); }

// None of the following are allowed.

if (cond)

if ( cond )
// (And nothing inbetween or beyond.)

Indent everything but the contents of an all-encompassing namespaces


namespace PGE {

class MyClass { // Don't indent.
    public: // Indent.
        MyClass(); // Indent.

namespace MyNamespace { // Don't indent.
    void myFunc(); // Indent.


Prefer postfix operations over prefix operations where the choice presents itself

We have enough trust in the compiler to optimize away the unused return value and postfix is visually superior.


it++; // Yes.
++it; // No.

Never use the result of assignment, incrementing or decrementing

It makes your code harder to understand. Writing separate statements is always clearer.


int myInt = otherInt++; // This is bad.
int myInt = otherInt; otherInt++; // This is good.

a = b = c; // This is bad.
a = c; b = c; // This is good.

Define assignment, increment and decrement operators with return type void

This makes it impossible to make the mistake mentioned above with custom types.


MyType& operator=(const MyType& other); // This is bad.
void operator=(const MyType& other); // This is good.

Prefer using over typedef

They are semantically the same and the syntax of using is superior.


using MyInt = int32_t; // Yes.
typedef int32_t MyInt; // No.

Prefer typename over class for templates

typename poses a syntactic superset to class and class could potentially be interpreted as excluding non-class types (e.g. structs or primitive types).


template <typename T>
class MyClass { ... }
// ^ Yes.
// v No.
template <class T>
class MyClass { ... }

Utilize abbreviated function templates

They provide a much cleaner syntax.

Functions in which the parameterized type acts as more than just a single parameter, using the regular template syntax is preferable to avoid having to use decltype.


template <typename T>
void myFunc(const T& item); // Bad.
void myFunc(const auto& item); // Good.

template <std::ranges::range T>
void myFunc2(const T& range); // Bad.
void myFunc2(const std::ranges::range auto& range); // Good.

void myFunc3(const auto& a, const auto& b) requires std::same_as<decltype(a), decltype(b)>; // Bad. 
template <typename T>
void myFunc3(const T& a, const T& b); // Good.

Deleted methods must be public

This prevents the compiler from possibly issuing a superfluous access violation.


class MyClass {
        operator=(const MyClass&) = delete; // Yes.
        MyClass(const MyClass&) = delete; // No.

Place static_assert-ions at the very top of their related scope

It only makes sense for them to be as close to their related template types as possible.


template <typename T>
class MyClass {
    static_assert(std::is_same<T, MyClass>::value); // First line of class, before access specifiers, unindented.
        T t;

template <typename S>
const S myMethod(const S& s) const {
    static_assert(true); // First line of function.
    return s;

Never rely on default access specifiers


Always utilize override while omitting virtual when overriding methods

override clearly implies virtual.


class MyBase {
        virtual void myFuncA() = 0;
        virtual void myFuncB() const;
        virtual void myFuncC();

class MyDerived {
        void myFuncA(); // No.
        void myFuncB() const override; // Yes.
        virtual void myFuncC() override; // No.

Prefer direct over copy initialization on declaration

While they should be semantically the same in practice, direct initialization avoids repeating the type unnecessarily and avoids possibly confusing syntax.


MyClass c = 42; // Bad.
MyClass b = MyClass(42); // Better, still bad.
MyClass a(42); // Good.

Utilize structured bindings

Way better than using cancerous pair types directly!


// Bad!
for (const auto& it : myMap) {
    KeyType key = it.first;
    ValueType val = it.second;
    // ...

// Good!
for (const auto& [key, value] : myMap) {
    // ...

Consider putting enums outside of classes

Despite nested enums establishing a more obvious connection with their respective class, if an enum on its own gives enough context as to what it seeks to express it should likely not be put inside of that class. This is because nesting an enum in a class requires specifying the class when the enum is used outside of it, which can add unnecessary noise.


// Bad!
class MyClass {
        enum class MyMode {
        void setMode(MyMode m);

// ...

MyClass mc;
mc.setMode(MyClass::MyMode::A); // Noise!

// Good!
enum class MyMode {

class MyClass {
        void setMode(MyMode m);

// ...

MyClass mc;
mc.setMode(MyMode::A); // No noise!

switch etiquette

Every non-empty, non-fallthrough case must get its own scope

This prevents possible issues from wanting to declare the same variable in multiple cases and increases visual cohesion inside a case.

Place break and [[fallthrough]] statements outside the scope

This helps gauge the general structure of the switch. [[fallthrough]] is optional and in most cases not recommended since the discrete scopes provide enough visual clarity.

Break is generally not necessary when the case very clearly returns all of the time.

When mixing return statements with breaks and/or fallthroughs it is recommended to use [[fallthrough]].

Use using enum when switching on an enum

Greatly reduces duplication of the (potentially qualified) enum name.

Every switch statement must have a default case

Other cases may fallthrough to it, in most cases throwing an exception is most appropriate.


switch (var) {
    case 1: {
    } break;
    case 2: {
    } [[fallthrough]]; // Recommended here.
    case 3: {
        return ...;
    case 4:
    default: {
        throw Exception("Unexpected!");

switch (e) {
    using enum MyEnum;
    case A: {
        if (...) { return ... }
    } [[fallthrough]]; // Recommended here.
    case B: // Unannotated fallthroughs, ok.
    case C:
    case D: {
    } break;
    default: {
        throw Exception("Unexpected!");