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Provide methods to interface with couchdb and your server application.

Upload documents, attachments, retrieve, modify, delete, create database.

If you don't want to store attachments in the couchdb server you can provide a 'datapath' in the configuration. The attachments will be store in that location on your server.

This package is implemented using bluebird Promises

Use this package to migrate documents, for example, you would like to add a new field/data to your user documents in the DB.

Table of Contents

  1. Install
  2. Usage
    1. Standalone
    2. Hapi plugin
  3. Documents migration


Install couchdb by folling instructions here

npm install couch-provider



Codename is always optional, if not provided it will use the 'default' name in your configuration

//Multiple db configuration, namespace is optional, you can add multiple namespaces by providing an array
var couchdbconfig = {
	"default" : "db1",
	"db1" : {
		"hostname": "http://localhost:5984",
		"database": "users1",
		"datapath": "/some/path/in/server"
	"db2" : {
		"hostname": "",
		"database": "users2"

//Single db configuration, namespace is optional
//var couchdbconfig = {
//	"hostname": "http://localhost:5984",
//	"database": "users1"

const {couchProvider} = require('couch-provider');

var url = couchProvider.getCouchDBServer(codename);

Create DB

return couchProvider.createDB("users1")

Upload a document

var docs = [{
	"someinfo" : "someotherinfo"

return couchProvider.uploadDocuments(docs, codename)
    var docids = _.pluck(res, "id");//Underscore library

Fetch documents

return, function(docid){
    return couchProvider.getDocument(docid, codename);

Add attachment

var filename = path.join(__dirname, "");
var stream = fs.createReadStream(filename);

return, function(docid){
    return couchProvider.getDocument(docid, codename)
        return couchProvider.addDocumentAttachment(doc, 'name/in/database.txt', stream, codename);

Get attachment

return couchProvider.getDocument(docid, codename)
    return couchProvider.getDocumentAttachment(doc, 'name/in/database.txt', codename);
	//res is a buffer with the file content

Get attachment stream

return couchProvider.getDocument(docid, codename)
	var stream = couchProvider.getDocumentStreamAttachment(doc, 'name/in/database.txt', codename);        

	//Do something with the stream, write, pipe somewhere, etc. 

Delete attachment

return, function(docid){
    return couchProvider.getDocument(docid, codename)
        return couchProvider.deleteAttachment(doc, "testname/", codename);

Delete document

return, function(docid){
    return couchProvider.getDocument(docid, codename)
        return couchProvider.deleteDocument(doc, codename);
        console.log("Document deleted", res);

Get view from db

	console.log(data);//Array of documents

Get view from db using an object as query (querystring)

var obj_query = {
	key: 'someuserid',
	include_docs: true

couchProvider.getViewQs('_design/user/_view/info', obj_query)
	console.log(data);//Array of documents

Hapi plugin

*	To use as an Hapi plugin, the methods will be available to your server application as server.methods.yourserverapp.*
*	@server Hapi server object
*	@couchdbconfig  couchdb configuration object with multiple databases, optionally use only one database
*   @namespace      Optional namespace. The methods will be added to the Hapi server. For this example,
*					the methods will be made available as server.methods.yourserverapp.*
*					By default the namespace is couchprovider
var plugin = {};
plugin.register = require('couch-provider');
plugin.options = couchdbconfig;

Configuration sample for Hapi

The namespace field is used to create the functions in your Hapi server. Leave blank and the functions will be added under namespace 'couchprovider'

Using the 'Hapi' server object, you can call couchprovider functions from anywhere in your application as 'server.methods..uploadDocuments(docs)'

//Multiple db configuration, namespace is optional, you can add multiple namespaces by providing an array
var couchdbconfig = {
	"default" : "db1",
	"db1" : {
		"hostname": "http://localhost:5984",
		"database": "users1",
		"datapath": "/some/path/in/server"
	"db2" : {
		"hostname": "",
		"database": "users2"
	"namespace": "yourserverapp"

var server = new Hapi.Server();

var plugins = [];

var plugin = {};
plugin.register = require('couch-provider');
plugin.options = couchdbconfig;

server.register(plugins, function(err){
    if (err) {
        throw err; // something bad happened loading the plugin

server.start(function () {
    console.log("The server has started");

Documents migration

Create your migration document scheme. It must export two functions 'getDocuments' and 'transformDocument'

In this example, we want to add new fields to a 'user' document Example: 'migrate_userinfo.js'

const qs = require('querystring');
const _ = require('underscore');

module.exports.getDocuments = function(couchProvider){

	var key = {
		include_docs: true

	var v = '_design/user/_view/info';
	v += '?' + qs.stringify(key);

	return couchProvider.getView(v)
		return _.pluck(res, 'doc');

module.exports.transformDocument = function(doc){
		var transformed = {...doc, 
			"new_user_field": "new_data"

		return transformed;
		console.error("transformed not made", doc);
		return null;

Setting up a migration

If using as a Hapi plugin, you can also add the 'migrations' field in your configuration. When the server starts, the migration will be executed.

const conf = {
	"default" : "somedb",
	"somedb" : {
		"hostname": "http://localhost:5984",
		"database": "mydb"
	"migrations": [

const {CouchMigrations} = require('couch-provider');
const couchMigrations = new CouchMigrations();


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