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XMBurner tester


Sandor Zsuga (Jubatian)


GNU GPLv3 (version 3 of the GNU General Public License)


This is a test package for XMBurner. It uses the XMBurner AluEmu package to simulate the CPU with a capability to simulate various anomalies in it.

Setting up

The XMBurner package and the XMBurner AluEmu package are necessary to run this program. You should have the following directory structure: :

+- xmburner_aluemu (The CPU Emulator)
+- xmburner (The XMBurner to test)
+- xmburner_test
   +- README.rst (This file)

You need a Unix environment with a native gcc and avr-gcc installed.

Running the tests

The tests can be executed by running make. This will build and execute the tests generating results in a report.txt file. Note that failing a test won't halt the process, it will rather add an appropriate entry in the report.txt file.

Interpreting test reports

Reports of individual tests are generated in the following format: :

Test: <component> (<test_case>)
Result: PASS / FAIL (<notes>)


  • component: The XMBurner component being tested (identified by its filename).
  • test_case: The test case, same as the number in the file name in the tests folder.
  • notes: Notes for the test result (may appear for PASS too).

Result most commonly will be either PASS or FAIL. It is possible that a test can not generate a result due to a flaw in XMBurner or due to the way the simulated processor anomaly interacts with the running code. This case "Result:" will print without a result, which should be interpreted as a failure.

Notes identify how the test failed (such as no detection, or a latter part of the library catching the anomaly), but passing tests may also supply such information (indicating whether an earlier detector caught an anomaly than what the test case intended to test).