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File metadata and controls

164 lines (113 loc) · 6.55 KB

Puppet-Related Issues

If you are experiencing an error when running puppet such as certificate verify failed then there are a few things that you can try in an attempt to troubleshoot the issue.

  1. Make sure that your system clocks are within one hour of each other.

  2. Ensure that the forward and reverse lookup for the FQDN of your systems is correct and matches the hostnames listed in the output of openssl x509 -text -noout -in $(puppet config print hostcert) | less

    HINT: Look at the Subject and X509v3 Subject Alternative Name sections.

  3. Check that the connection from the client system to the server can successfully connect:

    openssl s_client -host $(puppet config print server) \
    -port $(puppet config print masterport) \
    -cert $(puppet config print hostcert) \
    -key $(puppet config print hostprivkey) \
    -CAfile $(puppet config print localcacert)

If none of these items provides useful information, you may need to check permissions on your server and/or dig more closely into the puppetserver or client logs.

The bug FACT-1732 can cause Facter to crash while attempting to print a Bignum-sized number. On 64-bit systems, this is any integer greater than 4611686018427387903 [1].


Facts provided by SIMP's modules are not affected by FACT-1732.

  • This issue only affects facts introduced from non-SIMP sources.
  • It will cause the commands puppet agent -t --debug and facter -p to fail with errors when they encounter Bignum-sized numeric fact values.
  • You can fix your own facts to avoid FACT-1732 by returning any potentially large numeric value as a String.

Older versions of SIMP and FACT-1732

SIMP modules' facts haven't been susceptible to FACT-1732 since SIMP 6.1.0-0. Before that, the shmall and shmax facts from :program:`simp-simplib` would crash on systems with a lot of memory.

[1]4611686018427387904 == 2 62

The puppet generate types command addresses the problem of Puppet Environment isolation (SERVER-94) by generating :term:`custom type` metadata definitions for each environment. The command must therefore be re-run in response to changes in Puppet environments and compilers.

By default, SIMP automates some of these cases using :program:`incron` triggers. However, there are still some situations where you will have to make sure that puppet generate types is run.

Situations :program:`incron` handles automatically

By default, SIMP configures the :program:`incron` daemon to automatically run puppet generate types under either of the following circumstances:

This behavior is managed by the Puppet class pupmod::master::generate_types.

Differences from Previous versions of SIMP

Earlier versions of :program:`simp-pupmod` (7.6.0 through 7.7.1, shipped with SIMP 6.2.0-0 through 6.3.1-0) attempted to automatically trigger puppet generate types under every relevant circumstance. However, some of the triggers could add too much load on the system and were removed from the :program:`incron`'s watchlist.

These situations must be addressed by other means (see below).

:program:`incron` does not handle all cases, so you will need to ensure that puppet generate types is after the following events:

  • A new module that includes custom types is added to an existing environment.
  • An existing custom type's internal code is updated.

You can run the puppet generate types command as root on the Puppet Server. However, in order to ensure that the Puppet Server process can read the generated files, you must also ensure they have the correct ownership and permissions. One way to do this is by running the following command:

(umask 0027 && sg puppet -c 'puppet generate types --environment ENVIRONMENT')

This creates all files with the correct group ownership.

If you are using :term:`r10k` to deploy :term:`Control Repository` branches using r10k deploy environment, you can set the "generate_types" option in the :file:`r10k.yaml` file to automatically run :command:`puppet generate types` for each environment after it is deployed:

# Important: this option *must* be defined under a top-level `deploy:`
  generate_types: true

If you use :program:`r10k` to deploy modules as root on the Puppet Server, you must ensure that the generated files have the correct ownership and permissions for the Puppet Server process to read them. One way to do this is by running the following command:

( umask 0027 && sg puppet -c '/usr/share/simp/bin/r10k deploy environment production' )

This will deploy the environment with the correct permissions and group ownership. If deploy/generate_types is set to true, it will also generate environment-safe type metadata files with the same permissions and ownership.