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HOWTO Configure NFS

All implementations are based on the simp-nfs, simp-simp_nfs, and simp-simp modules.

For ease of explanation, examples in this section use the concept of a :term:`site profile` and are namespaced accordingly. The manifests are in a module called site. If using a different site profile, change the directory and the namespace in the examples.


simp-simp_nfs and simp-nfs are not core modules, and their corresponding packages, pupmod-simp-simp_nfs and pupmod-simp-nfs, may need to be installed prior to following this guide.


A number of issues may render NFS inoperable. Please read through the known issues below before deploying into your environment.

The autofs packages that were released with CentOS 6.8 (autofs-5.0.5-122) and CentOS 7.3 (autofs-5.0.7-56) worked properly over a :term:`stunnel` connection.

The releases shipped with CentOS 6.9 (5.0.5-132) and with CentOS 7.4 (5.0.7-69) prevent any connection from happening to the local stunnel process and break mounts to remote systems over stunnel connections.

The releases that ship with CentOS 6.10 (5.0.5-139) and CentOS 7.6 (5.0.7-99) have fixed the issue.

To use :term:`NFS` over stunnel and automount directories the old package must be used or you must update to the latest release.

To determine what version of autofs is installed, run automount -V.

To force the package to the desired version:

  • Make sure the package is available via your package-management facility then set the package version in :term:`Hiera`:

In :term:`EL` 7:

autofs::autofs_package_ensure: '5.0.7-99'

In :term:`EL` 6

autofs::autofs_package_ensure: '5.0.5-139'
  • Alternatively, ensure that the latest packages are available and set the following:
autofs::autofs_package_ensure: 'latest'

The associated bug reports can be found at:

The autofs option in nfs::client::mount resource currently only works with indirect wild-card mounts. For all other autofs options use the autofs module directly.

SIMP-2944 in JIRA Bug Tracking.

The simp-krb5 module is not fully integrated with NFS home directories at this time.

SIMP-1407 in JIRA Bug Tracking.

Goal: Export /var/nfs_share on the server, mount as /mnt/nfs on the client.


If anything in this section does not make sense, there is a full working example of how to export NFS home directories in the simp_nfs module.

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the site profile module is site and the manifest nfs_server.pp


class site::nfs_server (
  Stdlib::AbsolutePath                             $data_dir     = '/var/nfs_share',
  Simplib::Netlist                                 $trusted_nets = simplib::lookup('simp_options::trusted_nets', { 'default_value' => [''] }),
  Array[Enum['none','sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p']] $sec          = ['sys']
  include '::nfs::server'

  file { $data_dir:
    ensure => 'directory',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'root',
    mode   => '0644'

  if !$::nfs::stunnel {
    nfs::server::export { 'nfs_share':
      clients     => $trusted_nets,
      export_path => $data_dir,
      sec         => $sec,
      require     => File[$data_dir]
  else {
    # Stunnel needs to point at the local host
    nfs::server::export { 'nfs_share':
      clients     => [''],
      export_path => $data_dir,
      sec         => $sec,
      require     => File[$data_dir]

In hosts/<your_server_fqdn>.yaml:

nfs::is_server: true

  - 'site::nfs_server'

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the site profile module is site and the manifest nfs_client.pp

 class site::nfs_client (
  Simplib::Host                                    $nfs_server,
  Enum['none','sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p']        $sec = 'sys'

   $_mnt_point = '/mnt/nfs'

   file { "${_mnt_point}":
     ensure => 'directory',
     mode   => '755',
     owner  => 'root',
     group  => 'root'

   nfs::client::mount { "${_mnt_point}":
     nfs_server  => $nfs_server,
     remote_path => '/var/nfs_share',
     sec         => $sec,
     at_boot     => true,
     autofs      => false,
     require     => File["${_mnt_point}"]

In hosts/<your_client_fqdn>.yaml:

nfs::is_server: false
site::nfs_client::nfs_server: <your nfs server>

  - 'site::nfs_client'


Non-wildcard indirect autofs mounts configured via nfs::client::mount are not working properly at this time. See SIMP-2944 in our JIRA Bug Tracking. You may wish to manually configure the mount via autofs::map::master, and autofs::map::entry instead.


The simp_nfs module contains a further example that includes the use of a NFS root on the server and indirect autofs with wildcards on the client.

Goal: Export home directories for LDAP users.

Utilize the SIMP profile module simp_nfs:

  1. simp_nfs: Manages client and server configurations for managing NFS home directories.
  2. simp_nfs::create_home_dirs: Optional hourly cron job that binds to a :term:`LDAP` server, simp_options::ldap::uri by default, and creates a NFS home directory for all users in the LDAP server. Also expires any home directories for users that no longer exist in LDAP.


Any users logged onto a host at the time of module application will not have their home directories re-mounted until they log out and log back in.


The simp_nfs module utilizes an NFS root mount which must be used to export any further directories from this server. See :ref:`Additional_Directories` for an example of how to do this.

The following block of code should be entered in the Hiera YAML files of all systems that need to mount home directories. The default.yaml file will affect all systems.

nfs::is_server: false
simp_nfs::home_dir_server: <your nfs server>

  - simp_nfs
nfs::is_server: true
simp_nfs::export_home::create_home_dirs: true

  - simp_nfs::export::home

Goal: Export /var/nfs/share1 located on the server which is also sharing home directories set up by the simp-simp_nfs module. Mount the share to /share on client systems.

The simp-simp_nfs module utilizes a NFS root share. Any directories shared out in addition to the home directories must be mounted to the NFS root and shared from there. To see how the NFS root is created see the simp_nfs::export::home documentation.

The following example assumes you have set up the home server already following the instructions in the previous section.

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the site profile module is site and the manifest nfs_server.pp


class site::nfs_server (
#  Make sure the data_dir is the same as in simp_nfs.
Stdlib::Absolutepath                             $data_dir     = '/var',
Simplib::Netlist                                 $trusted_nets = simplib::lookup('simp_options::trusted_nets', { 'default_value' => [''] }),
Array[Enum['none','sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p']] $sec = ['sys'],
) {

#  Exporting directories from the home directory server when
#  using the simp_nfs module.
  include '::nfs::server'

# Create the directory where the data exists.
  file { '/var/nfs/share1':
    ensure => 'directory',
    mode   => '0755',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'root'

# Create a mount point under the nfs root created in simp_nfs.
  file { "${data_dir}/nfs/exports/share1":
    ensure => 'directory',
    mode   => '0755',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'root'

# Mount the share to the nfs_root created in simp_nfs.
  mount { "${data_dir}/nfs/exports/share1":
    ensure   => 'mounted',
    fstype   => 'none',
    device   => "/var/nfs/share1",
    remounts => true,
    options  => 'rw,bind',
    require  => [

# Export the directory
  if !$::nfs::stunnel {
    nfs::server::export { 'share1':
      clients     => nets2cidr($trusted_nets),
      export_path => "${data_dir}/nfs/exports/share1",
      rw          => true,
      sec         => $sec
  } else {
      nfs::server::export { 'share1':
      clients     => [''],
      export_path => "${data_dir}/nfs/exports/share1",
      rw          => true,
      sec         => $sec,
      insecure    => true

Include this manifest in the servers Hiera file.

  - site::nfs_server
  - simp_nfs

nfs::is_server: true

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the site profile module is site and the manifest nfs_client.pp


class site::nfs_client (
  Simplib::Host                      $nfs_server,
  Enum['sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p'] $sec           = 'sys',

  include nfs

  $mount_point = '/share'

  # Since it the nfs server uses a nfs_root, you only put the path
  # relative to the root.
  $remote_path = '/share1'

  if getvar('::nfs::client::is_server') {
    $_target = ''
  else {
    $_target = $nfs_server

  file { "${mount_point}":
    ensure => 'directory',
    mode   => '0755',
    owner  => 'root',

  nfs::client::mount { "${mount_point}":
    nfs_server         => $nfs_server,
    remote_path        => "${remote_path}",
    nfs_version        => 'nfs4',
    sec                => $sec,
    autofs             => false,
    at_boot            => true,

Then include this manifest in Hiera for any system that should mount this share.

  - site::nfs_client

nfs::is_server: false
site::nfs_client::nfs_server: server21.simp.test

Stunnel is a means to encrypt your NFS data during transit.

If simp_options::stunnel is set to true, you need only specify the following, in the server's :term:`YAML` file:


The following is set to prevent a cyclical connection of stunnel to itself, in the event the server is a client of itself.

nfs::client::stunnel::nfs_server: <your nfs server>

If simp_options::stunnel is set to false and you do not wish to globally enable stunnel, you will also need to set the following, in default.yaml:

nfs::stunnel: true

If simp_options::stunnel is set to true, but you do not want your NFS traffic to go through stunnel, set the following, in default.yaml:

nfs::stunnel: false

If simp_options::stunnel is set to false then stunnel is already disabled.


This functionality is incomplete. It does not work with home directories. See ticket SIMP-1407 in our JIRA Bug Tracking .

In addition to the sharing code (not the stunnel code) above, add the following:

  - 'krb5::keytab'

nfs::secure_nfs: true
simp_options::krb5: true

  - 'nfs'
  - 'krb5::kdc'
nfs::is_server: false

  - 'simp_nfs'