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File metadata and controls

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Classification and Data

Node Classification in SIMP

From the Puppet, Inc website:

Hiera is a key/value lookup tool for configuration data, built to set node-specific data without repeating yourself.

SIMP uses :term:`Hiera` to attempt to make configuration of the overall system easier for our end users by providing a simple, centralized, method for setting class parameters using automatic parameter lookup and as a method for basic node classification.

It is highly recommended that you read the Hiera Documentation prior to jumping into using a SIMP system.

Hiera in SIMP

As mentioned, SIMP users are expected to make extensive use of Hiera to set parameters, particularly those that are deep within the code.

The default Hiera hierarchy used by SIMP looks like the following:

  - 'yaml'
  # Most specific
  - 'hosts/%{trusted.certname}'
  - 'hosts/%{facts.fqdn}'
  - 'hosts/%{facts.hostname}'
  - 'domains/%{facts.domain}'
  - '%{}'
  - '%{}/%{facts.os.release.full}'
  - '%{}/%{facts.os.release.major}'
  - '%{}'
  - 'hostgroups/%{::hostgroup}'
  - 'default'
  - 'compliance_profiles/%{::compliance_profile}'
  - 'simp_config_settings'
  - 'scenarios/%{::simp_scenario}'
  # Least specific
:logger: 'puppet'
  :datadir: '/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/%{::environment}/hieradata'


This may not be accurate for your version of SIMP, please check your local Hiera settings!

The rest of this document will use this hierarchy as a reference.

Assigning Classes to Nodes

Assigning classes to nodes can be done in a few ways in SIMP. First, there is a a lookup function in /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/simp/manifests/site.pp that looks for an array called classes in your hierarchy. It also looks for an array called class_exclusions, which can be used to remove classes from the classes array. The classes that are included are the result of $classes - $class_exclusions. If classes need to be added to all nodes, a classes array could be added to the default.yaml in your hieradata, like this:

    - 'site::example_class'

A similar array could be created in any other layer in the hierarchy, and it will be merged with the 'unique' strategy by the lookup function noted above.

The SIMP profile module also includes other classes needed for a secure baseline, which are discused below in the simp scenarios section.

Assigning Defined Types to Nodes

Defined types do not have the ability to receive parameters via Hiera in the traditional sense. To include a defined type on a node, one could use create_resources, but this is messy and discouraged. Instead, create your own profile or add a class to the SIMP site module such as: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/simp/modules/site/manifests/my_site.pp.


You can find a working example of this in the :ref:`PXE_Boot` section of the documentation

SIMP File Structure

The default puppet environment in SIMP, located at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/simp, contains almost all necessary files for a Puppet infrastructure. It will look like this on a fresh SIMP system:

├── environment.conf
├── hieradata/
├── manifests/
└── modules/
  • environment.conf - Sets the environment to include the second SIMP modulepath.
  • manifests/ - Contains site.pp and all other node manifests.
  • hieradata/ - Default location of the yaml files which contain your node data
  • modules/ - Default install location of Puppet modules. Each module RPM copies files here during installation from /usr/share/simp/modules.

Second Modulepath

SIMP utilizes a second modulepath to ensure that deployment tools like r10k don't squash keydist and some krb5 files. The path is /var/simp/environments/simp/site_files/. :ref:`Certificates` are stored there.


├── CentOS -> RedHat/
├── compliance_profiles/
├── default.yaml
├── hostgroups/
├── hosts/
├── RedHat/
├── scenarios/
└── simp_config_settings.yaml
  • hieradata/hosts/ - By populating this directory with file, you can assign parameters to host
  • hieradata/domains/ - Same principal as hosts, but domain names.
  • hieradata/Redhat/ - RedHat-specific hiera settings.
  • hieradata/CentOS/ - CentOS-specific hiera settings, symlinked to hieradata/Redhat/.
  • hieradata/hostgroups/ - The hostgroup of a node can be computed in site.pp. Nodes assigned to hostgroup $hostgroup will read hiera from a file named <hostgroup>.yaml in this directory.
  • hieradata/default.yaml - Settings that should be applied to the entire infrastructure.
  • hieradata/simp_config_settings.yaml - Contains the variables needed to configure SIMP. Added by simp config.
  • hieradata/scenarios/ - Directory containing SIMP Scenarios, set in manifests/site.pp.

/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml - Hiera's config file, used to control the hierarchy of your backends. The order of the files above mirrors that order in the distributed hiera.yaml.

SIMP Scenarios

SIMP scenarios are groups of classes, settings, and simp_options that ensure the system is compliant and secure.

There are currently three SIMP scenarios: - simp - simp_lite - poss

The simp scenario includes all security features enabled by default, including iptables and svckill. This scenario is what stock SIMP used to look like in previous releases.

The simp_lite scenario offers many security features, with a few explicity turned off. This scenario was designed to make it easier to implement SIMP in an existing environment, because it might not be trivial to flip SELinux to Enforcing on all nodes.

The poss option is the barebones option. It only includes the pupmod class, to configure Puppet agent on clients. All of the simp_options default to false, so SIMP will not do a lot of modification to clients through Puppet when using this scenario.


The SIMP or Puppet server is exempt from most of these settings, and will be using most features from the simp scenario by default. The SIMP server should only have services on it related to Puppet and systems management, and SIMP modules all work with all security features enabled. See the puppet.your.domain.yaml in the hieradata/hosts directory for details.