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cgst committed Jul 11, 2010
1 parent 5cea6ef commit 048c272
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 92 deletions.
191 changes: 99 additions & 92 deletions popover.js
@@ -1,92 +1,99 @@
jQuery.fn.popover = function(a){

openedPO = null;
header = $(a.header).detach();
content = $(a.content).detach();
openEvent =;
closeEvent = a.close;

hidePopover = function(content){
content.attr("style", "");
if($.isFunction(closeEvent)) closeEvent();
openedPO = null;
return false;

$(this).append('<div class="floater"><div class="triangle"></div><div class="header"></div><div class="content"></div></div>');
$(".header", this).append(header);
$(".content", this).append(content);

button = $(this);
content = $(".floater", this);
//already opened
if(openedPO === this){
return true;
}else if(openedPO != null){
//Close the previous one
openedContent = $(".floater", openedPO);

triangle = $(".floater > .triangle", this);
leftOff = 0;
topOff = 0;
docWidth = $(document).width();
docHeight = $(document).height();
triangleSize = parseInt(triangle.css("border-bottom-width"));
contentWidth = content.outerWidth();
contentHeight = content.outerHeight();
buttonWidth = button.outerWidth();
buttonHeight = button.outerHeight()
offset = button.offset();

//Calculate topOff
topOff = + buttonHeight + triangleSize;
diffHeight = docHeight - (topOff + contentHeight + triangleSize );
if(diffHeight < 0){
//resize the content
content.height(content.height() + diffHeight);

//Calculate leftOff
leftOff = offset.left + ( buttonWidth - contentWidth)/2;
diffWidth = 0
if(leftOff < 0){
//out of the document at left
diffWidth = -leftOff;
}else if ( leftOff + contentWidth > docWidth){
//left of the screen right

diffWidth = leftOff + contentWidth - docWidth;

//position content
triangle.css("left", contentWidth/2 - triangleSize + diffWidth);

//resize the content for overflow
content.children(".content").css("max-height", content.height() -parseInt(content.children(".header").css("height")) - 7);

top: topOff,
left: leftOff - diffWidth

if ($(".popover").length === 0){
return hidePopover(content);
//Timeout for webkit transitions to take effect
window.setTimeout(function(){content.addClass("active");}, 0)
if($.isFunction(openEvent)) openEvent();
openedPO = this;
return false;
(function($) {
$.fn.popover = function(options) {
var defaults = {
openEvent: null,
closeEvent: null
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);

var openedPO = null;
var button = $(this);
var header = $(options.header).detach();
var content = $(options.content).detach();
var floater;

var hidePopover = function(content) {
content.attr("style", "");
if ($.isFunction(options.closeEvent)) options.closeEvent();
openedPO = null;
return false;

var showPopover = function() {
//already opened
if (openedPO === this){
return true;
} else if(openedPO != null){
// Close the previous one
hidePopover($(".floater", openedPO));

triangle = $(".floater > .triangle", this);
leftOff = 0;
topOff = 0;
docWidth = $(document).width();
docHeight = $(document).height();
triangleSize = parseInt(triangle.css("border-bottom-width"));
contentWidth = floater.outerWidth();
contentHeight = floater.outerHeight();
buttonWidth = button.outerWidth();
buttonHeight = button.outerHeight()
offset = button.offset();

//Calculate topOff
topOff = + buttonHeight + triangleSize;
diffHeight = docHeight - (topOff + contentHeight + triangleSize );
if(diffHeight < 0){
//resize the floater
floater.height(floater.height() + diffHeight);

//Calculate leftOff
leftOff = offset.left + ( buttonWidth - contentWidth)/2;
diffWidth = 0
if(leftOff < 0){
//out of the document at left
diffWidth = -leftOff;
}else if ( leftOff + contentWidth > docWidth){
//left of the screen right

diffWidth = leftOff + contentWidth - docWidth;

//position floater
triangle.css("left", contentWidth/2 - triangleSize + diffWidth);

//resize the floater for overflow
floater.children(".content").css("max-height", floater.height() -parseInt(floater.children(".header").css("height")) - 7);

top: topOff,
left: leftOff - diffWidth

if ($(".popover").length === 0){
return hidePopover(floater);
//Timeout for webkit transitions to take effect
window.setTimeout(function(){floater.addClass("active");}, 0)
if($.isFunction(options.openEvent)) options.openEvent();
openedPO = this;
return false;

floater = $('<div class="floater"><div class="triangle"></div>'
+ '<div class="header"></div><div class="content"></div>'
+ '</div>').appendTo(this);
$(".header", floater).append(header);
$(".content", floater).append(content);

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